In Louisiana, you ARE NOT required to have a permit to buy a gun. You are required to pass the federal background check.
If a citizen wants to carry a gun openly, they may do so. However, they are required, to allow a police officer to disarm them and they are required to submit to questioning. ALL gun free zones apply to open carry.
If anyone thinks that a person who may be carrying openly will not be stop and questioned is in need of a serious reality check.
The concealed carry permit allows a person, after taking a gun safety course, applying through a lengthy process and pass a more stringent background check than just to buy a gun, to carry a gun that is concealed. The person is still bound to all no gun zones and must allow a police officer to disarm them and submit themselves for questioning.
Exercising a person's constitutional, whether it is free speech or a right to bear arms, comes with immense responsibility and should never be taken lightly.