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Thread: The Advertiser Sucks

  1. #37

    Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Just playing devils advocate, do you know for a fact that Buckley doesn't know it was forced?

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post
    Spot on. We all "know" (in quotes) that SF was forced to resign.

    Except... we don't actually know this for a fact. The official stance is that SF decided to change career paths.

    Now, if Tim Buckley has some evidence to back up his CLAIM that the resignation was forced, I'd like to hear it.

    Otherwise, he honestly owes his employer, his readers, and most of all Scott Farmer and his family an apology.

    You can say "forced" in your opinion if you want. But "forced resignation" is #fakenews.
    It was forced.. and we all know it.. And so does everyone in athletics.. and anyone that watched the press conference..

  3. Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Cajun View Post
    Here is a serious question.

    Photojournalists take ethics VERY seriously. If you look on photojournalist boards there are always discussions about what is "ethical manipulation" of a photo and the consensus is that there is NO ethically acceptable manipulation in photojournalism even if it is asking your subjects to stand in a certain position or even some "overcropping" of a photo.

    It seems that "journalists" don't have the slightest ethical standards.

    Case in point, BMV's pal Buckley wrote 2 articles the other day both using the phrase "forced resignation" of Farmer as AD. NO WHERE has there been an official statement that Farmer's resignation as AD was anything more than a mutual career change. But Buckley continues to state it as fact that his resignation was forced.

    No big deal, right? We all know that it was forced. Well not really. We take it for granted that the Cajun faithful forced him out. That's fine for bragging rights and an anonymous message board. But a journalist has to be held to higher standard. We here time and time again that "he's just reporting the facts." Actually, he is not reporting the facts. He is making up his own facts. If her does it with this, we have to assume he does it with everything. And Kevin Foote enables this so is just as guilty.
    ------Wait, you can't assume that he does it with everything, but that he possibly, having shown that he has done it, might use the same tactic again----I guess we need Raoul to set up the libel possibilities of this, as I think it involves malicious intent---In my years in photojournalism, I did have a great story of a presenter who told the saga of covering the homeless situation in a town---he ASKED a fellow if he could take his picture and the reply was affirmative, but only after he had put his shoes back on his feet!!! Probably one of the great rule violations of ethics at times is the permission to take/and/use photos!!!

  4. #40

    Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Probable doesn't because I'm sure he gets all his news from this message board instead of his newspaper because he knows his newspaper is trash.

    Yes, all the published information, news conferences, official announcements were that he was voluntarily stepping down.

    I have no problem calling Buckley out and have no respect for him since he has only contempt for the program that gives him his livelihood and agree with above about him owing those he defamed an apology. I fully expected a retraction in the stories where he said "forced resignation," but I obviously gave him and the Daily Advertiser and Kevin Foote more credit for being decent people than they deserve.

  5. #41

    Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    It was forced.. and we all know it.. And so does everyone in athletics.. and anyone that watched the press conference..
    That's not the point. I have conceded that it was forced.

    Again, as a individual, I can say that but he is stating something as an official position that is not. He could say "what appears to be the forced resignation." But to state it as fact is unethical and dishonest as a journalist.

  6. #42

    Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    It was forced.. and we all know it.. And so does everyone in athletics.. and anyone that watched the press conference..
    No doubt but I do follow the logic. As a journalist your held to a higher standard and have to back up your statements without question. When journalist report on crime they often use the terms "person of interest" and "alleged". We all know they did it!!

    You know it, I know it, the journalist knows it...but if he doesn't have the smoking gun he should be careful what he prints and make very clear what is opinion vs. fact and have the evidence to back it up. It is a slippery slope. The SF comment isn't a big deal but if that behavior continues into other areas of his work.....???

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Cajun View Post
    Probable doesn't because I'm sure he gets all his news from this message board instead of his newspaper because he knows his newspaper is trash.

    Yes, all the published information, news conferences, official announcements were that he was voluntarily stepping down.

    I have no problem calling Buckley out and have no respect for him since he has only contempt for the program that gives him his livelihood and agree with above about him owing those he defamed an apology. I fully expected a retraction in the stories where he said "forced resignation," but I obviously gave him and the Daily Advertiser and Kevin Foote more credit for being decent people than they deserve.
    I'm interested in the truth, not what a narrative set forth for "official" public consumption says.. Most people would probably prefer the truth.

    Buckle wrote the truth..

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Cajun View Post
    That's not the point. I have conceded that it was forced.

    Again, as a individual, I can say that but he is stating something as an official position that is not. He could say "what appears to be the forced resignation." But to state it as fact is unethical and dishonest as a journalist.
    But... it is fact.

  9. #45

    Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Cajun View Post
    That's not the point. I have conceded that it was forced.

    Again, as a individual, I can say that but he is stating something as an official position that is not. He could say "what appears to be the forced resignation." But to state it as fact is unethical and dishonest as a journalist.
    He was probably told off the record and made the statement with some assumption on his part. Now I can understand why that is a problem with some, but really who cares? This is a paper that has a circulation of around 18,000 right now and has cut staff down to the bone to survive. Yes, he is the beat writer, but I really don't care about his journalistic standards because it has and always will be about the bottom line. For the record, I don't read the Daily Advertiser that much and I don't understand why you, or anyone else would if you have a problem with the integrity of the journalist on staff.

  10. #46

    Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    He was probably told off the record and made the statement with some assumption on his part. Now I can understand why that is a problem with some, but really who cares? This is a paper that has a circulation of around 18,000 right now and has cut staff down to the bone to survive. Yes, he is the beat writer, but I really don't care about his journalistic standards because it has and always will be about the bottom line. For the record, I don't read the Daily Advertiser that much and I don't understand why you, or anyone else would if you have a problem with the integrity of the journalist on staff.
    I like to see "Daily Advertiser Sucks" at the top of the message board and not a big fan of the "bump" tactic. If I am going to post something it should be thought provoking and worthwhile.

  11. Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    It was forced.. and we all know it.. And so does everyone in athletics.. and anyone that watched the press conference..
    Are you happy with only hearing the final score?

    Do you only need the punch line to laugh at a joke.

    Do you pay bills that just anyone sends you?

    Do you go to a movie just to see the ending?

    A matter of fact journalist without facts is a cart before the horse writer.

    If the evolution is to be believed, connect the dots and show me the formula.

    Now if you say he was forced out, common knowledge right? Ok. But I'm a microfiche researcher and this claim has no legs. It's a head with no body.

  12. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Are you happy with only hearing the final score?

    Do you only need the punch line to laugh at a joke.

    Do you pay bills that just anyone sends you?

    Do you go to a movie just to see the ending?

    A matter of fact journalist without facts is a cart before the horse writer.

    If the evolution is to be believed, connect the dots and show me the formula.

    Now if you say he was forced out, common knowledge right? Ok. But I'm a microfiche researcher and this claim has no legs. It's a head with no body.
    Literally none of that applies here.

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