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Thread: McNeese Week 2016

  1. #1297

    Default Re: McNeese

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    You can explain away lazy logic if you want to, side bar actions present an expose'.

    The Constitution clearly stated "Powers Not Vested. Powers of management over public institutions of postsecondary education not specifically vested by this Section in the Board of Regents are reserved to ... the Board of Trustees..."

    The judge tried to say and in fact got away with saying that Powers of management over public institutions of postsecondary education not specifically vested by this Section in the Board of Regents REVERT to the Legislature.

    A cursory look of the Constitution would have been self explanatory. All naming rights should have been in the hands of the Board of Trustees.

    Someone in the Legislature realized how much power actually rested in the Board of Trustees hands and under clock of darkness made sure that naming rights over public institutions of postsecondary education became specifically vested in the Board of Regents so that they wouldn't automatically be reserved to the Board of Trustees.
    Oh the horrors! Somebody believes the Legislature actually has the power to enact laws and make decisions!

    As you point out, McNeese was renamed in 1970 by the legislature. Perhaps the judge was just relying on precedent

  2. #1298

    Default Re: McNeese

    Yes, yes, I know.....the McNeese name change in 1970 was just a ploy to pre-emptively screw over U-S-L.

    We're pretty crafty like that!

  3. #1299


    Quote Originally Posted by FormerPokeCenter View Post
    The difference between the two fan bases is pretty simple.

    McNeese fans are amused by U-S-L fans, we're not envious of them. That's the main difference.

    Well, that and the fact that McNeese fans don't suffer from the same delusions of relevance that U-S-L fans suffer from. We're more concerned with the product on the field than we are with how many unsuspecting media outlets we can con into callling us something that we're not, or with wordsmithing our way around the intent of the legislature and the agreements we've made.

    No, McNeese fans don't envy you.

    We like to laugh at you and we definitely like to beat you, but envy never enters the picture.

    The overwhelming sentiment that U-S-L fans get from McNeese fans is pretty basic: It's called pity.
    And yet some of your alums are pounding on you Administration to try and get into the Sun Belt....lololol😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Default Re: McNeese

    Quote Originally Posted by FormerPokeCenter View Post
    Oh the horrors! Somebody believes the Legislature actually has the power to enact laws and make decisions!

    As you point out, McNeese was renamed in 1970 by the legislature. Perhaps the judge was just relying on precedent
    Like you said, that fell under the 1921 Constitution.

    You know, the one that required a 2/3 vote to become a stand alone institution.

  5. #1301

    Default Re: The Difference Between McNeese Fan and UL Fan

    I have no doubt there might be an alum or two who wouldn't mind that's not something that has wide spread appeal or traction.

    Though now that Georgia Southern and App are there, it might be worth considering...

  6. Default Re: The Difference Between McNeese Fan and UL Fan

    Hey FPC, hurry up boy! Dommino's said my pizza would be here by now!

  7. #1303

    Default Re: The Difference Between McNeese Fan and UL Fan

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun goat View Post
    You just proved Jay's point in his article.
    Actually, if you could read, you'd understand that his point was that a McNeese win would make our season.

    It won't. It won't even come close.

    A McNeese win would be fun, no doubt about that. But it's got very little relevance beyond the short term entertainment value, which is totally driven by U-S-L's amusing and vainglorious attempts to social climb to relevance.

    Win, lose or draw, we start preparing for conference the second this game is over.

    U-S-L's delusion about being relevant enough to be somebody's SuperBowl is pretty amusing.

    You're fun to screw with for short periods of time. Other than that, not so much.

    It's like pushing a slinky off the top step. It's fun to watch you cascade to the bottom, but after that, it's on to something challenging.

  8. #1304


    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Hey FPC, hurry up boy! Dommino's said my pizza would be here by now!
    Dam the hire Mcneese state now at domminos .. they have really lowered their standards

  9. #1305

    Default Re: The Difference Between McNeese Fan and UL Fan

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Hey FPC, hurry up boy! Dommino's said my pizza would be here by now!
    Your Doctor called. He thinks it would be a good idea if you cut down on the pizza, but if you don't have the willpower for that, he thinks you should at least burn off the last one by walking to go get this one....

  10. Default Re: The Difference Between McNeese Fan and UL Fan


  11. #1307

    Default Re: McNeese

    I believe you're conflating the section that required a 2/3 vote to establish a new educational or charitable entity with an imaginary section requiring a similar vote for existing and established entities to be split off on their own.

    In 1939, was there an extant Junior College in Lake Charles affiliated with an existing institution of higher learning?

    We both know the answer is yes.

    In 1950, did the legislature create something in Lake Charles which had not previously existed?

    I think we both know the answer is no...

  12. Default Re: McNeese

    Doo Doo brown ⬆️

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