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  1. #349

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Wouldn't it be a 14 million dollar loan?

    Also, the fact that there is not a word about this speaks volumes in my opinion. How can Dan McDonald, Buckey and Luke not say a word about it? How come KATC and KLFY aren't at the field questioning it? I have to believe they have word to stand down.

    If Farmer makes it out of this it speaks volumes to not only the faceless buffoons of this board but every season ticket holder and fan of this great university. Someone better say something soon because the longer it waits.. the worse it will be.

  2. Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    I guess it's hard to remember sometimes that as a public university this is essentially a government institution. And those are always a den of incompetence, waste, missed opportunities, politics, etc. We get attached to our school, and project our views of the area onto the school. It's a "can do" area. It's an area of individuals who have by hook or crook made themselves successful. Against all odds. Because the school is so intertwined into our culture, we want to think that it has this limitless potential....since we have seen what our community has done against all the odds. But at the end of the day this is just a government institution, existing in a state with even more than the usual toxic politics, and a long, long history of dysfunction. So we have a number of incompetents in key positions...and a leader who has to constantly play the politics. I'm not saying we should be happy....I'm just 0% surprised this has turned out this way. I don't expect the DNV to operate efficiently, and I'm not surprised when this school does not. Highly disappointed, but not surprised.
    Great thoughts. I agree. For everything though, I thought we'd get this right. I really did. I thought Robe had been screwed around with enough, and I thought Farmer would realize the magnitude of this situation and for ONCE, perform when the bright lights were on.

    And yet, still no public address from Martin Hall. Who was it that was emailing with Farmer?

  3. #351

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    You know what is interesting... The"boys" on this board go to great lengths to criticize the "boys" who in their conspiratorial minds run the AD at UL... Yet if you don't toe the line on this board and agree with all their conclusions, you get attacked...

  4. Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by anhil8tor View Post
    Wouldn't it be a 14 million dollar loan?

    Also, the fact that there is not a word about this speaks volumes in my opinion. How can Dan McDonald, Buckey and Luke not say a word about it? How come KATC and KLFY aren't at the field questioning it? I have to believe they have word to stand down.

    If Farmer makes it out of this it speaks volumes to not only the faceless buffoons of this board but every season ticket holder and fan of this great university. Someone better say something soon because the longer it waits.. the worse it will be.
    I've been saying for 2 weeks that Farmer and a few others are on gag orders. No one from the media can get a word from Athletic Office personnel. Trust me, they've been trying for a while..

  5. Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by IHateLaState View Post
    You know what is interesting... The"boys" on this board go to great lengths to criticize the "boys" who in their conspiratorial minds run the AD at UL... Yet if you don't toe the line on this board and agree with all their conclusions, you get attacked...
    No one "attacked" you.. Get over yourself.

  6. #354

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by IHateLaState View Post
    You know what is interesting... The"boys" on this board go to great lengths to criticize the "boys" who in their conspiratorial minds run the AD at UL... Yet if you don't toe the line on this board and agree with all their conclusions, you get attacked...
    Nobody has been attacked. People trying to be victims and show their ___...are just made fun of and they should be. Have a good day.

  7. #355

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Great thoughts. I agree. For everything though, I thought we'd get this right. I really did. I thought Robe had been screwed around with enough, and I thought Farmer would realize the magnitude of this situation and for ONCE, perform when the bright lights were on.

    And yet, still no public address from Martin Hall. Who was it that was emailing with Farmer?
    That's why guys like Robe shine so bright. They are people who would KILL IT in the private sector. They just chose a different path, and somehow didn't get ruined by the gross incompetence around them. Imagine Robe running his own company...or as CEO of a large company. Now imagine Scott Farmer. That's why Robe stands out so bright.

  8. #356

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by anhil8tor View Post
    Wouldn't it be a 14 million dollar loan?

    Also, the fact that there is not a word about this speaks volumes in my opinion. How can Dan McDonald, Buckey and Luke not say a word about it? How come KATC and KLFY aren't at the field questioning it? I have to believe they have word to stand down.

    If Farmer makes it out of this it speaks volumes to not only the faceless buffoons of this board but every season ticket holder and fan of this great university. Someone better say something soon because the longer it waits.. the worse it will be.
    They have made calls and request for interviews, but were told there will be no comment for now. They have to get people on record or their editors will not approve any piece to print. Right now no one wants to go on record and explain the reasons why 70% of the funds were not raised when public comments were made otherwise.

  9. #357

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAmos View Post
    I do think the intent was to use suite sales at the stadium to offset some of the construction costs, just as was planned for the Cajun field renovations.
    That is true, but public comments and private comments to donors were made that 70% of the funds must be raised before the project went forward. That is not the case.

  10. #358


    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    I'm in agreement with you on that... Remember a couple weeks ago when a group of us were telling everyone something was wrong? And that the construction taking place was smoke and mirrors? We were called faceless buffoons and liars? Nobody would believe anything was wrong unless named sources were given?

    There is something that stinks and it's not the 250k donation or lack thereof.

    So, the foundation and RCAF are still very much tied at the hip. Does this not make the records there subject to public records request?

  11. #359


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunStros View Post
    There is something that stinks and it's not the 250k donation or lack thereof.

    So, the foundation and RCAF are still very much tied at the hip. Does this not make the records there subject to public records request?

  12. #360

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?


    Would it be beneficial or detrimental to contact those in the media via email, twitter, instagram etc etc asking about updates or pictures of the upgrade?

    Should we email KATC and KLFY? Should we hit @tigue up on twitter? Should we hit up the media members on twitter and whatnot? Would it help?

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