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Thread: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

  1. #385

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Urban legend is that Grizzly Smith raped his girlfriend's daughter and Jake was the result.

  2. #386


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Amazing documentary. DDP should be cannonized.
    He should definitely be recognized for his work... World could use a lot more people like him

  3. #387

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    Urban legend is that Grizzly Smith raped his girlfriend's daughter and Jake was the result.
    Not sure if that's true but Jake's step mom was a monster. They talk about it in the film.

  4. #388

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    Not sure if that's true but Jake's step mom was a monster. They talk about it in the film.
    It's also talked about more in depth on "Beyond The Mat", the documentary where they supposedly show Jake smoking crack. That's hard to find these days, though. It's not on any streaming sites, I think I watched it on Youtube.

  5. #389


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    It's also talked about more in depth on "Beyond The Mat", the documentary where they supposedly show Jake smoking crack. That's hard to find these days, though. It's not on any streaming sites, I think I watched it on Youtube.
    Yeah it was on Netflix a couple of years ago but they must have removed it. That scene and Foley's head shots will forever be inplanted in my brain.

  6. Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    Urban legend is that Grizzly Smith raped his girlfriend's daughter and Jake was the result.
    He's lucky nothing happened. Saw in the news today some dude in Minnesota lobbed a guy's dome off for touching his woman.

    Was at the dome one of the first times the WWF came to the dome. Jake lost control of that snake and it slithered onto the floor. Funniest s I've ever seen in rasslin'. People couldn't get out the way fast enough, chairs flying, and of course people screaming like schoolgirls.

  7. #391


    Quote Originally Posted by BBcajun View Post
    Yep....sure have. That's why I asked the question.
    Well at least we agree that any amount loaned was more than we could afford to pay from baseball revenues.

  8. #392

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    I'd hate to see the stadium foreclosed on.

  9. #393

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    After reading all this insanity for the last few days, I've reached a conclusion. I don't consider myself a pro-Farmer guy, but I'm not as negative about him as some people. But there's an analogy that makes perfect sense to me:

    Scott Farmer is to athletic director what Ricky Bustle was to head football coach.

    Bustle did an admirable job of getting our football team out of the dark ages and back to decent. But every time we wanted that next step, it wouldn't come. No matter how bad we wanted that 8-4 season, we always got 6-6. There were early red flags, and a small group started calling for his job. Then we got stuck in several years of debate over whether he was the right person for the job or not. Then the red flags got bigger. McNeese and Western Kentucky made it obvious. It was time to move on to someone who had more capability to take the program to the next level.

    Isn't the same thing playing out with the entire athletic department right now? Yes, there have been successes. We've made a lot of progress under Farmer. But many of us are hoping for us to reach the next level, and we aren't seeing. There have been small red flag and some calling for his head. Now the noise gets louder. Is the Tigue going to Farmer's equivalent of McNeese? I don't know.

    One thing is for sure. I hope we are past the point where we call the same play four times in a row on first and goal from the 1.

  10. #394

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    How much of this X amount of million dollars for the new stadium has Farmer himself raised? The job of an athletic director is not only to facilitate athletics but have the vision and ability to put programs in better situations to succeed. Tony Robicheaux has raised whatever money has been raised for this project. Tony is a BASEBALL coach. Yes, creating revenue for his program is some part of being a college baseball coach. I get that. But this project is NOT his job. His job is to coach. I would honestly like to know how much Farmer has gone out and secured. The finacial resources that have been made public are because of Tony. This epic failure can be spun several different ways, but when it comes down to the nuts and bolts of it...who has and who has not done there job. And now that it has become such a public embarrassment, why isn't this man being held accountable for his performance is beyond me. His track record with spring sports is a failing grade in my book. Mike Lotief and Tony Robicheaux have carried the majority of this athletic departments success on there back for years and years. And doing it with less than what is acceptable the majority of the time. This has become an embarrassment to these two men for having there name associated with this circus.

  11. #395

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    After reading all this insanity for the last few days, I've reached a conclusion. I don't consider myself a pro-Farmer guy, but I'm not as negative about him as some people. But there's an analogy that makes perfect sense to me:

    Scott Farmer is to athletic director what Ricky Bustle was to head football coach.

    Bustle did an admirable job of getting our football team out of the dark ages and back to decent. But every time we wanted that next step, it wouldn't come. No matter how bad we wanted that 8-4 season, we always got 6-6. There were early red flags, and a small group started calling for his job. Then we got stuck in several years of debate over whether he was the right person for the job or not. Then the red flags got bigger. McNeese and Western Kentucky made it obvious. It was time to move on to someone who had more capability to take the program to the next level.

    Isn't the same thing playing out with the entire athletic department right now? Yes, there have been successes. We've made a lot of progress under Farmer. But many of us are hoping for us to reach the next level, and we aren't seeing. There have been small red flag and some calling for his head. Now the noise gets louder. Is the Tigue going to Farmer's equivalent of McNeese? I don't know.

    One thing is for sure. I hope we are past the point where we call the same play four times in a row on first and goal from the 1.
    Disagree. Maybe early on in their tenures. But say what you will about Rickey Bustle, he was never incompetent. His teams always had talent and solid character. His issues were motivation (evidenced by Hud taking his team and turning it into the most successful team in school history). Maybe not the best at his job, but he knew what he was doing on the field. He just raised the bar to a certain level, then had a bad year. And he never, ever once was nasty towards donors, coaches, players, or the administration. Farmer started out okay, largely coasting on David Walker's decision to hire Hud, and almost every move he's made since then has been the wrong one. Was ready to let Hud walk to Tulane. Tried a power play to get rid of Michael Lotief. Tried to half-___ the APC. Told football coaches to find somebody to pay them bowl bonuses. Meddled every step of the way with the RCAF "separation"/hiring of RCAF Executive Director. The baseball stadium issues are only the latest in a long line of screw ups, each pretty much worse than the one before it.

  12. #396

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by BrockMeaux View Post
    Disagree. Maybe early on in their tenures. But say what you will about Rickey Bustle, he was never incompetent. His teams always had talent and solid character. His issues were motivation (evidenced by Hud taking his team and turning it into the most successful team in school history). Maybe not the best at his job, but he knew what he was doing on the field. He just raised the bar to a certain level, then had a bad year. And he never, ever once was nasty towards donors, coaches, players, or the administration. Farmer started out okay, largely coasting on David Walker's decision to hire Hud, and almost every move he's made since then has been the wrong one. Was ready to let Hud walk to Tulane. Tried a power play to get rid of Michael Lotief. Tried to half-___ the APC. Told football coaches to find somebody to pay them bowl bonuses. Meddled every step of the way with the RCAF "separation"/hiring of RCAF Executive Director. The baseball stadium issues are only the latest in a long line of screw ups, each pretty much worse than the one before it.
    Hud and Lotief are still here and the APC turned out great and RCAF was born and growing. The end results are ok, its how we got there that's the main issue?

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