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Thread: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

  1. #229

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    I've read all of the threads/posts on this matter and it all boils down to a few simple things.

    The AD should have had a true donation drive/fund
    Long ago to get the money needed for this project. A last minute debacle should have never been in play.

    The AD should have told the truth and not lied about how much money was on hand. A last minute debacle should have never been in play.

    The AD should have had a backup plan in place earlier, not 2-3 weeks ago, for funding should the amount needed not be raised. A last minute debacle should have never been in play.

    And the backup plan should not have been based around getting a loan that involved terms higher than what the park
    Is capable of repaying. If the loan is for the amounts we are speculating, they can't sell enough beer and peanuts to ever repay the loan. The money will have to come from elsewhere, which is why seeking donations all along should
    Have been done.

    I don't care what side of the fence you are on in regards to Farmer. But if you think nothing is wrong with what's taken place then you're oblivious to wrongdoing right in front of

  2. #230

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    This thread has over 7000 views in 7 hours.. Freaking wow
    Yep....everybody loves a good Freak Show.

  3. #231


    Quote Originally Posted by BBcajun View Post
    Yep....everybody loves a good Freak Show.
    Excuse me....please refer to our proper title....faceless buffoons...

  4. #232

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Meanwhile in Monroe...

    They aren't sure whether they want to give their AD a contract. I'd take this guy as AD tomorrow.

  5. #233

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Well at least this explanation passes the common sense test.
    Wow! It makes common sense in this post but I'm selling crap? In one sentence you state everything I've said doesn't make sense and is a large load of crap, and in another sentence in the very same post you admit you have no sources. So you came to a conclusion, but have no sources. It really shows how much of a Farmer sycophant you are after being MIA for about a week and now showing up in this thread after you hear Jay Walker. There seems to be a number of faceless buffoons on Ragin' Pagin and a some of them hide behind screen names calling other posters out and demanding sources while they have none outside Jay Walker and Scott Farmer. Next time you post about my crap, make sure you wear a pair of boots before you step in a pile of your own ____!

  6. #234

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rougarou View Post
    I meant no offense but I didn't talk to that person. I don't KNOW that it is a fact whether I believe it or not.
    Find me during the season and I will introduce you to him. Why would anyone in a position to make a $50K donation to the Tigue project that asked about the actual funds collected lie? No one has disputed this information with any source, not even Jay Walker.

  7. #235

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Find me during the season and I will introduce you to him. Why would anyone in a position to make a $50K donation to the Tigue project that asked about the actual funds collected lie? No one has disputed this information with any source, not even Jay Walker.
    T, brother.. Testify on!! PS, Hope your child is doing better!!!

  8. #236

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun View Post
    And for that, he shouldn't be allowed back.

    For the good of the program, stay there!
    Alaska wouldn't put up with him. No way at least not for long.

  9. #237

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    T, brother.. Testify on!! PS, Hope your child is doing better!!!
    Thanks, hope your wife is doing better as well.

  10. #238

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Dude, here's the deal.

    I haven't heard a single credible person, not from the media, not from the AD, claim that the entire freakin project would be built without having to get one single loan or bond. And to be honest, it's kinda freakin ridiculous to assume a project of that size, where donors have pledged that money over many years, wouldn't have a loan attached to it.

    I think T is either misguided, or completely full of crap on this one. No I don't have a source, which is why I'm asking people questions. But T's comments don't pass the common sense test. Plain and simple.
    What is now plain and simple is that a contract should not have even been awarded without having funds available/committed much less an NTP being issued.

    It is possible that a capable contractor like The Lemoine Company can make up for lost time, key word is possible. The fact that the delays were not caused by Lemoine though would probably result in increased costs for the project if Lemoine does indeed complete work in time for the early 2017 season. That is something that could be negotiated while work is ongoing during the contract period or could result in an eventual claim against Louisiana if Lemoine is forced to complete work in less than the original contract time period.

  11. #239

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by SlickRick View Post
    Me too....I just had more ear time with Don than bop because I was overseas a long, long time.
    Me three.

  12. #240

    Default Re: Jay getting ready to talk Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Wow! It makes common sense in this post but I'm selling crap? In one sentence you state everything I've said doesn't make sense and is a large load of crap, and in another sentence in the very same post you admit you have no sources. So you came to a conclusion, but have no sources. It really shows how much of a Farmer sycophant you are after being MIA for about a week and now showing up in this thread after you hear Jay Walker. There seems to be a number of faceless buffoons on Ragin' Pagin and a some of them hide behind screen names calling other posters out and demanding sources while they have none outside Jay Walker and Scott Farmer. Next time you post about my crap, make sure you wear a pair of boots before you step in a pile of your own ____!
    Yeah, pretty much. What basin said was very plausible. What you said was completely freakin idiotic.

    You're an idiot if you think that Farmer or whoever was involved in this ever thought they would be able to get their hands on $17 million dollars by June 2017 without some sort of financing, especially when the biggest donor wasn't even scheduled to fulfill his pledge until 2022. That's not how it works. You get pledges, you get some cash in hand, then you make up the rest with a bridge loan or bond or other type of financing until the rest of the cash comes in.

    There very well may be incompetence involved here. I don't know. Pretty soon a real member of the media is going to get a chance to do some good journalism and we'll get the real story here.

    In the meantime, I'm still excited that we're getting a 17 million dollar baseball stadium. I don't really give a sh if it gets delayed by a couple weeks. I suppose that makes me "part of the problem" right?

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