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Thread: Hudspeth sees pros, cons to midweek games

  1. #25

    Default Re: Hudspeth sees pros, cons to midweek games

    3 things are killing the NFL.

    1)Salary Cap

    No more dynasties. Talent is diluted. Very little fan/player connections being developed.

    The bad teams are just as bad as before. The good teams are not as good as before.

    2) Saturation

    Used to be Sunday and MNF. It was appointment television. Now, who cares? There are games seemingly every other night. And, it is usually bad football. I'd rather watch Big Bang Theory re-runs.

    3) Political Correctness

    This is killing America, not just the NFL, but that is a another story. The NFL used to have zero tolerance for PC bullcarp. Now, they have zero tolerance for any dissension to their PC bullcarp.

    When you dance with the Devil. You don't change the Devil. The Devil changes you.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I never watched football for pregame ceremonies so I am not a good judge of this.
    Neither do I, and most people. Still it's a big deal and garnered positive and negative momentum.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by alum81 View Post
    Many of us have cut the cable TV cord. I only have internet TV now so no more live NFL. I don't miss it for many of the reasons stated here.
    How's that working for you? How many channels you get. How many TV sets? How's your costs? Just curious.

    The wife and I watch too much TV. We're not satisfied with over the air channels, premium channels like HBO, Stars, Showtime, cable network like TNT, Fx, and many others. I've got two needed recorders. I need the entire spectrum of channels plus the ability to record for lean weeks. Additionally Netflix, Apple TV for more sports.

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