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  1. #109

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    I'm not certain how it's going to be proven to you or anyone else. I certainly don't expect Coach Robichaux to come out and say anything negative about Farmer, or blame him for anything. I don't see Dr. Savoie coming out and making any kind of public statement on financing this project through another avenue, that would be political suicide in this climate. So once again, someone has to come behind and clean up Farmer's poop trail, and there will be no public record of it. But if you want proof of Farmer's fundraising efforts, read the Alden report and which individual is given the credit for raising over $75 million for this athletic department. You will not find Farmer's name, but that is the #1 responsibility for a athletic director.
    Do you really mean that if we have to use 'other means,' to get funding, which would in turn mean that they would need ULS board approval, that this would not be public knowledge? That's a serious question.....I dint know how they could get this 'cleaned up' without everyone knowing about it.
    Unless they get another donor to pump in $2 million.

  2. #110

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by basinbear View Post
    Both of Cajun T's last two posts are completely accurate. You will also find that no one posting about problems with this project has stated the This project will not get done. It will be done and exactly as physically planned. This is a mess that should not have occured.
    Basin, You and Cajun T are the brain trust here with inside information for days that proves accurate 85% of the time. We seen enough truth form ya ll and lies from the T slow coalition to know who to trust.

  3. #111

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    We are way behind in donations to the RCAF unrestricted fund then we were at this time last year. Now granted the economy has affected this. But I know 5 people for instance that have pulled and reduced funding over $9,000 total. Their reason was the leadership in Athletics. I believe there a a lot more doing the same.

  4. #112


    Quote Originally Posted by basinbear View Post
    We are way behind in donations to the RCAF unrestricted fund then we were at this time last year. Now granted the economy has affected this. But I know 5 people for instance that have pulled and reduced funding over $9,000 total. Their reason was the leadership in Athletics. I believe there a a lot more doing the same.
    You can add my $1,500 to the 9,000.

  5. #113

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by SMD7636 View Post
    You can add my $1,500 to the 9,000.
    and my measley 1000

  6. #114
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    In other words " I tried my very best to totally phk this up but unfortunately... As usual the good people at this university and the president have found a way to bail my dumbass out...again. I will continue to try to make this process as difficult and painful as possible... Gauephx Cajuns
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  7. #115

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    And we can't afford any loss of funding.

  8. #116

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajuns_fan View Post
    Do you really mean that if we have to use 'other means,' to get funding, which would in turn mean that they would need ULS board approval, that this would not be public knowledge? That's a serious question.....I dint know how they could get this 'cleaned up' without everyone knowing about it.
    Unless they get another donor to pump in $2 million.
    That is correct, it is possible that the UL System board would not need to approve funding from an alternative avenue, one specifically that I have been told about. There are several alternatives on the table right now and which one they decided to go with is not known at this time.

  9. #117

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    That is correct, it is possible that the UL System board would not need to approve funding from an alternative avenue, one specifically that I have been told about. There are several alternatives on the table right now and which one they decided to go with is not known at this time.
    Is there a way you can tell us what these alternatives (that don't need ULS approval) are? Don't we have to justify how we find projects....and if we've already saud that this will be done a certain way, and that changes, won't we have to report those changes? And where/how we are now getting the funding?

  10. #118

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajuns_fan View Post
    Is there a way you can tell us what these alternatives (that don't need ULS approval) are? Don't we have to justify how we find projects....and if we've already saud that this will be done a certain way, and that changes, won't we have to report those changes? And where/how we are now getting the funding?
    I wish I could, but I have no specifics on them. Once it comes out that the project is moving forward in some kind of public announcement, I plan on talking to several people to see how it was accomplished. Right now, we are all just waiting to hear something soon from Farmer.

  11. #119

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    I wish I could, but I have no specifics on them. Once it comes out that the project is moving forward in some kind of public announcement, I plan on talking to several people to see how it was accomplished. Right now, we are all just waiting to hear something soon from Farmer.
    Ok, thx.
    But again: this is a public project that needs approval of funding from the ULS board before it can proceed. I always thought that any significant changes in funding would also need approval from the board. So I don't see how we won't be able to know if anything happened to the funding such as been mentioned here. Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of these.

  12. #120

    Default Re: TIGUE UPDATE?

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajuns_fan View Post
    Ok, thx.
    But again: this is a public project that needs approval of funding from the ULS board before it can proceed. I always thought that any significant changes in funding would also need approval from the board. So I don't see how we won't be able to know if anything happened to the funding such as been mentioned here. Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of these.
    I thought so as well, but was told its possible to do so by someone that has spoken to one of our board members. I can't say one way or the other because I would like to get specifics from one of those board members once it is announced. It's going to be interesting.

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