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Thread: Rankings

  1. #73

    Default Re: Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by ULwarhawksRULE View Post
    _ well I really think it is you that needs to crawl from under a rock. You know I was wondering earlier... You know how you sign up on the site that you have to agree to abide by all laws in the state of Louisiana why is it that there is an auto-editor on this site to edit posts into breaking the law? I always wondered that, found it pretty funny. Ok, I'm done playing around, it has been fun...I'll leave y'all alone for a while now, I just had to have a little fun tonight. I don't post much, it really is just so much fun coming on here every now and again. _
    You will be missed! I honestly don't know how this board will manage without your superior logic and problem solving skills.
    Best of luck to your Warhawks next year!

  2. #74

    Default Re: Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by HOUCajun View Post
    _ You will be missed! I honestly don't know how this board will manage without your superior logic and problem solving skills.
    Best of luck to your Warhawks next year! _
    He's an LSU latch-on. Don't bother with him/her.

  3. #75

    Default Re: Rankings

    What the Warhawks guy doesnt mention is that even though LSU is the oldest university it was basicly destined to be McNeese east until Huey P Long decided that all power needs to be centered in Baton Rouge. The state still suffers mightly because of what Huey Long did. Seriously, were a third world state. Our education is bottom of the barrell. Why? Easy because education is not one of the protected slush funds that crooked Louisiana politicians love so dearly. Our roads are atrocious compared to every other state in the union. We also have portions of government dedicated to keeping LSU the "flagship". Wow, yes that little piece of legislation you have in your signature line is a gross mismanagement of state funds. But you champion it as groundbreaking. You remember what happened in 1983? Yeah the University of Louisiana was born, and killed in one year. Why did this happen? Because LSU and the state saw a smidgen of anyone other than themselves trying to become better. That cannot happen in Louisiana. Because if it does then LSU's empire will crumble.

    He keeps saying UL's athletic department is socialized. This is why he fails miserably and is more than likely reading at a 4th grade level. He likely was reading the Drudge report and like the word socialized and decided to apply it to everything bad. I can see him walking into his kids dirty room and saying this room is dirty and socialized. LSU has recieved so, so, so much more in government funds, help, legislation, i can go on forever. Sure they are self sufficient, but that was because of mountains and mountains of government help when they werent winning. But our program is socialized. What we are able to apply from our budget to Athletics is not and will never be enough to run a D-1 program. This is why he fails miserably. If we were a socialized athletic program we would be getting like 40 million from the government to run this program. 10 million is not enough to run a program. We are not socialized, if we were we wouldnt need a private athletic foundation. Again this is why the warhawk guy fails.

    Really this guy is prolly just a normal stater guy. Im sure he has LSU stickers all over his vehicle, maybe even obstructing his rear view mirror which is one easy way to tell how intelligent a state fan is. He is in no way as intelligent as bballaholic, one of our better state fans on this site. So we should just berate him and let him fall by the wayside. Consequently, does anyone think riverranchman and warharksrule are the same guy?

  4. #76

    Default Re: Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by ULwarhawksRULE View Post
    _ well I really think it is you that needs to crawl from under a rock. You know I was wondering earlier... You know how you sign up on the site that you have to agree to abide by all laws in the state of Louisiana why is it that there is an auto-editor on this site to edit posts into breaking the law? I always wondered that, found it pretty funny. Ok, I'm done playing around, it has been fun...I'll leave y'all alone for a while now, I just had to have a little fun tonight. I don't post much, it really is just so much fun coming on here every now and again. _
    Feel free to try to make a citizens arrest, Gomer.

  5. #77
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by ULwarhawksRULE View Post
    _ Lets talk about achievement...Tier 4, wonderful! Socailized crappy athletics program run by tax payer money, as well probably the ugliest campus in Louisiana. How great would it be the state mandated you be in I-AA if you take more than 3M from the state in athletics. You talk about the state holding you back, why is it that USL gets the most athletic funding in the state? USL doing less with more since 1900. _
    Imposter... first of all, UL has done more with academic growth and contribution than anyone in this state since 1900, with less direct help from the state than all other state schools combined. I don't knock these schools because of it, but every other state school (I'll get to LSU in a moment) has required greater financial assistance just to keep their doors open, due to the rural and/or lack of economic status of their regions. Not that UL made it happen, but Lafayette and the oil and gas industry made UL substantially more capable of program growth and improvement independence (academics) than any other Louisiana state school. That is why UL is currently singled out as deviating from the mandated higher education state school missions... we have advanced graduate programs and research endowments WITHOUT support from the state. Shame on us.

    Second, if you claim to also be a Tech fan (besides your love for LSU - both of which are perfectly acceptable to me), 90% of your slams against UL are equally applicable to Tech.

    Get this straight... LSU being athletically financially independent... now... after 60 years of major direct tax dollar infusion, while everyone else was starved to accomplish it... is not something to brag about. That is like some rich kid saying that he's financially independent from his parents... after they put $5million in his bank account.

    Everyone has a right to like whatever they wish to like... and yes, if you enter any parish prison or state penitentiary, you can start up a huge chant of "LSU, LSU, LSU...". I have tremendous LSU friends (and Tech friends) and those with solid grey matter, do not make these kindergarten comments and attacks that you keep saddling on your back.

    If you were more intelligent and had some serious banter about you, I might take it up a notch and beeyotch slap you all day long. Some of my esteemed Cajuns friends on here enjoy playing your game. I think you're a boring unimaginative slug. Word of advice... go find something to discuss that you like, with people that you like. It pays far more dividends than practicing this juvenile attack on Ragin Cajun fans. You may not like what we say, but we say it on OUR FORUM.

    No response necessary... I am on to better subjects and better people.

  6. #78

    Default Re: Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by ULwarhawksRULE View Post
    _ well I really think it is you that needs to crawl from under a rock. You know I was wondering earlier... You know how you sign up on the site that you have to agree to abide by all laws in the state of Louisiana why is it that there is an auto-editor on this site to edit posts into breaking the law? I always wondered that, found it pretty funny. Ok, I'm done playing around, it has been fun...I'll leave y'all alone for a while now, I just had to have a little fun tonight. I don't post much, it really is just so much fun coming on here every now and again. _

    The law only requires the university to follow the name rule, not anyone else. And, it can call itself Louisiana which is not in violation. The Advertiser, every tv station, ESPN, etc. can call us whatever they want. They are not obligated by the law. The ONLY area the university stretches the law is in use of UL and then only athletically. Academically, it always refers to itself as the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

    UL may be a Tier 4 like LA Tech, but it remains head and shoulders above any other state university other than LSU. I wish someone would again post information about UL's Doctoral and Carnegie levels, its endowment, its research dollars, academic successes as compared to other state schools. You would see that UL is clearly #2 behind LSU.

    I agree with you that universities should be self-supporting when it comes to athletics and UL has done a poor job in that area. It gets more state funding because it is the second largest university in the state. LSU still gets state funding in areas like coaches salaries where they get the maximum allowable to be paid by the state then supplement with TAF. That is the way it should be.

    I don't understand your hatred for UL. What has it ever done to you to cause that? Is it because UL is always trying to better itself despite LSU's grip on the state? Is it because we are the 2nd largest university in the state and see ourselves as the leading university in the UL System? Is it because we view ourselves in a positive light, despite our mediocre athletic accomplishments? Is it because we call ourselves UL and Louisiana and you don't feel we have the right to do so?

    I appreciate the fact that your parents may have gone to LSU and you grew up loving LSU football and that you went to LA Tech and your support goes to your alma mater and Tech. Just because you live in Lafayette, you don't have to support it. I live in Houston and I don't support UH or Rice. But, I don't get on their forums and continually bad mouth the universities because I think UT or Texas A&M are far superior or because the UH President wants to move UH to a Tier 1 status. In Texas, competition is a good thing, even in higher education. In Louisiana, it is all about one university having it all and every other university knowing its place. UL has never settled with knowing its place and continually strives to be the best that it can be. For some reason, that irks a lot of people and it apparently irks you.

    This is supposed to be a fun board discussing UL sports. It often gets tainted with discussions like this that I just don't get. If you don't like UL, then fine. I can live with that. But, why the need to come here and start these kind of inflamatory discussions? Since you live in Lafayette, if you ever give UL a chance, you just might like it. If you don't ever want to give it a try, then leave us alone. Just let us do what we do in trying to make UL a better university.

  7. #79

    Default Re: Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by ULwarhawksRULE View Post
    _ well I really think it is you that needs to crawl from under a rock. You know I was wondering earlier... You know how you sign up on the site that you have to agree to abide by all laws in the state of Louisiana why is it that there is an auto-editor on this site to edit posts into breaking the law? I always wondered that, found it pretty funny. Ok, I'm done playing around, it has been fun...I'll leave y'all alone for a while now, I just had to have a little fun tonight. I don't post much, it really is just so much fun coming on here every now and again. _
    Nice piece, go drees up that dreary campus of yours and bring it up to speed for the current century. That place, even with new fences around HS-style buildings, still reeks. The ONLY thing it has going for it is a pill-counter curriculum. Otherwise, it is X to the minus zero in a BIG way. U L -Louisville Ave. hmmm, that sounds more appropriate. BTW, what is a warhawk??

  8. #80

    Default Re: Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by ULwarhawksRULE View Post
    _ I bet UL/L would love to have the $250,000 from having an extra 10,000 people in the seats to support their socialized Louisiana tax payer run athletic would be great if you were able to choose which athletic dept your tax dollars went to support instead of the state saying UL/L will get $6M, LA Tech $4.5M, ULM $4M... _
    If your idea of supporting your wife is just taking her to Red Lobster 6-12 times per year...

    "Support" is much deeper than buying tickets to a game or taking someone to dinner.

  9. #81

    Default Re: Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    UL may be a Tier 4 like LA Tech, but it remains head and shoulders above any other state university other than LSU. I wish someone would again post information about UL's Doctoral and Carnegie levels, its endowment, its research dollars, academic successes as compared to other state schools. You would see that UL is clearly #2 behind LSU.

    Not exactly. Tech is now considered a tier 3 school.

    I felt that needed to be pointed out.

    My younger brother attends UL and I have since grown to respect what it has done athletically and especially academically. I don't understand this guy's beef with your school and why he parades around under the warhawk name; he is obviously just a LSU homer. LSU has been, and may always be, the fat cat at the table while all other university fight over the scraps. I do think UL and Tech have done a great job with this BS arrangement by the politikers in Baton Rouge and hope one day we can find ourselves at the table.

    A true blue Tech fan

  10. Default Re: Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by ULwarhawksRULE View Post
    Like the please call us UL and Louisiana, we are the largest in our system...please let us be a flagship even though we didn't prexist 3 of the other UL-system schools. Now thats false! If you think that 90% of this state aren't LSU fans you are really really really blinded and need to leave the 20 mile radius of lafayette. LSU is the flagship because the state says so.
    With your logic Louisiana would run a 21st Century bullet train track (if built) from Washington just north of Opelousas straight to New Orleans. I-10 would have never been built.

    Geaux Cajuns

  11. Default Re: Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by ULwarhawksRULE View Post
    _ Lets talk about achievement...Tier 4, wonderful! Socailized crappy athletics program run by tax payer money, as well probably the ugliest campus in Louisiana. How great would it be the state mandated you be in I-AA if you take more than 3M from the state in athletics. You talk about the state holding you back, why is it that USL gets the most athletic funding in the state? USL doing less with more since 1900. _
    the more you post the more the ad hominem comes out-------Your entire thought pattern as per your last post is all anti UL----You have been made dude----sorry you won't get all your wishes---btw we get the most funding because of the system that was set up based upon number of students--imagine that many kids wanting to go to crappy UL---and academic achievement ---if you stick around you will notice that we have again--accomplished the most with the least-----Sorry if you are jealous!!!!

  12. Default Re: Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by ULwarhawksRULE View Post
    _ I do the same thing you do, the only difference is I am not blinded. I represent 90% of the state of Louisiana and their views. What state do you live in then? There is only one "flagship" state school in Louisiana and that is Louisiana State University. I've never read, seen, or heard of any others released by the state of Louisiana. You don't have to like it...but it is what it is. _
    Hey just using your logic---I live in the South --ergo I pull for a great school that surpasses LSU in EVERYTHING with maybe with the exception of the baseball team or minor sports------Roll Tide ----OH no ---busted your stupid logic!!!!! Keep posting so we can wreck that Tech education----btw they must love you in Ruston--go back!!!!!

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