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  1. #85
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajuns_fan View Post
    I don't give your posts anymore credit than the others......except I happened to notice that what you heard tied into what I heard. And that both of them would explain other parts of the mystery.
    What?! My posts don't have more gravity than others? Did you notice all of my green dots?!

  2. Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    What?! My posts don't have more gravity than others? Did you notice all of my green dots?!
    ----Calling Helmut----When the value of the leftovers after tearing down is figured---isn't the out of pocket cost cut down considerably??? Have no Idea!!!

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunologist View Post
    You and your name calling. lol You must have been beat up as a kid.
    Another witty burn from Cajun Apologist..

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    To be fair it was more than just this Tigue thread. Several old threads were being bumped, and several cryptic threads were being started. It pretty much took over the site for days. There was a lot of folks having no clue what was going on and just wanted to chat lightly about sports. Not saying what M.A.T and C4L were doing by bringing all this to light was wrong, because it's not...but when they ask questions or wanted more info, they were called Farmer supporters and lovers. In my opinion that's not a good way to debate or discuss this...this probably annoyed some posters as well. I just stayed off for a few days, but that's just me.
    Sorry Jack. I've been at this long enough to know that majority of Cajun fans fall on one side or the other: for Farmer or totally against. Almost all of the ppl that are worth their salt are rigidly against the man (just ask them). I agree that it's not the best way to operate, but I've met a lot of these "objective supporters" of Farmer over the years and not shockingly, there's almost always a connection to Farmer. Calling a spade a spade.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Smoking out the loose lips. All they want is a source, not more details, they want names. When they get names, loose lips are sealed.
    This 100000x

    Most of these people are trying to catch the mole. Don't care who believes it. It's the damn truth.

  6. #90

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Ok I am not an administration apologist, and as Cajun fans we have accepted mediocrity for years. This is where I fall when it comes to the Farmer issue. Y'all say that he is not trying to get us in a better conference, that he has problem in the past with Lotief's, that he had lied to donors and turn down big money.

    Let's look at the other side of the coin. UL has rebuilt the softball field, got us a new indoor practice facility, with a brand new athletic performance complex, and is rebuilding our baseball field, along with the Cajun Dome, and has added seats to Cajun Field, and is planning to rebuild the pressbox and a brand new upper deck.

    He has done more with UL in the past 10 then UL has done in the past 30.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    Ok I am not an administration apologist, and as Cajun fans we have accepted mediocrity for years. This is where I fall when it comes to the Farmer issue. Y'all say that he is not trying to get us in a better conference, that he has problem in the past with Lotief's, that he had lied to donors and turn down big money.

    Let's look at the other side of the coin. UL has rebuilt the softball field, got us a new indoor practice facility, with a brand new athletic performance complex, and is rebuilding our baseball field, along with the Cajun Dome, and has added seats to Cajun Field, and is planning to rebuild the pressbox and a brand new upper deck.

    He has done more with UL in the past 10 then UL has done in the past 30.
    No, this is a misnomer. I'll let some one else explain the details, but to the casual fan, I do understand that perception.

  8. #92

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    Let's look at the other side of the coin. UL has rebuilt the softball field, got us a new indoor practice facility, with a brand new athletic performance complex, and is rebuilding our baseball field, along with the Cajun Dome, and has added seats to Cajun Field, and is planning to rebuild the pressbox and a brand new upper deck.
    I will give everyone credit for what has been accomplished (which is quite a lot) over the past 8-10 years. I think credit should be given where the credit is due.

    However, if the finances involving the Baseball stadium turn out to be true (and I have a feeling they are) then I can't see the additional improvements planned for Cajun Field taking place anytime in the near future, if at all. If we are having trouble financing a 10-15 million dollar project, I'm not sure how UL plans on addressing a 50-60 million dollar project!

    I hate to be negative, but I don't have a warm and fuzzy feeling right now.

  9. #93

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Sorry Jack. I've been at this long enough to know that majority of Cajun fans fall on one side or the other: for Farmer or totally against. Almost all of the ppl that are worth their salt are rigidly against the man (just ask them). I agree that it's not the best way to operate, but I've met a lot of these "objective supporters" of Farmer over the years and not shockingly, there's almost always a connection to Farmer. Calling a spade a spade.
    And this is where I disagree with you. I think there are a lot of folks on here who just don't know anything. They have no 'connections,' so only hear that type of discussion when they read it here.

    ---They also don't want to condemn anyone without having first hand knowledge of something, or evidence from a credible, known, source.

    ---Yes, they probably also want to believe the best in folks, first.

  10. #94

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    I will give everyone credit for what has been accomplished (which is quite a lot) over the past 8-10 years. I think credit should be given where the credit is due.

    However, if the finances involving the Baseball stadium turn out to be true (and I have a feeling they are) then I can't see the additional improvements planned for Cajun Field taking place anytime in the near future, if at all. If we are having trouble financing a 10-15 million dollar project, I'm not sure how UL plans on addressing a 50-60 million dollar project!

    I hate to be negative, but I don't have a warm and fuzzy feeling right now.
    I agree too: I think this whole Tigue issue is about to prove a lot of things. If there are really issues with donors I will have been lied to directly by SF. I will then firmly be on 'fire the sob' side. While I surely have my concerns about everything at this point, I don't know for sure. Yet.

  11. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    Ok I am not an administration apologist, and as Cajun fans we have accepted mediocrity for years. This is where I fall when it comes to the Farmer issue. Y'all say that he is not trying to get us in a better conference, that he has problem in the past with Lotief's, that he had lied to donors and turn down big money.

    Let's look at the other side of the coin. UL has rebuilt the softball field, got us a new indoor practice facility, with a brand new athletic performance complex, and is rebuilding our baseball field, along with the Cajun Dome, and has added seats to Cajun Field, and is planning to rebuild the pressbox and a brand new upper deck.

    He has done more with UL in the past 10 then UL has done in the past 30.
    Just being objective, you think he did that? Every important aspect of our AD's job has been subcontracted to third parties by our president. Mike lotief, Mark hudspeth,Robe and the city of lafayetre are the main reasons those things have been done in spite of donors not caring for the man. The long time supporters of those programs made that happen.. They have been here long before Farmer and will be here long after... Hopefully.

  12. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Just being objective, you think he did that? Every important aspect of our AD's job has been subcontracted to third parties by our president. Mike lotief, Mark hudspeth,Robe and the city of lafayetre are the main reasons those things have been done in spite of donors not caring for the man. The long time supporters of those programs made that happen.. They have been here long before Farmer and will be here long after... Hopefully.
    Not to mention the 30 years past due for upgrades part..

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