Because we, not just Tulane, had a part in us losing that game. It isn't just about the record. It showed that Hud, offensely, isn't much different than Hud, offensively, from last year. We'd be 0-4 at this point without AJ. Hud isn't "putting the spread in the spread". He's counting on the athletes to just go out and out athlete the opponents. He knows Eli is great... only has him this year... so how could you not run him like a rented mule?
The key to this year and our future years... is mixing it up like a mofo. It's key to Hud recovering his reputation. We were never that good with Hud. We blinked and fell on our ___ last year. Hud needs to come to the realization that it's past time to go for it. He doesn't have that much to lose. He should have taken the juice he got from squeaking out 8-4s and went to extremely dangerous offenses. UL cannot and will not Hud our way into greatness. He needs to stay, even after massive failure, with the "spread right off the edge of the bread" mentality. We'll forgive that kind of failure. What won't be forgiven is conservative failure. Never has, never will.
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