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Thread: Softball regional LA vs Boston

  1. #37
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Softball regional LA vs Boston

    Quote Originally Posted by GoneGolfin View Post
    Note that if you watch the Kentucky pitcher (Prince) that is on TV now (vs. Butler), you will see that her non-stride foot does not remain in contact with the rubber at release ... but she is properly remaining in contact with the ground with her non-stride foot through the release of the pitch. This is legal and is not what Alex Stewart is doing when she gets called for the IP.

    Hopefully Coach Mike has this fixed for today. But she has obviously been pitching this way for a long time (as did Brignac). Tough to change overnight.

    I'm glad you explained it. I was looking at some other pitchers and although I knew the drag foot could leave the rubber before release of the ball, many of them are not remaining in direct contact with the ground prior to release. You're saying that it must remain "on plane", allowing it to pass above a divot, if a divot exists. I took it that they all must drag that foot regardless. I could see where Alex "crow hopped". I just looked around to see if other pitchers do it and get by with it. Several, without question, lose contact with the non stride foot before release... and do not get called.

    Can a pitcher wear a clown shoe on the non stride foot? Can our robotics engineering team add a retractable toe extension that extends to touch the ground during the pitch? Can you add a dirt colored flap to the non stride shoe toe and meet the rule?

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