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Thread: Announcement from Administration about the Tigue

  1. Default Re: Announcement from Administration about the Tigue

    Jay said fans deserve answers.

  2. #14

    Default Re: Announcement from Administration about the Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    I know who was blamed, Jim Harris! Is he throwing Harris under the bus like Farmer did?
    Not a bad guess. We all know that Harris is not at fault here.

  3. #15

    Default Re: Announcement from Administration about the Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Jay said fans deserve answers.
    I was going to wear knee boots; guess I better switch over to chest waders. Mr. Moon is really pumping the BS today.

  4. #16

    Default Re: Announcement from Administration about the Tigue

    What happen to his 4 sources? All 4 sources TOLD HIM EXACTLY WHAT HE NEEDED TO KNOW. He shut us down and hung up on ragin pagin. He called us all faceless buffoons for questioning the situation. He belittled the LIFE BLOOD of the athletic program.

    Now he's switching sides or trying to play both sides. When you keep hoping the fence you get your bean satchel snagged bud....Good luck talking out of both sides of your mouth

  5. #17

    Default Re: Announcement from Administration about the Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by scotto_25 View Post
    What happen to his 4 sources? All 4 sources TOLD HIM EXACTLY WHAT HE NEEDED TO KNOW. He shut us down and hung up on ragin pagin. He called us all faceless buffoons for questioning the situation. He belittled the LIFE BLOOD of the athletic program.

    Now he's switching sides or trying to play both sides. When you keep hoping the fence you get your bean satchel snagged bud....Good luck talking out of both sides of your mouth
    I have a spare pair of chest waders if you need them Scotto. Moon is pumping out more manure than a herd of elephants.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Announcement from Administration about the Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    I have a spare pair of chest waders if you need them Scotto. Moon is pumping out more manure than a herd of elephants.
    Might take you up on that.

    2 days ago his forehead veins were bursting while he was bashing Ragin Pagin. Now he's soft talking and telling us that we need/deserve explanations.....finishes with have a great weekend guys, you all deserve it.

    He ended his last staticky show with "haters gonna hate"

    Come the F on man

  7. #19

    Default Re: Announcement from Administration about the Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Jay said fans deserve answers.
    Wait.....what? Two days ago it was pay up and shut up.

  8. #20

    Default Re: Announcement from Administration about the Tigue

    No, he didn't mention Jim Harris. He didn't mention any names at all. In fact, until Harris' name came up in this thread, I never considered him to be a part of this segment's commentary.

    Sounded like the lack of an announcement from the University led to the segment. And this lack of communication only served to confirm fans' complaints.

    Paraphrasing, but I think he felt the highest levels of the Athletic Program and the University dropped the ball. (Jay) Not being familiar with public construction projects, whatever is happening today should have been dealt with a few months ago.

    Either explain that the ball was dropped or explain where the project is.

  9. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    Someone at UL must have sent him new marching orders. He sure didn't come up with that on his own.
    Haha same thing I thought. Controlling the public with propaganda

  10. #22

    Default Re: Announcement from Administration about the Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    No, he didn't mention Jim Harris. He didn't mention any names at all. In fact, until Harris' name came up in this thread, I never considered him to be a part of this segment's commentary.

    Sounded like the lack of an announcement from the University led to the segment. And this lack of communication only served to confirm fans' complaints.

    Paraphrasing, but I think he felt the highest levels of the Athletic Program and the University dropped the ball. (Jay) Not being familiar with public construction projects, whatever is happening today should have been dealt with a few months ago.

    Either explain that the ball was dropped or explain where the project is.
    Jim Harris was thrown under the bus during the RCAF executive meeting when Farmer fessed up to the fact that 70% of the funds had not been collected to move forward with the project. It has not been brought up in this thread until now although a number of people have heard the same.

    Knowing where most of Jay's information comes from, who do you think he was referring to when he stated someone in the athletic department dropped the ball on this project? Scott Farmer? He's heard something and as he stated, he is not going to point fingers. Well, he doesn't have to because the person that is responsible for this debacle already has done so my friend.

    And today he is eating his crow after coming on this web site making a complete ___ of himself.

  11. #23

    Default Re: Announcement from Administration about the Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Jim Harris was thrown under the bus during the RCAF executive meeting when Farmer fessed up to the fact that 70% of the funds had not been collected to move forward with the project. It has not been brought up in this thread until now although a number of people have heard the same.

    Knowing where most of Jay's information comes from, who do you think he was referring to when he stated someone in the athletic department dropped the ball on this project? Scott Farmer? He's heard something and as he stated, he is not going to point fingers. Well, he doesn't have to because the person that is responsible for this debacle already has done so my friend.

    And today he is eating his crow after coming on this web site making a complete ___ of himself.
    The thread isn't about the RCAF meeting or what was said then.

    Its about the segment on Jay's show. And it was suggested there was a possibility Jay would suggest Harris was at fault.

    This didn't happen.

    Apparently you listened to the segment, yet you want to change the conversation.

    Maybe you should stay on task, my friend.

  12. Default Re: Announcement from Administration about the Tigue

    This last 30 minutes of radio has been brutally awful

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