You're missing the ruse. Hud can take blame and still not identify the player or players. "Media and fans, I take the blame for John having not done well last night. He didn't even belong in the game. Fred should have played. Fred would have done better than John. But it's my fault we played that fool of a player named John. I'd also like to point out that my old teams played better than this team... they played like App State... this one sucks. But remember when I had a great team. That was me. I'm one of the few people still in the program that was there when we were great. So I'm still great. It's the people around me right now that aren't. I got rid of Melvin for the ____ sandwich last year... and the poor start this year... I'll be throwing someone else under the bus pretty soon for the ____ show still being displayed. I think it might be the left tackle I'll point out to you next week... as having not been who I should have played. But rest assured... I'm still the guy that used to have a team like App State. It's not me then. It's these other clowns wearing red. But I will point them out to you week to week and let you know which one failed... that I take responsibility for... but again... I was around when we were like App State... winning and stuff... so let's hold onto my rope and see who in this ____ show wearing red I can cut loose from the rope until someone comes along and makes me and the rope look like App State again."