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Thread: 2016: LA the new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

  1. #85

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    The FDL looks closer to False River/BR than Lafayette. Just saying.

  2. #86

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by SlickRick View Post
    The FDL looks closer to False River/BR than Lafayette. Just saying.
    It can be moved. Is that your only take on the logo?

  3. #87

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    My take: It looks incredibly dated. This looks like something designed in the 50s or 60s. It is retro in a not so good way.

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    It can be moved. Is that your only take on the logo?

  4. #88

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Dear UL administration,

    I went to the DMV yesterday to obtain a plate for our project car. My last purchase, I gladly paid the $100 fee to obtain a plate with "UL Ragin' Cajuns" and the fleur de lies on it, and supported our university.

    Today's version had the generic "Louisiana" at the top with Ragin' Cajuns at the bottom, and the ever popular hot wheels logo on it. I understand the inmates no longer make embossed plates and all are now generically flat. WHY CHANGE THE DESIGN???

    With the generic "Louisiana" on all state plates, the message WE as supporters want to see is NOT there. Sorry, you guys missed another "minor" $150.00 (yes, it went up). It honestly saddened me not to buy it, but message is watered down or actually not there, much like your crawfish job vs ULM a few years back.

    Besides doing a press release, please grow a set and stand firm.
    But the plates actually say "Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns" now. Isn't that good?

  5. #89

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    I don't doubt that this is real. T-Joe and Farmer see how many supporters and how much money they are losing by not doing anything proactive with regard to the Alden Report. This is something they can do for almost no money or effort. When they do something real, like buy production equipment or separate RCAF or hire someone like IMG to handle marketing and branding, let me know.
    I don't know if we'll ever see Dr. Savoie actually allow RCAF separation, but I do believe we'll see the Alden Report recommendations being done. It will just be at Doc's own pace, which is glacial, but better than Authement's, which was non-existent.

  6. #90

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    I don't know if we'll ever see Dr. Savoie actually allow RCAF separation, but I do believe we'll see the Alden Report recommendations being done. It will just be at Doc's own pace, which is glacial, but better than Authement's, which was non-existent.
    The questions will be done by whom? If it's attempted by the same incompetent people that are in place now, the results are inevitable.

  7. #91

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    I don't know if we'll ever see Dr. Savoie actually allow RCAF separation, but I do believe we'll see the Alden Report recommendations being done. It will just be at Doc's own pace, which is glacial, but better than Authement's, which was non-existent.
    I hope you are correct.

  8. #92

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    The questions will be done by whom? If it's attempted by the same incompetent people that are in place now, the results are inevitable.
    I predict that when, not if, when we address the staffing issue, the production issue, and the media rights issue we will have a new AD in place.

  9. #93


    Quote Originally Posted by Crawfish View Post
    My take: It looks incredibly dated. This looks like something designed in the 50s or 60s. It is retro in a not so good way.

    With a professional touch, it could be good though.

  10. #94

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    My initial thoughts:

    1. Very positive move in branding us as LOUISIANA and LA.
    2. We should NOT be telling anyone what NOT TO CALL US, only our preferred name.
    3. Dr. S needs to make sure that Bruno at ULM is aware of this and will not contest our use. That is important in getting the Sun Belt Conference to immediately begin calling us LOUISIANA.
    4. Dr. S needs to contact Benson at the SBC and demand our immediate recognition as LOUISIANA. Doubtful any other media will follow our request if our conference won't.
    5. We need to quit using Ragin Cajuns ONLY and start using LOUISIANA. Need to tie-in our moniker with our name.
    6. We now need to clean-up our logos using school colors and getting rid of the orange/yellow flames. See images below for examples.
    I don't disagree with your post, but I don't see it as anything more than cleaning up the confusion our marketing and branding departments created. While it is a first step in moving in the right direction, the purchase of the production equipment and training of our staff should be priority in moving the new brand forward.

  11. #95

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    I predict that when, not if, when we address the staffing issue, the production issue, and the media rights issue we will have a new AD in place.
    You will have your answer by the end of July.

  12. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    I don't doubt that this is real. T-Joe and Farmer see how many supporters and how much money they are losing by not doing anything proactive with regard to the Alden Report. This is something they can do for almost no money or effort. When they do something real, like buy production equipment or separate RCAF or hire someone like IMG to handle marketing and branding, let me know.
    I think showing your hand to the state is the biggest step. I also think that once the rest of the state is finished complaining, AP and ESPN are on board, and the fanbase (staff/players/students too) are all informed of our identity going forward, we can cement this change pretty painlessly.

    This is a key component to the Alden Report and while it's going slower than we want, at least it's happening. And I said this when the Big 12 announced no expansion.. This could be the shot in the arm that we need. The delay gives us extra time to act. Maybe admin felt like to much had to be done in too little amount of time (like cramming for a final in 30 minutes).

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