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Thread: DC: Melvin Smith Fired

  1. #193

    Default Re: DC: Melvin Smith gets the Rod, Lucas gets the Nod

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    No you couldn't. Bad HS coaches make more than that. Let's let the season play out. If we lose this week then a lot of what is being said will come true and all the gloom and doomers will get to say they saw it first.
    We are rarely good in the first game. How many season openers have we won in the last 20 years? 4? Point is we play in a weak conference and it is possible for us to turn this around.
    MetryCajun, read your private messages.

  2. #194

    Default Re: DC: Melvin Smith gets the Rod, Lucas gets the Nod

    Cajun game plan: 1-Defense get turnovers, 2- Offense Do not turnover ball.

    3- Fire Defensive coordinator because he did not do job. Try again next week.

  3. #195

    Default Re: DC: Melvin Smith gets the Rod, Lucas gets the Nod

    Quote Originally Posted by scotto_25 View Post

    Not even sure who you are or if you even post on RP much. Whatever that story was that you wrote made no sense whatsoever. Thanks for referencing me in your blabbering. Now, never did I throw Smith under the bus and call him an alcoholic or even disgrace his name. I stated facts that I saw him in a weird, confused looking state where he was walking alone in street clothes on the Cajun Walk Route an hour after the team passed. It didn't look right but nothing more was even said about this. Then he gets fired on Sunday morning so the prior days event is more prevalent.

    Not sure wtf you brought me into your stuttering session that makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich?

    Anyway, if you could retype your ramblings above in cliff note version we'd appreciate it
    You describing you saw him "in a weird confused state" around 9 am on game day sounds like the description of someone who is impaired. I think you have clarified that you are not suggesting he was drunk but maybe "stunned" by having been forewarned of his dismissal or fired pregame. Further it has been said he doesn't drink and MAT offers he always walks around like that (a lost goose) I counter it would be really crazy if he were let go pregame and could accept MAT's explanation as plausible. Even though the defense was awful, and I admit having expectations of improvement that weren't seen in this loss, I think everyone can agree this firing and it's timing came as a shock. With stories about Sarkisian and closer to home the allegations around Wallerstadt's brisk resignation from Texas Tech, I was just commenting that it was quite a coincidence that I had thrown out as a possible reason he was fired was maybe he showed up impaired and then came across your description. Hope it's not the case, wish him well, but if something extraordinary didn't accompany this dismissal things are worse than even the gloomiest of us say they are, and I'm a perpetual optimist. Maybe that's why I think there's something more to the story- but simply looking like an aloof lost goose might be the real explanation for this confusion after all poor performance doesn't go hand and hand with job security.

  4. #196

    Default Re: DC: Melvin Smith gets the Rod, Lucas gets the Nod

    Buckley tweeted that Melvin Smith coached the game on Saturday.

  5. Default Re: DC Melvin Smith Fired

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Yea, the Boomer attitude is the perfect cure for cancer. Oh, everything is great you did not upchuck your food after today's chemo, you're doing just great. Naw, you don't need that new treatment, besides it costs lots of money.
    -----And I just thought there that you were gonna stop putting words/comparisons on here that you attribute to me---Please where did I say or give the impression of a good performance from Saturday?-I did give credit to our punter and Nixon for their efforts, along with some defensive efforts---and yes I said I will wait for a staff critique after Tulane---Metaphorical efforts suck when they don't apply---find somebody else that it might apply to!!!

  6. #198

    Default Re: DC: Melvin Smith gets the Rod, Lucas gets the Nod

    Quote Originally Posted by Penrod View Post
    You describing you saw him "in a weird confused state" around 9 am on game day sounds like the description of someone who is impaired. I think you have clarified that you are not suggesting he was drunk but maybe "stunned" by having been forewarned of his dismissal or fired pregame. Further it has been said he doesn't drink and MAT offers he always walks around like that (a lost goose) I counter it would be really crazy if he were let go pregame and could accept MAT's explanation as plausible. Even though the defense was awful, and I admit having expectations of improvement that weren't seen in this loss, I think everyone can agree this firing and it's timing came as a shock. With stories about Sarkisian and closer to home the allegations around Wallerstadt's brisk resignation from Texas Tech, I was just commenting that it was quite a coincidence that I had thrown out as a possible reason he was fired was maybe he showed up impaired and then came across your description. Hope it's not the case, wish him well, but if something extraordinary didn't accompany this dismissal things are worse than even the gloomiest of us say they are, and I'm a perpetual optimist. Maybe that's why I think there's something more to the story- but simply looking like an aloof lost goose might be the real explanation for this confusion after all poor performance doesn't go hand and hand with job security.
    Saw him too he walked right by me. Bicker would say everything Scott O has described is very accurate assessment of what took place. That coach walked right down the gravel road in the middle of tailgating never saw anything like that before.

  7. #199

    Default Re: DC: Melvin Smith gets the Rod, Lucas gets the Nod

    I came away impressed with Jennings. Much more accurate passer than I ever gave him credit for. I thought he was impressive especially considering he's only been here a month. I lobbied for Haack but he sure had a lousy day vs. Baylor. I think there will be much to be learned about our team this Saturday. I hoped for better but realistically didn't expect a much different result vs. Boise. As I recall McNeese was playing LSU pretty tough start of the season last year in the game that got rained away. Our team aren't going to shock the world but we haven't seen their ceiling yet by a long shot. A convincing win, with solid play, will mean something against McNeese. I'll be there in all my sunburned glory, will try for a Ragin Cajun lager again, hoping we get things righted. I don't see this as hopeless at all, but that was a shocking firing especially timing wise, and if things are going to unravel it's going to come. I don't want that to happen and definitely not this Saturday. We'll learn a lot sooner than later.

  8. #200

    Default Re: DC: Melvin Smith gets the Rod, Lucas gets the Nod

    Did he seem "messed up", crazy, dejected or like a "lost goose"? This seems so extraordinarily odd to me. Our defense has been bad but if you retained your coordinator over the summer, I wouldn't think an opening loss to a quite good Boise team would get you canned. You usually have someone in mind as a replacement, but to start week 2? I don't think they would fire the guy before the game and let him coach so if he was dejected he must have on his own realized this is hopeless. It seems very odd to me and if it's that our defensive coordinator was so dejected and downtrodden he did a farewell UL staggering stroll through tailgating because he couldn't bear to endure a season here, we're in trouble.

  9. #201

    Default Re: DC: Melvin Smith gets the Rod, Lucas gets the Nod

    Quote Originally Posted by Penrod View Post
    Did he seem "messed up", crazy, dejected or like a "lost goose"? This seems so extraordinarily odd to me. Our defense has been bad but if you retained your coordinator over the summer, I wouldn't think an opening loss to a quite good Boise team would get you canned. You usually have someone in mind as a replacement, but to start week 2? I don't think they would fire the guy before the game and let him coach so if he was dejected he must have on his own realized this is hopeless. It seems very odd to me and if it's that our defensive coordinator was so dejected and downtrodden he did a farewell UL staggering stroll through tailgating because he couldn't bear to endure a season here, we're in trouble.
    We are obviously in trouble.

  10. #202

    Default Re: DC: Melvin Smith gets the Rod, Lucas gets the Nod

    In all seriousness if that's that, and this gentleman was not impaired, not a morning person, up all night or just not happy living in Acadiana area, there will be no need for speculation. If that is the case this will all unravel sooner than later at a colossal rate. This is bizarre, the firing paired with the unusual siting. There's got to be much more to this story or we are in real trouble.

  11. #203

    Default Re: DC: Melvin Smith gets the Rod, Lucas gets the Nod

    Just don't see how you gonna avoid a split locker room on this one. Bad chemistry is about to happen all over again.

  12. #204


    Quote Originally Posted by Bicky Rustle View Post
    Saw him too he walked right by me. Bicker would say everything Scott O has described is very accurate assessment of what took place. That coach walked right down the gravel road in the middle of tailgating never saw anything like that before.
    Could it be possible that he was just confused about how to get to the APC given the construction and detours messing up the original route?

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