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Thread: The Building of Russo Park at Louisiana

  1. #841


    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxCajuns View Post
    Does anyone have a reason as to why the over hang isn't symmetrical? It's throwing me off.
    I think maybe it's the angle of the afternoon sun. The extended overhang will shade more of the grandstand.

  2. #842

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by DannyP View Post
    I think maybe it's the angle of the afternoon sun. The extended overhang will shade more of the grandstand.
    The grandstand is not symmetrical. You can see on the 360 view picture that there are 3 full arches on the outside of the structure on the first base side, 3 in the middle then there are only 2 on the third base side. You can see the last section of the roof on the 3rd base side is narrower than the first base side as well. It's also visible on the final renderings put out. The furthest grandstand section outside of each entryway is different between the 3rd base side and 1st base side

  3. #843


    Quote Originally Posted by DannyP View Post
    I think maybe it's the angle of the afternoon sun. The extended overhang will shade more of the grandstand.
    No it's definitely longer on the left side...standing on the pitchers mound looking at it. Was wondering if anyone knew the reasoning for it.

  4. #844


    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxCajuns View Post
    No it's definitely longer on the left side...standing on the pitchers mound looking at it. Was wondering if anyone knew the reasoning for it.
    I realize it's definitely longer on the 1st base side...
    My point/guess as to why they designed it that way was that the sun sets "foul" down the 1st base side. That would keep people out of the Sun for a longer period of time...

  5. #845

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Again, the 3rd base side is definitely narrower because the grandstand runs into the clubhouse. As to why they didn't make the 1st base side narrower to match, I don't really know why that is. The sun does go down on that side, so I do appreciate the extra cover.

  6. #846

    UL Baseball Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    I think, I repeat I think, it is because of the club house on the third base side. The plan is to redo the club house and move Tony's and the other coaches offices to inside the stadium. Also when I say coaches office I mean the hallway that some have to work in. Look at the pictures on the backside of the stadium and you can see it buts up to the offices.

    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by MelRock; January 6th, 2017 at 09:57 am. Reason: because LaTurd only wish they had our facilities

  7. #847


    Quote Originally Posted by DannyP View Post
    I realize it's definitely longer on the 1st base side...
    My point/guess as to why they designed it that way was that the sun sets "foul" down the 1st base side. That would keep people out of the Sun for a longer period of time...
    Ahhh, it's early, I didn't pick up on that.

  8. #848

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    @mel, I see that, but I figured if they were butting beams through the clubhouse anyway and it is to be redone, I didn't think they would let it dictate the stadium. Does make sense though.

  9. #849

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxCajuns View Post
    @mel, I see that, but I figured if they were butting beams through the clubhouse anyway and it is to be redone, I didn't think they would let it dictate the stadium. Does make sense though.
    I hear ya, but I am sure there is more reasons than I know.

  10. #850

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Not much shaking today. Can't say that I blame them.

  11. #851

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Steel erection work going on this morning. No masonry work though. Too cold. I'm sure they are looking for stuff to do in the sun.

  12. #852

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    Helmut: off topic, but do you have any news on what's going on where guillory hall used to be? Seems like they are working on the big electrical transformers there.....I wonder if that's in preperation of the new quad/green space that will going up there? Have you heard anything about the status of that green space?
    Also, they are also putting up a ton of new lampposts along Johnston (between university & st Mary) and also all along St. Mary. At least that's what it looks like to me....they've built the bases, but the lampposts are not up yet.
    Re transformers. I know they were energized during demolition. Don't know if that has anything to do with green space project.

    Re lamp post. They have been working on that since before Thanksgiving. Probably waiting on the lamp posts.

    Both are probably part of the same project.

    All a guess on my part as I am not involved with either one.

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