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  1. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajuns_fan View Post
    I agree too: I think this whole Tigue issue is about to prove a lot of things. If there are really issues with donors I will have been lied to directly by SF. I will then firmly be on 'fire the sob' side. While I surely have my concerns about everything at this point, I don't know for sure. Yet.
    I have been lied to directly to my face the last time we were suppose to get a new stadium... Exactly 2 weeks before the supposed start date... Yessir construction will start after the last out.... There weren't even drawings when he told me that.

  2. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Not to mention the 30 years past due for upgrades part..
    Yes at some point soon, Cajun field will be a safety hazard that needs to be dealt with.

  3. #99

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajuns_fan View Post
    I think there are a lot of folks on here who just don't know anything. They have no 'connections,' so only hear that type of discussion when they read it here.

    ---They also don't want to condemn anyone without having first hand knowledge of something, or evidence from a credible, known, source.

    ---Yes, they probably also want to believe the best in folks, first.

  4. #100

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajuns_fan View Post
    I agree too: I think this whole Tigue issue is about to prove a lot of things. If there are really issues with donors I will have been lied to directly by SF. I will then firmly be on 'fire the sob' side. While I surely have my concerns about everything at this point, I don't know for sure. Yet.
    It will be built, but I have a question for you. Does that alleviate Farmer from everything that has been said on here concerning his missteps with the Tigue Moore field project? There was $3 million in the fund Friday before last, according a RCAF member that is in the top 10 giving at this university and is also donating money to the project. According to him and several other high giving members, Dr. Savoie was not aware that most of the commitments were still out and had not been collected as of yet and until a recent project meeting Farmer hadn't come clean with the actual amount in the fund. In addition to that, the largest donor giving money had nothing to do with Scott Farmer, nor did former players that made commitments. They gave because of Coach Robichaux and through the efforts of Gerald Hebert, Harris and Stefni Lotief. Out of that group I have not heard of one large donation that Scott Farmer has secured.

    So as CrazyCajun has stated, they are securing funds through another avenue and it will be paid back by the donations raised and collected. But there are a number of people that have been told that most of the funds have been raised through email communications or face to face meetings with Farmer. During the regional, Dugas and Stewart told ESPN that the project would be started after the season, meaning College World Series. Across the college baseball world watched that broadcast and were shown the drawings. This project will get done, no thanks to Scott Farmer.

  5. #101

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    It will be built, but I have a question for you. Does that alleviate Farmer from everything that has been said on here concerning his missteps with the Tigue Moore field project?There was $3 million in the fund Friday before last, according a RCAF member that is in the top 10 giving at this university and is also donating money to the project. According to him and several other high giving members, Dr. Savoie was not aware that most of the commitments were still out and had not been collected as of yet and until a recent project meeting Farmer hadn't come clean with the actual amount in the fund. In addition to that, the largest donor giving money had nothing to do with Scott Farmer, nor did former players that made commitments. They gave because of Coach Robichaux and through the efforts of Gerald Hebert, Harris and Stefni Lotief. Out of that group I have not heard of one large donation that Scott Farmer has secured.

    So as CrazyCajun has stated, they are securing funds through another avenue and it will be paid back by the donations raised and collected. But there are a number of people that have been told that most of the funds have been raised through email communications or face to face meetings with Farmer. During the regional, Dugas and Stewart told ESPN that the project would be started after the season, meaning College World Series. Across the college baseball world heard that broadcast and were shown the drawings. This project will get done, no thanks to Scott Farmer.

    ---Yes, as I clearly said: if these things are proved, publicy, to be true then I will support the 'get rid of Farmer' movement. This would be because he flat out told me:

    "On Jun 18, 2016, at 9:42 AM, Scott Farmer wrote:

    No financing has fallen through. All pledges for the baseball project are up to date."

    ---But unless/until that is proven to be incorrect, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

  6. Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    I'm not worried about this. If there is an issue, I am sure the legislative auditor will be happy to tell us..

  7. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajuns_fan View Post
    ---Yes, as I clearly said: if these things are proved, publicy, to be true then I will support the 'get rid of Farmer' movement. This would be because he flat out told me:

    "On Jun 18, 2016, at 9:42 AM, Scott Farmer wrote:

    No financing has fallen through. All pledges for the baseball project are up to date."

    ---But unless/until that is proven to be incorrect, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
    In other words " I tried my very best to totally phk this up but unfortunately... As usual the good people at this university and the president have found a way to bail my dumbass out...again. I will continue to try to make this process as difficult and painful as possible... Gauephx Cajuns

  8. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Another words " I tried my very best to totally phk this up but unfortunately... As usual the good people at this university and the president have found a way to bail my dumbass out...again. I will continue to try to make this process as difficult and painful as possible... Gauephx Cajuns
    Good just went yard....

  9. #105

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajuns_fan View Post
    ---Yes, as I clearly said: if these things are proved, publicy, to be true then I will support the 'get rid of Farmer' movement. This would be because he flat out told me:

    "On Jun 18, 2016, at 9:42 AM, Scott Farmer wrote:

    No financing has fallen through. All pledges for the baseball project are up to date."

    ---But unless/until that is proven to be incorrect, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
    I'm not certain how it's going to be proven to you or anyone else. I certainly don't expect Coach Robichaux to come out and say anything negative about Farmer, or blame him for anything. I don't see Dr. Savoie coming out and making any kind of public statement on financing this project through another avenue, that would be political suicide in this climate. So once again, someone has to come behind and clean up Farmer's poop trail, and there will be no public record of it. But if you want proof of Farmer's fundraising efforts, read the Alden report and which individual is given the credit for raising over $75 million for this athletic department. You will not find Farmer's name, but that is the #1 responsibility for a athletic director.

  10. #106

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    I'm not certain how it's going to be proven to you or anyone else. I certainly don't expect Coach Robichaux to come out and say anything negative about Farmer, or blame him for anything. I don't see Dr. Savoie coming out and making any kind of public statement on financing this project through another avenue, that would be political suicide in this climate. So once again, someone has to come behind and clean up Farmer's poop trail, and there will be no public record of it. But if you want proof of Farmer's fundraising efforts, read the Alden report and which individual is given the credit for raising over $75 million for this athletic department. You will not find Farmer's name, but that is the #1 responsibility for a athletic director.
    T testify brother!!! Because donations are being withheld period. Not big donations but enough small to medium size to matter. I suppose some of ya ll Farmer/president lovers wonder why? Wait till you see attendance figures for up coming football season. Enough is a damn enough at some point.

  11. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    I'm not certain how it's going to be proven to you or anyone else. I certainly don't expect Coach Robichaux to come out and say anything negative about Farmer, or blame him for anything. I don't see Dr. Savoie coming out and making any kind of public statement on financing this project through another avenue, that would be political suicide in this climate. So once again, someone has to come behind and clean up Farmer's poop trail, and there will be no public record of it. But if you want proof of Farmer's fundraising efforts, read the Alden report and which individual is given the credit for raising over $75 million for this athletic department. You will not find Farmer's name, but that is the #1 responsibility for a athletic director.
    Both of Cajun T's last two posts are completely accurate. You will also find that no one posting about problems with this project has stated the This project will not get done. It will be done and exactly as physically planned. This is a mess that should not have occured.

  12. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    T testify brother!!! Because donations are being withheld period. Not big donations but enough small to medium size to matter. I suppose some of ya ll Farmer/president lovers wonder why? Wait till you see attendance figures for up coming football season. Enough is a damn enough at some point.
    Big donations are also being withheld.

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