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  1. #61

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Probably not Duggie......I'm not sure we have one testicle among our big hitters when it comes to this stuff.....I am very very down on everyone right now.

  2. #62

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Any chance this gets resolved by a simple previously promised separation? Then donor follows through and everybody's happy?

  3. Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by cajundiehard View Post
    Any chance this gets resolved by a simple previously promised separation? Then donor follows through and everybody's happy?
    Yesterday, I was wondering this very thing. It would turn everyone into a truth teller.

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    This information was not suppposed to get out. ...

    there are countless others stepping up and leaking information.
    Therein lies the problem.

  5. #65

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    And the more you post, the more you sound like Farmers boyfriend.

    The people I talk to know whats going on. Keep getting your info from La La land dope.
    You and your name calling. lol You must have been beat up as a kid.

  6. #66
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Why is what this forum "speculates" is going on with the Tigue... such a huge deal? Why are people so offended at what someone says they "heard" from a "source"? I don't get it.

    People routinely get on this forum and tell the forum that the forum doesn't matter to anyone at UL. They go further by saying the forum members themselves don't matter. And then they add that the forum doesn't represent the opinions and views of the "fans".

    If the above is true... why are people getting so upset with what is being said is going on with the Tigue? In all reality, we will see what goes on with the Tigue. And the truth will very likely surface. But why is the speculation on this insignificant forum creating such consternation?

  7. #67

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    Why is what this forum "speculates" is going on with the Tigue... such a huge deal? Why are people so offended at what someone says they "heard" from a "source"? I don't get it.
    To be fair it was more than just this Tigue thread. Several old threads were being bumped, and several cryptic threads were being started. It pretty much took over the site for days. There was a lot of folks having no clue what was going on and just wanted to chat lightly about sports. Not saying what M.A.T and C4L were doing by bringing all this to light was wrong, because it's not...but when they ask questions or wanted more info, they were called Farmer supporters and lovers. In my opinion that's not a good way to debate or discuss this...this probably annoyed some posters as well. I just stayed off for a few days, but that's just me.
    Last edited by CajunJack55; June 21st, 2016 at 08:57 am. Reason: typos and such

  8. #68

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    To be fair it was more than just this Tigue thread. Several old threads were being bumped, and several cryptic threads were being started. It pretty much took over the site for days. There was a lot of folks having no clue what was going on and just wanted to chat lightly about sports. Not saying what M.A.T and C4L were doing by bringing all this to light was wrong, because it's not...but when they ask questions or wanted more info, they were called Farmer supporters and lovers. In my opinion that's not a good way to debate or discuss this...this probably annoyed some posters as well. I just stayed off for a few days, but that's just me.
    Its just what they do

  9. #69
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by IHateLaState View Post
    Its just what they do
    who is they?


  10. #70

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    Why is what this forum "speculates" is going on with the Tigue... such a huge deal? Why are people so offended at what someone says they "heard" from a "source"? I don't get it.

    People routinely get on this forum and tell the forum that the forum doesn't matter to anyone at UL. They go further by saying the forum members themselves don't matter. And then they add that the forum doesn't represent the opinions and views of the "fans".

    If the above is true... why are people getting so upset with what is being said is going on with the Tigue? In all reality, we will see what goes on with the Tigue. And the truth will very likely surface. But why is the speculation on this insignificant forum creating such consternation?
    Smoking out the loose lips. All they want is a source, not more details, they want names. When they get names, loose lips are sealed.

  11. #71

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by IHateLaState View Post
    Its just what they do
    Someone has to do it...god forbid we sit back and trust these dip____s in the administration. Think of what the APC would look like if no one got to Hud and let him know the plans were changed to the detriment of the facility. I for one am glad some people on this site aren't so happy-go-____ing-lucky that they can't accept every morsel the administration lets slide from their nether regions. Suppressing outside information, dissuading dissension, and ferreting out names is no way to debate and discuss this. Small time thinking, breeds small time results.

  12. #72

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Someone has to do it...god forbid we sit back and trust these dip____s in the administration. Think of what the APC would look like if no one got to Hud and let him know the plans were changed to the detriment of the facility. I for one am glad some people on this site aren't so happy-go-____ing-lucky that they can't accept every morsel the administration lets slide from their nether regions. Suppressing outside information, dissuading dissension, and ferreting out names is no way to debate and discuss this. Small time thinking, breeds small time results.
    I agree with this 1000%. My response was simply to J1M's comment and how some people on here are generously curious about what was going. The discussions got out of hand in my opinion and muddied up the original conversation.

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