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Thread: 2016: LA the new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

  1. #145

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by DieHard1280 View Post
    I don't know who (ESPN? Uverse?) is responsible for this, but this was my Uverse app from last night.
    I have uverse as well, they have been doing this for years. Nothing new.

    And its Uverse not ESPN, it shows up like this no matter what channel we are on.

  2. #146

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by DieHard1280 View Post
    I don't know who (ESPN? Uverse?) is responsible for this, but this was my Uverse app from last night.
    Yea. I had Uverse back in 2014, and I remember seeing Louisiana.

  3. #147

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

  4. #148

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    A few years ago Turbine put forth using LA (since its legal) instead of pushing UL. While I always liked saying UL, it shouldn't be too difficult adjusting to LA. If using LA gets us away from the ridiculous name challenges both in state and in media then We The People should be supportive. If the branding takes us in the direction of caps or helmets have LA on it, I'm fine with it. We are Louisiana.

  5. #149

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    LA is just for ticket or stats, it's not to start calling us La over UL. In conversation it's still UL. Like Houstoncajun likes to compare us to Texas longhorns...they say Texas or UT, but for tickers and stats they have "Tex". No one walks around saying Tex.

  6. #150


    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxCajuns View Post
    LA is just for ticket or stats, it's not to start calling us La over UL. In conversation it's still UL. Like Houstoncajun likes to compare us to Texas longhorns...they say Texas or UT, but for tickers and stats they have "Tex". No one walks around saying Tex.
    In conversation with non-LA people, I never use "UL, Cajuns, Ragin' Cajuns, or anything else. I exclusively use "Louisiana."

  7. #151

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Found a stream of the game online. It has Lafayette as the name.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post

    Now if we could play like we're LA.

  9. #153

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunDreDog View Post
    Found a stream of the game online. It has Lafayette as the name.

  10. #154

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin' Caleb View Post
    Probably gonna have to wait til next year to get any of this changes. I'm just happy things are getting changed and we are pushing this. Makes the waiting easier
    Interestingly, when UALR wanted to be known as Little Rock, it was immediately accepted by everyone. I wonder if anyone is following up with the media and conference on this or is it just a simple release and hope for the best? Why hasn't the SBC come on board if ULM is supposedly OK with it?

  11. #155

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Interestingly, when UALR wanted to be known as Little Rock, it was immediately accepted by everyone. I wonder if anyone is following up with the media and conference on this or is it just a simple release and hope for the best? Why hasn't the SBC come on board if ULM is supposedly OK with it?
    How do you know ulm is okay with it? Not suprised espn isn't changing this immediately though

  12. #156

    Default Re: LA - The new "official" abbreviation for stats, crawls, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxCajuns View Post
    LA is just for ticket or stats, it's not to start calling us La over UL. In conversation it's still UL. Like Houstoncajun likes to compare us to Texas longhorns...they say Texas or UT, but for tickers and stats they have "Tex". No one walks around saying Tex.
    Yep. Well said

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