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Thread: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

  1. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Look at yourself.. This is what you're doing on a Saturday night..

    Let it sink in.
    Capital L loser.

  2. #110

    Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Good question, why was that law written?

    It's because when the Judge observed "no law says you can change your name" (and used it as a basis of denial) he exposed the fact that no law said they couldn't change their name.

    The solution of course was to hurriedly write a retroactive law stating they couldn't.

    Back to your question; By the spirit and intent of this law, all references pertained to "University of" they were hyper specific that it was "University of" that engaged the law.

    This went far beyond no law says you can/no law says you can't. This law narrowed the scope to the pinpoint detail "University of"

    The city designation was irrelevant if "University of" was not used.

    via GIPHY

  3. #111

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by DJDAWG View Post
    Wanna take that back?

    Just like the Democratic Party/Liberals, let them talk and eventually, they will reveal their true motives.
    stop pandering to this board

  4. #112

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeaux View Post
    Your official name is Louisiana Polytechnical University, yet all over that crappy stadium I see Tech. Who y'all trying to fool, you're closer to Arkansas Tech than you are to Texas Tech. [educationally as well as geographically]
    c'mon, jeaux, don't insult arkie tech. at least it's in a pretty part of the state.

  5. #113

    Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by DJDAWG View Post
    Well, there are a number of us that have been writing emails to many of the sports media.

    1) We give them the exact law that states the name change and how it can be used. Simple to read and very easy for the sports media to grasp that your official name is Louisiana-Lafayette. Your name has not been incorrectly plastered everywhere like one guy said above. It is truly your name.

    2) We point out that you are known as Louisiana-Lafayette to the entire state. Not one university in Louisiana calls you, University of Louisiana, Louisiana or UL. None. Proof? We tell them to just read the online media guides of every university in Louisiana. None and I mean none list you as UL or Louisiana or University of Louisiana. It is always ULL or Louisiana-Lafayette. Always. Prove me wrong.

    3) We point out that there are TWO Universities of Louisiana in this state and both play in the FBS division and both play in the Sunbelt conference. The ONLY way to distinguish between the two is to use the city as part of the name. Example, when ESPN runs a ticker on the bottom of the TV screen and the score says: Louisiana 30, Arkansas State 14, no one and I mean no one knows which Louisiana they are talking about. It could easily be Monroe. People across the country and even in Louisiana just do not know. So, ESPN has to use the city designation.

    It really is way too easy to defeat you guys.

    But, I seriously do want you to keep it up cause it is so juicy to watch your meltdowns when called Lafayette.

    via GIPHY

  6. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Look at yourself.. This is what you're doing on a Saturday night..

    Let it sink in.
    For real! DJDAWG needs to just admit that he/she is obsessed with Cajun athletics. Tell you what, let's extend an invitation to DJ to join us for a tailgate or something. I'm will to forgive and's obvious this person has Louisiana on their mind 24/7. Welcome to the Cajun family, DJ!

  7. #115

    Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by DJDAWG View Post
    Well, there are a number of us that have been writing emails to many of the sports media.

    1) We give them the exact law that states the name change and how it can be used. Simple to read and very easy for the sports media to grasp that your official name is Louisiana-Lafayette. Your name has not been incorrectly plastered everywhere like one guy said above. It is truly your name.

    2) We point out that you are known as Louisiana-Lafayette to the entire state. Not one university in Louisiana calls you, University of Louisiana, Louisiana or UL. None. Proof? We tell them to just read the online media guides of every university in Louisiana. None and I mean none list you as UL or Louisiana or University of Louisiana. It is always ULL or Louisiana-Lafayette. Always. Prove me wrong.

    3) We point out that there are TWO Universities of Louisiana in this state and both play in the FBS division and both play in the Sunbelt conference. The ONLY way to distinguish between the two is to use the city as part of the name. Example, when ESPN runs a ticker on the bottom of the TV screen and the score says: Louisiana 30, Arkansas State 14, no one and I mean no one knows which Louisiana they are talking about. It could easily be Monroe. People across the country and even in Louisiana just do not know. So, ESPN has to use the city designation.

    It really is way too easy to defeat you guys.

    But, I seriously do want you to keep it up cause it is so juicy to watch your meltdowns when called Lafayette.
    If you had read the real story, we LOUISIANA, were given the University of Louisiana title in 1984, only to have had it taken away within a few months by a Louisiana legislation full of envy and hate for us. Back by mickey neese and lsuwho supporters, the name was reversed back to USL.

    So when Loly Poly changed it name in the 60's I don't think our University resented or resisted to changing ouisiana Polytechnical University to La Tech.

    You see, when a University can, achieve in Academics and enrollment in this state, there are those you resent them. We have grown from 5500 when I enrolled in 1966 to 17,000 plus in 2015. What is tech, 8500?

    Be pround of your University and leave us alone you RED NECK A** H***.

    Having grown up in Loly Poly country, I told my parents, I would never attend loly poly and I didn't. While I have many high School classmates that attended loly poly, I don't give them crap unless they insult my University and it has happened.
    Hey, loly poly has its own brand of style and we OURS. More North Louisiana high school graduates are heading south to UL and they are loving it and there will be more. We will get to 22,000 sooner than you get 10,000 which I doubt will ever happen. YOU PEOPLE need to just shut up.

    Geaux Cajuns

  8. #116

    Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    "The Flagship of North Louisiana" who spinned their financial numbers to join CUSA is telling us how to follow the rules. Now, that is funny.

  9. #117

    Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    The name is CHAMPIONS .......

  10. #118

    Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by tank View Post
    The name is CHAMPIONS .......
    And Middle name is HOSTS

  11. #119
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Latex is hosting too, right? Bahaha!

  12. #120

    Default Re: You're name is Louisiana-Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    Latex is hosting too, right? Bahaha!
    No...there not. Your just being mean. :-(

    Bahaha!!!! I think we gonna kick some S. Ark. arz in old LALA!!!!!

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