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Thread: Russo Park name OK'd, with conditions

  1. #25

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Is Superior Energy Services a public company? If so, this will get even more messy before it's over.

  2. #26

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Well....we don't know the whole story or what's going on behind the scenes....and I am not going to pronounce anyone guilty of anything without proof or conviction....gonna kick back and see what happens...

  3. #27

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Look I hope this article is full of crap. Just kinda ran across it by happenstance. Robe should have had his palace after the CWS run. We need to get this stadium completed the right way and on time.

  4. #28

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    Look I hope this article is full of crap. Just kinda ran across it by happenstance. Robe should have had his palace after the CWS run. We need to get this stadium completed the right way and on time.
    + 1 THIS!

  5. #29

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Quote Originally Posted by basinbear View Post
    Well....we don't know the whole story or what's going on behind the scenes....and I am not going to pronounce anyone guilty of anything without proof or conviction....gonna kick back and see what happens...
    For me it's not a matter of pronouncing anyone guilty of anything. It's a matter of trying to imagine how Mr. Russo is going to make $5,000,000 in installment payments starting this year when he's being sued by someone who claims he stole the money from them. Innocent or not, that's a heck of a hurdle to overcome.

    I hope as much as anyone that somehow someway Tony and his program get the ballpark they deserve, I'm just skeptical that any funding from Russo will be forthcoming at this point. Hope we've got a Plan B in the back pocket.

    Edited to add: I assume we're talking about the same Russo.

  6. #30

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    It would be best not to jump to conclusions.

    And, don't let Cajun Disaster Syndrome set in.

  7. #31

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Superior Energy Services (SPN) NYSE - traded at a high $35 and change in August 2014, closed Friday at $15.99. Don't know when they acquired Stabil Drill.

  8. #32

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    SPN has a $2.4 billion market cap.

  9. #33

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dad04 View Post
    SPN has a $2.4 billion market cap.
    With today's crappy oilfield environment, the downside for Superior will be a potential class-action lawsuit by investors.

  10. #34

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunfanatico View Post
    Superior Energy Services (SPN) NYSE - traded at a high $35 and change in August 2014, closed Friday at $15.99. Don't know when they acquired Stabil Drill.
    Stabil Drill was acquired in '97.

  11. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    It would be best not to jump to conclusions.

    And, don't let Cajun Disaster Syndrome set in.
    As ALWAYS Cajun Fans are intentionally kept in the dark and even mislead intentionally which causes 99% of what you call Cajun Disaster Syndrome from your very hugh pedistal.

  12. Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    They better make a better case than 'we sold property and the purchaser sold it for a profit.'

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