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Thread: UL offensive coordinator: We're trying to hold it all together

  1. #49
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: UL offensive coordinator: We're trying to hold it all together

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    I see your point.

    I just hate what we do on offense against better D lines. We come out in 3 WR sets and 1 RB. We are either flinging it sideways for no gain, running ELI into a wall, or lofting 50/50 balls. It is PAINFUL to watch that offense.

    If Hud insists on having running QBs, then he needs to RUN THEM for his offense to work. If AJ is hurt, he needs to sit. We saw what Davis is capable of running the ball.

    The way forward is clear to me. If AJ is healthy, he needs to play and RUN more than he passes. If AJ is injured, he needs to sit for Davis.
    I don't ever agree that a better running QB should sub in for a better passing QB. But in Hud's offense, it's almost mindboggling that he hasn't pushed Davis into service. Again, I'm not saying he should... but given how Hud wants to operate the offense... I'm surprised Davis... if not Ray... isn't taking snaps. Jennings doesn't have the wheels he had at LSU. He didn't have blazing speed... but he was a powerful runner. And with Hud having limited Jennings throws... I'm really surprised he doesn't go ahead and pull the trigger on Davis.

  2. #50

    Default Re: UL offensive coordinator: We're trying to hold it all together

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    I don't ever agree that a better running QB should sub in for a better passing QB. But in Hud's offense, it's almost mindboggling that he hasn't pushed Davis into service. Again, I'm not saying he should... but given how Hud wants to operate the offense... I'm surprised Davis... if not Ray... isn't taking snaps. Jennings doesn't have the wheels he had at LSU. He didn't have blazing speed... but he was a powerful runner. And with Hud having limited Jennings throws... I'm really surprised he doesn't go ahead and pull the trigger on Davis.
    I know what you are saying, so this is not really in response to that. I agree, I'm shocked Davis hasn't played more, given how much Nixon played with little to no passing ability.

    IMHO Hud's offense doesn't need the quarterback to be a better runner than passer....but he must be a serviceable runner. Especially this year with our line problems. Gautier was no Dezmo, but he ran for like 500 yards and a 4+ per rush average the year he started. I think that's the minimum level of runner that Hud's offense requires.

  3. #51

    Default Re: UL offensive coordinator: We're trying to hold it all together

    You are crazy if you think Haack is as good as AJ

  4. #52

    Default Re: UL offensive coordinator: We're trying to hold it all together

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Mike how many straws does it take to break a camels back. We need to continue to let the administration know of our extreme disappointment. Message boards is the very least we could do, boycotting the concessions is the next, and probably we should.
    Concession stand boycotting would have much more impact if the administration knew that was the intent. I have never seen the message board posts impact any decisions. Note, there is some benefit to the venting that posting allows.

  5. #53

    Default Re: UL offensive coordinator: We're trying to hold it all together

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin' Caleb View Post
    You are crazy if you think Haack is as good as AJ
    On paper he shouldn't be. But Haack can do everything they are asking Jennings to do. Jennings very seldom / almost never throws any thing in the middle of the field. Most of what he throws down field is at the boundary so if he misses its out of bounds.

  6. #54

    Default Re: UL offensive coordinator: We're trying to hold it all together

    We would not have 3 wins if Haack was still the QB. He may be a good guy but he is not a difference maker and is proving it this year.

  7. #55

    Default Re: UL offensive coordinator: We're trying to hold it all together

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    We would not have 3 wins if Haack was still the QB. He may be a good guy but he is not a difference maker and is proving it this year.
    Definitely won't disagree with that I thought JD should have come in early last year. Haack has proven to not be a difference maker as AJ is proving to be also. They are proving to be one in the same.

  8. #56

    Default Re: UL offensive coordinator: We're trying to hold it all together

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    I don't ever agree that a better running QB should sub in for a better passing QB. But in Hud's offense, it's almost mindboggling that he hasn't pushed Davis into service. Again, I'm not saying he should... but given how Hud wants to operate the offense... I'm surprised Davis... if not Ray... isn't taking snaps. Jennings doesn't have the wheels he had at LSU. He didn't have blazing speed... but he was a powerful runner. And with Hud having limited Jennings throws... I'm really surprised he doesn't go ahead and pull the trigger on Davis.
    I will say it again, while others have made valid points it's not surprising to me that the Jennings has played well enough in all three games we have won because of decent play from the offensive line. While people want to continue to talk about QB's, I tend to include the play of the offensive line and receivers in determining how well the QB plays in Hud's offense. That dynamic continues to be dismissed. Until this team hits six losses, I'm not ready to turn the reins over to Davis. At that point, Davis can have the rest of the season to build his resume or begin his journey out the program. I don't believe Dion Ray will be part of this program after this season.

    Now, I will ask this question again....can anyone point to Davis's body of work the lends people to believe just because he runs well he will be much better than Jennings? Because I didn't see it in the spring when he receive the majority of the snaps or the practices I've attended this fall. Other than the occasional wow play with a scramble or bullet pass into coverage, he has yet to show me that he can manage an offense down field consistently without making poor decisions. Don't fix what ain't broken, until it's actually broken.

  9. UL Football Re: UL offensive coordinator: We're trying to hold it all together

    It's broken T, Jennings is afraid to let it go. He's overly worried that he makes a bad decision. That is what I am seeing because I have seen him throw much more decisive passes than the last two games.

    I totally agree with OLine play, but this week it was good, he had time and still could not find the open receivers down field that the color guy kept seeing.

  10. #58

    Default Re: UL offensive coordinator: We're trying to hold it all together

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    It's broken T, Jennings is afraid to let it go. He's overly worried that he makes a bad decision. That is what I am seeing because I have seen him throw much more decisive passes than the last two games.

    I totally agree with OLine play, but this week it was good, he had time and still could not find the open receivers down field that the color guy kept seeing.
    Yet he was 17 of 22 Express, that is good enough at this time. He did miss one wide open receiver in the endzone, but he is doing exactly what Hudspeth wants in not turning over the ball. If he is functioning in Hud's offense, how is he broken? Look, if Davis is your answer to fixing it, then explain to me how do you come to that conclusion? Because he looks good running in a uniform?

  11. Default Re: UL offensive coordinator: We're trying to hold it all together

    He should have been 17/22. 90% of the passes were designed to be high completions with yak. The broken part is his fear to wing it like he did here and LSU until he became a turnover machine. We're going to see if those lobs do the job the rest of the season.

  12. #60

    Default Re: UL offensive coordinator: We're trying to hold it all together

    Quote Originally Posted by FacelessBuffoon View Post
    On paper he shouldn't be. But Haack can do everything they are asking Jennings to do. Jennings very seldom / almost never throws any thing in the middle of the field. Most of what he throws down field is at the boundary so if he misses its out of bounds.
    Haack has only led his team to one win against a div 2 school and threw a pick six and looked terrible against mcneese

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