Until you look at the upright beams on the third base line (to the right of the light pole on the third base side) and realize that this project is UNDER CONSTRUCTION. They will get there but right now the first base line construction is ahead of the third base line.
I'm speaking strictly of the over hang. Obviously the job is under construction....but the span on the angle on the third baseline is shorter than the span of the angle on the first base side. You can look at the cantilever support and see the differences in the space between them.
The cantilevers over the bleachers were never shown as continuous from the main grandstand. They will be at a different level. Since the first base and third base bleachers are different in placement and elevation the primary overhang will not be exactly symmetrical on both sides. However the cantilevers definitely extend down both lines to the end of the bleachers.
If you look closely you will see that there are three full cantilever supports on each side before there is a pie shaped section of the roof. I would suspect that both sections are pretty close to the same length. The only difference being the column line spacing. I really don't think that it will make that much difference when you are sitting in the stands. Only two people MIGHT notice it during the game they being the center fielder for each team. I doubt that they will notice though.
I'm just very observant
Steel going up behind the 3rd base bleachers today
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