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Thread: The Building of Russo Park at Louisiana

  1. #1993

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    A few pics from today, from outside the cam range. Getting very close to finishing the exterior. And also, if you notice they have finally installed the real handrails in the first base entrance site....IDK why this wasn't done sooner, since it has been being used as the main entrance since 0303.
    Also, I didn't get a chance to take a pic of it, but the interior .....the PB/suites/club level....has windows, stucco, etc., and is look really great
    In summary, we will see a lot of progress next weekend.....
    They still have that one section behind the home plate area that is open and hasnt been bricked (in your last pic.) I wonder what that's about

  2. #1994

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by facelessjonmoon View Post
    Even with the new clubhouse being built, I doubt the old one would be be removed. Probably just repurposed
    IMO there are 3 things that need to be done asap! Refurbish the boxes down first and third base lines, new outfield fence, and new club house and locker rooms

  3. #1995

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by wcd35 View Post
    They still have that one section behind the home plate area that is open and hasnt been bricked (in your last pic.) I wonder what that's about
    I'm thinking it's something that needs to moved into those 2 rooms that won't fit through the current doorway of those 2 rooms.

  4. #1996

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    I'm thinking it's something that needs to moved into those 2 rooms that won't fit through the current doorway of those 2 rooms.
    I tend to agree, but maybe helmut can weigh in on?

  5. #1997

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Looks like they are making a push to finish the brick work in the third base side this weekend.

  6. #1998

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    The clubhouse need to be done as soon as possible. If you look at the stadium the only thing in my opinion that takes away for the overall presentation of this project is the old club house sitting there. Where would it be located and how much will it cost to build? If removing the bleachers and extending the stadium is not in the near future I think they should be raise to match the stadium. It want be hard to do. When they installed the third base side bleachers they notice they were 2' to low. Easy fix. They set jacks under it and raised it and placed 2' stubs under each footing. It took about 5 days to do it......
    Everyone has a right to an opinion but I completely disagree with this: I drove on Reinhardt yesterday and saw up close that the bricks of the two structures blend very well. I'm sure they could make a few simple changes on the clubhouse (windows/doors, signage, etc.) that will make it blend in even more.

  7. UL Baseball Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    The problem with the current clubhouse is not that the bricks don't match perfectly. It breaks the symmetry of the facility.

    The best reason for a quick replacement is to upgrade the athletes ball park experience. To complete for players that give us a real chance for CWS trips we need every advantage based in the SBC. No TV, long bus rides are a couple of negatives.

    Let's get those satellite trucks, and charter flights when bus trips are longer than five hours.

  8. #2000


    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    Everyone has a right to an opinion but I completely disagree with this: I drove on Reinhardt yesterday and saw up close that the bricks of the two structures blend very well. I'm sure they could make a few simple changes on the clubhouse (windows/doors, signage, etc.) that will make it blend in even more.
    I was of the understanding that the new clubhouse will be under the 1st base stands and when the New Dugouts are sunk down UL will do many schools do that have the sun in their eyes they start using the first base dugout rather than the traditional third base dugout. So more than likely the old structure club house will be torn torn down or used for storage or offices not certain .

  9. #2001

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    Everyone has a right to an opinion but I completely disagree with this: I drove on Reinhardt yesterday and saw up close that the bricks of the two structures blend very well. I'm sure they could make a few simple changes on the clubhouse (windows/doors, signage, etc.) that will make it blend in even more.
    As is it looks now, it's does not fit in this project. What's the old saying, you can put lipstick on a pig, but.....

  10. #2002

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    Looks like they are making a push to finish the brick work in the third base side this weekend.
    Looks to me like they have reached all the way to the top, to left of the entrance. I assume they will spray the cleaner as they descend. And I think that leaves just the top arch above the entrance as the last part of the bricks left on the whole exterior.....although I'm not sure what is still needed along the 3rd baseline bleachers but that looks very complete too.

  11. #2003

    Default Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    Looks to me like they have reached all the way to the top, to left of the entrance. I assume they will spray the cleaner as they descend. And I think that leaves just the top arch above the entrance as the last part of the bricks left on the whole exterior.....although I'm not sure what is still needed along the 3rd baseline bleachers but that looks very complete too.
    They still have the cast stone trim to place at the top. There might be some brick work to do here and there but they can finish that next week. They will clean the brick from a man lift.

  12. UL Baseball Re: Construction Cam is Up!!!!!!!!

    Appears we're one window shorter on third base side than first. That's what, about six feet with brick trim.

    The stadium is really sweet.

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