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Thread: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

  1. #289

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    If people can't realize or understand that this whole project has been completely mishandled by the administration so far, from a PR point of view at the very least, I don't know what to say. Where is the administration? Why haven't there been any public statements over the last 3 weeks? Even if they don't say anything of substance and just state the talking points that they gave "take my ball and go home" Moon-Walker, that's better than silence. Address the issue. They could have squashed some of the "rumors" by simply getting out from their hiding spots underneath their desks. The silence from the administration is deafening.

  2. #290
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever


    Quote Originally Posted by tetragrammaton View Post
    oh, that's right, silly me. Don't dare criticize water-walking HUD (blessings be upon him 'n' stuff).
    That's right!! I remember..huge defender of Marlin, despises HUD! Lol

  3. Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by tetragrammaton View Post
    "Perspective is lost in the spirit of the chase...."

    Sometimes is it so fun just to see how angry you folks get when someone disagrees with you.
    Is it that? Or maybe you're just an imbecilic limp noodle...

  4. #292

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by tetragrammaton View Post
    "Perspective is lost in the spirit of the chase...."

    Sometimes is it so fun just to see how angry you folks get when someone disagrees with you.
    Disagreement assumes that both sides are in possession of the facts and are capable of making rational decisions about those facts, but come to different conclusions; usually because there is no preponderance of evidence to support one side over the other.

    In this case, the preponderance of evidence is hugely on the side of the faceless buffoons and against the supporters of the administration, in general, and Scott Farmer in particular. In fact, the evidence almost exceeds the preponderance standard to the degree that it approaches the "beyond reasonable doubt" standard.

  5. Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    David walker hired HUD on his way out....
    My apologies, you are correct.

  6. #294

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    Monkee, I think your assessment of the Russo money was correct until the legal issue became imminent. At that point I thought Russo had changed over to an annual donation. Not certain of this.
    And I'm not trying to pick fights here.

    Because even if if there were no hiccups with the Russo money, we'd have to take out a loan/float a bond/whatever to pay the Lemoine bill becaue it all won't be collected for a few years. Hell, even there was $10 million deposited in a UL account, we'd still need to take out a loan/float a bond/whatever to pay the $17-$21 million dollar price tag.

    And not communicating this was probably (you think?) bad politics. I think it would have done the administration (and Farmer) wonders in good will if they had said, "Guys, we just don't have enough donated money for the new Tigue. So, since we're committed to bettering athletics and because Robe deserves it, we have to find $7 million plus thru another avenue: a loan, a floated bond, a whatever."

    That's just me.

    But the $3 million is where I get lost.

    If I'm right, and the Russo money was predicated on UL raising THE FIRST $5 million, and Russo was able to get the first $1 million installment in, there should have been at least $6 million in the kitty.

    But posts on the board have suggested a $2 million donor has pulled his contribution. If that indeed happened there should be $4 million in the kitty: $3 million of the first non-Russo $5 million, and the first Russo $1 million.

    But we later find out in a post that in fact it wasn't $2 million that was withdrawn, rather it was $250,000...considerably less. I think it was in fact Robe who confirmed this.

    And like I said before, I simply just don't see anybody issuing a work order for a $10 million project (much less a $17 million one) when only $3 million has been budgeted.

    There are built-in protections to prohibit this.

    Is it impossible for something like this to happen? No, but I also think I'll see out of my left eye one day.

  7. Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Public reminder for the red dotters.. Leave your name when you have negative comments in private. YOUR COMPLIANCE IS APPRECIATED

  8. #296


    Quote Originally Posted by burdman View Post
    If people can't realize or understand that this whole project has been completely mishandled by the administration so far, from a PR point of view at the very least, I don't know what to say. Where is the administration? Why haven't there been any public statements over the last 3 weeks? Even if they don't say anything of substance and just state the talking points that they gave "take my ball and go home" Moon-Walker, that's better than silence. Address the issue. They could have squashed some of the "rumors" by simply getting out from their hiding spots underneath their desks. The silence from the administration is deafening.
    They couldn't say anything because they didn't know what was going on... They were scrambling to find a way to get it done. Tjoe was busy trying to clean up a huge mess...there was no way to spin it until they figured out how to fix it.

  9. Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    That's right!! I remember..huge defender of Marlin, despises HUD! Lol
    Not really. I've had the pleasure of meeting him, and I really have no problems with him or his coaching. It's just funny how, on this board, there is no room for someone trying to be reasonable and have an opinion which differs from those who want immediate firings.

    It amazes me how much the people of Ragin Pagin feel as if they are the only ones with worthwhile opinions, when 85% of what they post tends to me ad hominem attacks.

    Sound and fury, man. Sound and fury.

    Has it ever occurred to anyone that the reason they don't give you hour-by-hour updates is that, if there was a snafu, they want to have a plan for handling it before presenting it for the benefit of Ragin Pa... I mean the general public? Has it ever occurred to anyone that they want to have that plan in place and moving before they do so?

  10. Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    And I'm not trying to pick fights here.

    Because even if if there were no hiccups with the Russo money, we'd have to take out a loan/float a bond/whatever to pay the Lemoine bill becaue it all won't be collected for a few years. Hell, even there was $10 million deposited in a UL account, we'd still need to take out a loan/float a bond/whatever to pay the $17-$21 million dollar price tag.

    And not communicating this was probably (you think?) bad politics. I think it would have done the administration (and Farmer) wonders in good will if they had said, "Guys, we just don't have enough donated money for the new Tigue. So, since we're committed to bettering athletics and because Robe deserves it, we have to find $7 million plus thru another avenue: a loan, a floated bond, a whatever."

    That's just me.

    But the $3 million is where I get lost.

    If I'm right, and the Russo money was predicated on UL raising THE FIRST $5 million, and Russo was able to get the first $1 million installment in, there should have been at least $6 million in the kitty.

    But posts on the board have suggested a $2 million donor has pulled his contribution. If that indeed happened there should be $4 million in the kitty: $3 million of the first non-Russo $5 million, and the first Russo $1 million.

    But we later find out in a post that in fact it wasn't $2 million that was withdrawn, rather it was $250,000...considerably less. I think it was in fact Robe who confirmed this.

    And like I said before, I simply just don't see anybody issuing a work order for a $10 million project (much less a $17 million one) when only $3 million has been budgeted.

    There are built-in protections to prohibit this.

    Is it impossible for something like this to happen? No, but I also think I'll see out of my left eye one day.
    So your conclusion is what exactly? All of that is logical on its face, but then, ya know.. It didn't happen.

  11. #299

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    So your conclusion is what exactly? All of that is logical on its face, but then, ya know.. It didn't happen.
    Dude, I'm simply asking some questions.

  12. Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by tetragrammaton View Post
    Not really. I've had the pleasure of meeting him, and I really have no problems with him or his coaching. It's just funny how, on this board, there is no room for someone trying to be reasonable and have an opinion which differs from those who want immediate firings.

    It amazes me how much the people of Ragin Pagin feel as if they are the only ones with worthwhile opinions, when 85% of what they post tends to me ad hominem attacks.

    Sound and fury, man. Sound and fury.

    Has it ever occurred to anyone that the reason they don't give you hour-by-hour updates is that, if there was a snafu, they want to have a plan for handling it before presenting it for the benefit of Ragin Pa... I mean the general public? Has it ever occurred to anyone that they want to have that plan in place and moving before they do so?
    Typical liberal Bullspit. You come in here with your smartass comments. You complain about the complainers. You make comments insinuating that you're just poking the bear to enjoy the reaction. You post WRONG facts. You dig your heels in.. And then switch it up to "oh, people can't have reasonable discussions".. Absolutely hilarious.

    You've been shown to be wrong multiple times. You've been shown to be an antagonist, just as you've accused others, but for the opposite side.

    No one has ever demanded an hour by hour update.. The long standing beef with this admin is lack of honesty, integrity and transparency. (Did you just start buying your t-shirts a few years ago?) And this is the same ole same ole. We are a month behind a project that was painted as a done deal in DECEMBER of this year.

    WAKE UP.

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