When HUD got here he said he would scheme to the players he had and recruit to the scheme he wanted to be. Little did we know Bustle and staff were better recruiters and recruited players that fit jay Johnson's scheme better and that HUD's scheme sucks and he can't recruit to his own scheme. HUD's initiwlnenergy and bustles blue collar players were a perfect mix. We no longer recruit blue collar football players...we recruit "big time" athletes that look good in pads. It's pretty obvious HUD is very conscious of personal appearance, he thinks if you simply look like a D1 football team you will play like one. How many times have you heard him say how good we look? Like literally, what we look like? How big we are etc? I think HUD has lost his edge, his coaches amd the lockeroom. Unfortunately, when that happens you are done..there is no fixing it. You can't get a restart button in football...too many coaches and players, you can't get rid of them all. The man obviously refuses to change or listen to anyone. The fact is, with the exception of the handfull of really good ones, 90% of coaches overstay their welcome and/or leave on bad terms. In hindsight we should have let HUD move on after year 3 or 4, if nothing else to remove the stigma of a coaching graveyard. However, we didn't and I think HUD will actually leave this team worse than we he got it, the cupboard will be bare for the next coach but at least he will have a facility to recruit to.