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Thread: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

  1. #61
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by DJDAWG View Post
    So, you admit that this is all about Louisiana-Lafayette becoming the flagship of U of L.

    Please do tell why we will not have a choice in the matter.

    And, it would be stupidity to stand around and just let it happen.
    The fear is palpable with the latex crew. They are being left behind and it scares the sheet out of them.

  2. Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by DJDAWG View Post
    So, you admit that this is all about Louisiana-Lafayette becoming the flagship of U of L.

    Please do tell why we will not have a choice in the matter.

    And, it would be stupidity to stand around and just let it happen.
    Dude, you people need to get over yourselves. Even if this was about a flagship status, which it is NOT, it wouldn't matter anyway. Have you not been keeping up with current events? LaNech has been relegated to R3 status, and will soon lose its Tier 1 standing. Concern yourselves with that! How about actually earning a post season appearance in something other than football? Our name should be the least of Nech or any other (too many) institutions in this state.

  3. Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by DJDAWG View Post
    Seriously?!?! You don't know why?

    There have been many posters on this board that have spoken about being the second flagship of this state and, especially of the University of Louisiana system. ...
    This is a lie, and you know it but keep listening to the voices in you head.

  4. Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by DJDAWG View Post
    So, you admit that this is all about Louisiana-Lafayette becoming the flagship of U of L.

    Please do tell why we will not have a choice in the matter.

    And, it would be stupidity to stand around and just let it happen.
    His post was about ULM making strides towards passing you up, but keep interpreting things your way.

  5. #65

    Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by DJDAWG View Post
    So, you admit that this is all about Louisiana-Lafayette becoming the flagship of U of L.
    UL is already the "Flagship" of the UL system! We don't need the name to obtain that status.

  6. Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by DJDAWG View Post
    So, you admit that this is all about Louisiana-Lafayette becoming the flagship of U of L.

    Please do tell why we will not have a choice in the matter.

    And, it would be stupidity to stand around and just let it happen.
    choice in the matter? like the choice we get when "the flagship" determines they don't want a school in their system any longer and they get  ed in ours, (sans any tangible assets) ....much like yourselves im guessing?

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by DJDAWG View Post
    Seriously?!?! You don't know why?

    There have been many posters on this board that have spoken about being the second flagship of this state and, especially of the University of Louisiana system. This would have obvious affects on Tech and we simply will not let that happen.

    To accomplish this, one of the main tasks is to be known nationally as University of Louisiana or just Louisiana.

    This stupid name game does affect Tech and does affect all other universities in the U of L system. Stop trying to spin the issue like it doesn't.
    In the UL system only LTUR and, UNO claimed any flagship status. When pushing for CUSA and the lame attempt to steal LSUMS and LSUS your president claimed flagship status. A lame claim flagship of N Louisiana. Then limping into the ULS the then president claimed the other half being flagship of South Louisiana.

    I am amused you wasted so much time digging up things to copy and paste.

    Keep on squawking. How's your new academic status mating up with ULM? Yeah, a big flagship of N Louisiana. We do know LTUR loves to puff their resume.

  8. Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    UL is already the "Flagship" of the UL system! We don't need the name to obtain that status.
    You must be going by the second definition in Merriam-Webster's online dictionary.

    "the finest, largest, or most important one of a series, network, or chain"
    In Louisiana there needs to be a law clarifying what largest means.

  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by DJDAWG View Post
    Seriously?!?! You don't know why?

    There have been many posters on this board that have spoken about being the second flagship of this state and, especially of the University of Louisiana system. This would have obvious affects on Tech and we simply will not let that happen.

    To accomplish this, one of the main tasks is to be known nationally as University of Louisiana or just Louisiana.

    This stupid name game does affect Tech and does affect all other universities in the U of L system. Stop trying to spin the issue like it doesn't.
    Good....I hope it all makes you constipated

  10. #70
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by basinbear View Post
    Good....I hope it all makes you constipated
    This guy is so great! LOL!!! It warms the cockles of my heart to see him squirm.


  11. Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Here's where these dimwits get off track. All the structural and uniform branding that has been paid for crosses someone's desk IN THE REGENT'S OFFICE. If there was a problem it would have already been addressed.

    Now go collect some cans on the side of the road to pay for your basketball coach's alleged love child

  12. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Now we know what opposition is being fed to ESPN and should be able to counter that with them. There is nothing we can say to a Tech fan that will change what they gave or continue to give to ESPN. We now need to be more proactive in our contact with ESPN.
    Good luck with that because your president doesn't care and ESPN could care less. It doesn't matter what this douchebag and others complain about, we could still sell our brand if our production capability was in place. You think that anyone wants to broadcast Tech baseball or softball over our product? No matter how much chest beating these clowns do, they still have a baseball program that hasn't been in a regional in a quarter century and a MBB program that has seen the NCAA Tournament in almost as long. Outside of football and WBB they have no winning tradition in any other major sports for almost a quarter century. And their WBB program just hired a coach from NWST and overpaid to get her. This was the same Coach that was pasted by the Cajuns in the Dome in a tournament game this past postseason.

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