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Thread: The Advertiser Sucks

  1. #25

    Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    Fine. Then he should collect his paycheck as an investigative reporter and not a beat writer.
    So what you're telling me is a beat writer shouldn't be an "investigative reporter," but rather someone who just repeats what the university tells him to?

  2. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by USLJim View Post
    Isn't the newspapers of Lafayette and Monroe owned by Gannette News Agency(Canadian (liberal country) owned. They are afraid of hurting the Monrovians and NOT us. Even "The Times" of Shreveport is a Gannette newspaper. Let's face it " Louisiana" is an island surrounded by envious haters
    Yes, Gannett is part of a vast Canadian liberal conspiracy to call us UL Lafayette.

    You foiled their plot!!!

  3. #27

    Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Is there a free 'coasting through my job' clause in in Scott Clause's contract?

    How can he be that unaware?

    Buckley using "UL Monroe" is no better. It keeps everyone at the lowest denominator.
    I wonder if he rode his dad's coat tails into that job!

    His dad is Santa, right?

  4. Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by bmv90 View Post
    There was a story there. I found it interesting. Buckley is not on the university payroll; he is supposed to write interesting stories, and if they shine a negative light on UL (and here, it is debatable because it was discipline versus forgiveness), then so be it. As long as it is true and not false, and its interesting, its a story.
    The dueling OWI stories were written as a win/win but came across as a rudderless ship

  5. #29

    Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    Panic? Hysteria? I seriously doubt it. Using "UL" isn't the only issue with the DA. But Josh informed us long ago that the locals don't choose the titles of the articles. Regardless, that paper needs a massive amount of local counseling.
    I understand that the headlines are written in Monroe.

  6. #30

    Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by NewsCopy View Post
    Headline: "Advertiser PHOTOS: UL Lafayette vs. UL Monroe Football"

    What's new?

  7. #31

    Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun View Post
    I understand that the headlines are written in Monroe.
    today there were two or three meaningless articles about Monroe. About to cancel my subscription too.

  8. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    today there were two or three meaningless articles about Monroe. About to cancel my subscription too.
    Filler articles, nothing new.

  9. #33

    Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Filler articles, nothing new.
    The point would be that if they did more reporting on LFT area there would be less need for 'filler' articles. And I have reading the paper daily for many years....seeing more and more northern LA articles show up than ever before lately.

  10. Alumni Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    The point would be that if they did more reporting on LFT area there would be less need for 'filler' articles. And I have reading the paper daily for many years....seeing more and more northern LA articles show up than ever before lately.
    There should be zero N Louisiana articles unless they have a statewide impact or interest. I suppose if there were something impacting Acadiana or of interest to Acadiana also.

    They are simply reducing costs, and keeping their prices high.

  11. #35

    Default Re: The Advertiser Sucks

    Here is a serious question.

    Photojournalists take ethics VERY seriously. If you look on photojournalist boards there are always discussions about what is "ethical manipulation" of a photo and the consensus is that there is NO ethically acceptable manipulation in photojournalism even if it is asking your subjects to stand in a certain position or even some "overcropping" of a photo.

    It seems that "journalists" don't have the slightest ethical standards.

    Case in point, BMV's pal Buckley wrote 2 articles the other day both using the phrase "forced resignation" of Farmer as AD. NO WHERE has there been an official statement that Farmer's resignation as AD was anything more than a mutual career change. But Buckley continues to state it as fact that his resignation was forced.

    No big deal, right? We all know that it was forced. Well not really. We take it for granted that the Cajun faithful forced him out. That's fine for bragging rights and an anonymous message board. But a journalist has to be held to higher standard. We here time and time again that "he's just reporting the facts." Actually, he is not reporting the facts. He is making up his own facts. If her does it with this, we have to assume he does it with everything. And Kevin Foote enables this so is just as guilty.

  12. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Cajun View Post
    Here is a serious question.

    Photojournalists take ethics VERY seriously. If you look on photojournalist boards there are always discussions about what is "ethical manipulation" of a photo and the consensus is that there is NO ethically acceptable manipulation in photojournalism even if it is asking your subjects to stand in a certain position or even some "overcropping" of a photo.

    It seems that "journalists" don't have the slightest ethical standards.

    Case in point, BMV's pal Buckley wrote 2 articles the other day both using the phrase "forced resignation" of Farmer as AD. NO WHERE has there been an official statement that Farmer's resignation as AD was anything more than a mutual career change. But Buckley continues to state it as fact that his resignation was forced.

    No big deal, right? We all know that it was forced. Well not really. We take it for granted that the Cajun faithful forced him out. That's fine for bragging rights and an anonymous message board. But a journalist has to be held to higher standard. We here time and time again that "he's just reporting the facts." Actually, he is not reporting the facts. He is making up his own facts. If her does it with this, we have to assume he does it with everything. And Kevin Foote enables this so is just as guilty.
    Spot on. We all "know" (in quotes) that SF was forced to resign.

    Except... we don't actually know this for a fact. The official stance is that SF decided to change career paths.

    Now, if Tim Buckley has some evidence to back up his CLAIM that the resignation was forced, I'd like to hear it.

    Otherwise, he honestly owes his employer, his readers, and most of all Scott Farmer and his family an apology.

    You can say "forced" in your opinion if you want. But "forced resignation" is #fakenews.

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