Ricky Bustle is a good man
Ricky Bustle is a good man
Scott Farmer = David Brent
Hud and Lotief are here because of Dr.Savoie bailing Farmer's backside out. Dr. Authement set up RCAF and the APC was going to be reduced because Farmer wouldn't go out and raise the increase in cost, Hud and RCAF raised the difference. As for vision, accomplishments and total funds raised, your answer is in the Alden report. It amazes me how many people haven't read it.
So maybe this will be the summer of discontent.
The past month has made me reconsider. I am not quite the antagonist some of you are but I feel a change may be necessary.
T is right. In its totality, the Alden report was not just a road map for future success, but an indictment of the pi** poor job of not just Farmer and the AD dept, but marketing, merchandising, fund raising, broadcast, social media, pr, from the university and the athletic department. That report wasn't just suggestions, it was also a report on how not to be successful in today's college athletics. Much of the problems faced today can be traced directly back to Farmers office. He needs to go...
As to revenues, I think folks forget that there will be new revenue streams from the construction that don't currently exist. In addition to the 600-800 extra seats you have the suites that are purchased yearly. I remember when the Cajun Field construction discussions first began there was talk about how the suite revenue stream offsetting the construction costs over years. I don't remember how many Tony had mentioned would be part of the new Tigue construction, but for rough numbers if we say it's 6 suites averaging $200,000 for all of them them without the "extra" ticket revenue they would provide. i would think these would be rented under multi-year agreements as well.
As an example, I think LSU's suites are about $50K per year which comes with a single parking pass and I'd assume a number of tickets. The suites hold from 10-150, so I'd assume you have to buy additional tickets according to the suite size along with associated TAF as well as charges for any and food/beverage from the park caterer that is charged for each game/weekend. LSU has 27 suites, they are rented on three year terms.
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