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Thread: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

  1. Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    I don't know what these guys would have to do for you to be ready for their heads on a platter. We are stuck in the worst conference in the nation, we can't figure out what we want to be called, we can't get a capital project off the ground without looking like absolute retards, we fire legendary coaches over power trips, and Mickey ____ing Mouse every little thing because it's the status quo.
    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    But anyone who isn't happy is rabble rabble rabble.., that's not to each his own... You're talking out both sides of your mouth
    If that's your opinion, fine. But no amount of success is ever credited to the administration here, either. So who's talking out of both sides of their mouth?


    Reminds of me of the good ole days when I had to look for the #FireLesMiles hashtags to see internet mob mentality over EVERY SINGLE MISHAP.... as if having a screen name on Ragin Pagin somehow gives you a seat on the Great Oversight Committee.....

    ....sorry, it really only means you have the ability to connect to the internet, and in some cases, type words.

  2. #266

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    The cost was not $10 million, that has been clear since December when Coach Robichaux presented the drawings to us in the Diamond Club Fall Social. The final approval from the Dr. Savoie on the renderings we were shown was around $16 mil or $17 million. The addition of the brick façade for the entire grandstand and adjacent bleachers on both sides was an additional $3 million. The other cost included building concessions on both levels rather than waiting until 2018 to complete the other concessions area as stated on the LeMoine web site. The original plans estimate was $10 million, but the discussion of more cost became public back in fall.
    That's why I said "original cost."

    Glad you came around to seeing things my way.

  3. #267


    Quote Originally Posted by tetragrammaton View Post
    If that's your opinion, fine. But no amount of success is ever credited to the administration here, either. So who's talking out of both sides of their mouth?


    Reminds of me of the good ole days when I had to look for the #FireLesMiles hashtags to see internet mob mentality over EVERY SINGLE MISHAP.... as if having a screen name on Ragin Pagin somehow gives you a seat on the Great Oversight Committee.....

    ....sorry, it really only means you have the ability to connect to the internet, and in some cases, type words.
    So start listing farmers accomplishments... Like stuff he has actually done... Not watched robe take us to 4 regionals, not watch lotief have a top 10 program...stuff with his stamp on it...blank was done by Scott farmer and it really excelled the program....ill wait while you compile that list.

  4. Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    So start listing farmers accomplishments... Like stuff he has actually done... Not watched robe take us to 4 regionals, not watch lotief have a top 10 program...stuff with his stamp on it...blank was done by Scott farmer and it really excelled the program....ill wait while you compile that list.
    Brought Hud here, 4 bowls, brought Marlin here, Postseason appearances in (oh, well, it's not even worth it cuz you won't ever be happy with that either), major renovations to athletic facilities, RCAF eclipsing it's records each year, waiting lines to get into football games, selling out baseball........

    clearly you're memory doesn't go back very far when we had none of our current "problems."

  5. #269

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by tetragrammaton View Post
    If that's your opinion, fine. But no amount of success is ever credited to the administration here, either. So who's talking out of both sides of their mouth?


    Reminds of me of the good ole days when I had to look for the #FireLesMiles hashtags to see internet mob mentality over EVERY SINGLE MISHAP.... as if having a screen name on Ragin Pagin somehow gives you a seat on the Great Oversight Committee.....

    ....sorry, it really only means you have the ability to connect to the internet, and in some cases, type words.
    Head in the sand...there is no hope for you. Goodbye.

  6. Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    I don't go to corner bar anymore ... That's where incompetent dipshts hangout... And I don't have an rcaf credit card to put all my drinks on, I can't afford it there .. Oilfield is very slow...most of my auxiliary money goes to rcaf, season tickets and attending games... But you know all I do is complain here...I don't have anything vested. My Salary has been cut in half fior almost 2 years and I haven't pulled a penny....yet.
    must have touched a nerve..... cuz you took that waaaaay too personal, dude.

  7. Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Head in the sand...there is no hope for you. Goodbye.
    OK, goodbye.

    Oh, wait, I'm still here.

  8. #272

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    I'm hearing this buzzing noise, sounds like unconditional support for a failing administration.

  9. #273


    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    That's why I said "original cost."

    Glad you came around to seeing things my way.
    I have my senior moments Cajun Monkee, they happen more frequently now, then in the past.

  10. Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    ...a failing administration.
    I disagree with your assessment... but we already knew that, just like we already knew that neither of us would convince the other of our positions.

  11. #275


    Quote Originally Posted by tetragrammaton View Post
    Brought Hud here, 4 bowls, brought Marlin here, Postseason appearances in (oh, well, it's not even worth it cuz you won't ever be happy with that either), major renovations to athletic facilities, RCAF eclipsing it's records each year, waiting lines to get into football games, selling out baseball........

    clearly you're memory doesn't go back very far when we had none of our current "problems."
    David walker hired HUD on his way out, everything of importance we have had to hire a firm to do his job for him and he still drops the ball.
    He almost lost HUD after year 1, tjoe waned his ___
    He told Mike lotief to pack his bags,tjoe saved his ___
    He was about to screw over the baseball situation for the 2nd time, tjoe once again saved his ___
    Signed away 3rd tier rights
    Was gonna let the APC be done half ___, HUD saved his ___
    Missed conference realignment 3 times...something he is on record as his primary goal
    Has lost trust in a lot of fans and particularly donors... Costing us money on a daily basis
    If I came on here calling out Scott farner because HUD went 0-12 (I wouldn't becayse results are on the coach not the AD) what would you be saying? So why give him credit fur 4 bowls? Was he coaching? Did he run stadiums? He actually almost let that coach walk without even trying...tjoe had Huds raise secured in less than 24 hours.
    I'm sure I'm missing a few

  12. #276

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    Monkee, I think you may have the cart before the horse here. I believe that Russo pledged 5MM in matching funds; then we got pledges for $5MM or $6MM, collecting only $2MM. Russo forks over the first $1MM of his pledge.

    We now have $3MM banked, $3MM or $4MM pledged from non-Russo sources, and complete uncertainty as to whether we will ever get another nickle out of Russo, because of his legal issues.

    All or some of the uncollected pledges may have stipulations about RCAF separation as a condition of payment, which could affect our ability to collect them.
    So we're talking two different understandings here (and mine was an assumption based on something I thought I read on the board).

    I think we're saying the same, with the your distinction being some of the non-Russo money has been collected ($2 million) and some hasn't been collected (another $2 million).

    And this is where I get lost.

    Let's go with the premise there is only $3 million there.

    Was the Russo money contingent on the Athletic Program raising $5 million first? This was my understanding that I thought I read on this board.

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