The last person I need to be called out by is BOP. Chances are I wont make a game this year. Fair weather fan? Maybe... so what? We have a fair weather administration. Check mate.
The last person I need to be called out by is BOP. Chances are I wont make a game this year. Fair weather fan? Maybe... so what? We have a fair weather administration. Check mate.
Jay the ____ who?
Ul,jay,t slow, shat framer,hud better realize that on the verge of losing their passionate fan base. But instead they poking the bull in the azz in defiance
What a tool. The fans? Kiss my ___. I was there from top to tail, and I blame exactly no student or fan for not being there for that coaching clown show. Jay is in perfect harmony with a disconnected administration. The fans?! Kiss my ___.
I applaud you guys for reading that. I retired from reading Jay's blogs. I forget why but for some reason Edward R Murrow keeps coming to mind
Last time I checked fans don't play offense or defense. They don't run or pass block, don't run routes, don't cover wide receivers, and don't tackle. Most importantly, they don't coach. Jay needs to focus his attention on the product on the field and why we were totally unprepared for the Boise State game.
Boise was not going to be rattled by our fans even with a full stadium. They are experienced with playing big teams in big crowds. I did my part and stayed the whole game. Masochism at its best.
He's bought into the Corner Bar BS conversation that hangs part of the blame for UL success on "the fans". Our admin thinks the same way. They aren't leaders. They think they're hosting a party we're supposed to pay for and make happen. BS. I'd drop my cannon balls on the football field to smash an opponent without one single fan within earshot. I could give a ____. When I deserve fans... they'll be there. THAT'S HOW IT WORKS... when you have big balls. Five year old girls need fans in the stands for tumbling competitions.
Only a bull without balls looks for who's watching. A real bull puts the horn up your ___ and throws you into another zip code when you enter his field. He doesn't check the stands. He doesn't bow before or after. He snorts once for good measure... and then he rolls 2500 pounds behind two rock hard horns... and then he makes sure only one big set of balls are hanging in field.
Fans?! Are you kidding me?!
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