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Thread: McNeese Week 2016

  1. #1009
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever


    Quote Originally Posted by FormerPokeCenter View Post
    Don't you think it says something when more Cajun fans show up to watch USL play McNeese than will show up to watch USL play Boise?

    Why do you think that is?
    Do you know that to be fact? Let's see the final tally Saturday. 2007 was a novelty. I doubt that happens again. The only measure we have is that 22k were there for Boise, 95% Cajun fans. You guys will definitely being the whole, "hole" so we figure we'll have at least 9 k ____ kickers there. Now if we come in at 27k. That minus, the "whole hole", equals..... Well, you do the math. I can tell you're getting jazzed for Saturday!!! Lol. You got that bell off if Bessie? Is it all polished up??

  2. #1010
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever


    Quote Originally Posted by FormerPokeCenter View Post
    I'm gonna venture a guess than none of you keyboard commandos understand the concept of irony...particularly not when you pound your keyboards in whiny rage about a guy pounding his keyboard.

    I know you guys catch a lot of grief from the other fanbases in the state, but I don't care what anybody else says.

    This place has the best unintentional comedy on the interwebs!
    Wtf, Jay? You're a keyboard commando!!!


  3. #1011

    Default Re: UL-McNeese State game will be on TV in Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by FormerPokeCenter View Post
    As I understand it, the McNeese alums, who've done PBP and color commentary before, took the bull by the horns and suggested televising the game in Lake Charles to Raycom. I could be wrong, but they did the ground work and pitched it to the powers that be, who agreed. Televising it in Lafayette was an afterthought, on the coattails of the McNeese alums who pitched it.

    The only slap in the face here is to Buford Jordan who helped lay the ground work, did promos and lent his name to getting this done.

    Typical USL response. No gumption to actually come up with ideas and do the scut work necessary to be successful, simply show up late, _____ and whine loud enough and throw a fit until somebody throws you a bone...

    No wonder every other fan base in the state, aside from Southern, laughs at the vainglorious overreach inherent to the "University of Louisiana" movement.

    You guys have tried everything else, and I do mean EVERYTHING else, why don't you try laying a proper foundation, doing the actual work necessary to excel and then letting the chips fall where they may, instead of trying to shortcut and name change your way to relevance? usual.
    Because we have a pathetic President and AD!!!!! If you can't understand this after spending all of your time reading our boards then you are more of a moron than our administration!

    People like you need to be _____ slapped for being grossly incompetent.

  4. #1012

    Default Re: McNeese HC Lance Guidry's Weekly Press Conference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    Do you know that to be fact? Let's see the final tally Saturday. 2007 was a novelty. I doubt that happens again. The only measure we have is that 22k were there for Boise, 95% Cajun fans. You guys will definitely being the whole, "hole" so we figure we'll have at least 9 k ____ kickers there. Now if we come in at 27k. That minus, the "whole hole", equals..... Well, you do the math. I can tell you're getting jazzed for Saturday!!! Lol. You got that bell off if Bessie? Is it all polished up??
    You've been to Cowboy Stadium. You know we have special bells that are strictly for football.

    But...I do like the way you's hard to go wrong with more Cowbell...
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  5. #1013

    Default Re: UL-McNeese State game will be on TV in Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    Another reason to get the ____ out of this conference. They are the ones who screwed the pooch on this television deal...but wait we don't want to make the angry....
    Based on the interview yesterday and a little research I think I have a better idea of what is going on.

    It's easy to look in the rearview mirror and see what we shouldn't have done but I don't think anyone truly grasped the consequences at the time the contract was negotiated in early 2012. Broadcast options like ASN (formed July 2014), Raycom, ESPN3 (really got kicked off in 2010-2011) etc. were still pretty limited in scope. Obviously ESPN was trying to wrap up everything they could and wanted to establish rights to as much content as possible without paying additional money. I don't believe any of the schools or the SBC office really had any idea that broadcasting of G5 college football games would become so prolific. Some may argue that they should have known but its pretty obvious they didn't. I think they looked at the second and third tier rights to games as nothing more than legal jargon in the contract that would rarely come into play.

    The contract that started in 2012 runs through the spring of 2020 and I doubt the SBC is going to have a lot of luck trying to renegotiate anything with them in the meantime. So we are stuck with this for four more years.

  6. #1014

    Default Re: McNeese HC Lance Guidry's Weekly Press Conference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    Wtf, Jay? You're a keyboard commando!!!


    Zee, I never cease to be amazed at your incredibly keen grasp of the blatantly obvious....about some things!

  7. #1015

    Default Re: UL-McNeese State game will be on TV in Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHammock View Post
    Because we have a pathetic President and AD!!!!! If you can't understand this after spending all of your time reading our boards then you are more of a moron than our administration!

    People like you need to be _____ slapped for being grossly incompetent.
    Now, now....I certainly understand the K-Sip frustration, but there's no need to lash out at a mere visitor!

  8. #1016

    Default Re: McNeese HC Lance Guidry's Weekly Press Conference.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    It can be, but this wasn't, so..

    While I agree with you that the whiny Cajun posters were offered commentary about it were hypocritical, their posts were also ironic.

    Primarily because they didn't realize they were being hypocrits, while any rational person in the reading audience would have, thus meeting the criteria for irony.

    Thus endeth the lesson, too.

    You're welcome.

  9. #1017

    Default Re: McNeese

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    I don't see what he does for a living, does for "charity" or my age has to do with anything.
    You're the one that said he was probably, "Fat, lonely, unemployed, Middle Aged and balding.."

    I was just answering you that he was definitely not unemployed.


  10. #1018

    Default Re: McNeese

    Quote Originally Posted by McNeese72 View Post
    You're the one that said he was probably, "Fat, lonely, unemployed, Middle Aged and balding.."

    I was just answering you that he was definitely not unemployed.

    I see what you did there!

  11. #1019

    Default Re: McNeese

    Quote Originally Posted by FormerPokeCenter View Post
    I see what you did there!
    Well, I am not going to call you fat. Don't know if you are lonely. And you are approaching middle aged. Don't know if you are balding because you haven't come to see us at the tailgate in awhile.


  12. #1020

    Default Re: McNeese

    Quote Originally Posted by McNeese72 View Post
    Well, I am not going to call you fat. Don't know if you are lonely. And you are approaching middle aged. Don't know if you are balding because you haven't come to see us at the tailgate in awhile.

    Dang...ya'll wink at each other. Is 72 a former John of FormerPokeMeInMyHotCenter? All signs point to yes.

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