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Thread: Russo Park name OK'd, with conditions

  1. #13

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Quote Originally Posted by basinbear View Post
    The Texas Hammer
    Post a pic of him with his cowboy hat and pistols. LOL

  2. #14

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    His commercials are on TV every morning......

  3. #15

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    I feel bad for Robe. I was really hoping he'd finally get his much deserved stadium.

  4. #16

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Quote Originally Posted by DieHard1280 View Post
    I feel bad for Robe. I was really hoping he'd finally get his much deserved stadium.
    If I hadn't spent my fortune on fine wine and fast women, and then wasted the rest, I'd donate the money myself. As basinbear says, sigh.

  5. #17

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    HOPING this is just a bump in the road and will still happen at the conclusion of this year. There are two sides to every story... although the article does look pretty damming.

  6. #18

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Dang. Not good. I worked with Scott years ago.

  7. #19

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Maybe it's just me and my massive amount of UL scars accumulated over the decades. But doesn't it seem that we can't go 24 hours after any good victory without eating some sort of UL related crap sandwich? 😕

  8. #20
    RedCajun's Avatar RedCajun is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

  9. #21

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Quote Originally Posted by basinbear View Post
    Maybe it's just me and my massive amount of UL scars accumulated over the decades. But doesn't it seem that we can't go 24 hours after any good victory without eating some sort of UL related crap sandwich? 😕
    At times it appears there's a never-ending converyor belt of crap sammiches being  ed on the Cajun Nation.

  10. Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    I personally don't believe it.
    This could be so many different things, I'll worry about the possibilities later. O & G biz can be ruthless. People are losing everything and looking for ways out, looking for ways to cut and run, looking for ways to blame other people and looking for ways to balance the P & L statements.

    Who the hell knows..

  11. #23

    Default Re: How will this effect baseball?

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    I personally don't believe it.
    This could be so many different things, I'll worry about the possibilities later. O & G biz can be ruthless. People are losing everything and looking for ways out, looking for ways to cut and run, looking for ways to blame other people and looking for ways to balance the P & L statements.

    Who the hell knows..
    True, but even if there's no truth to the allegations, the defendants are going to have to spend a lot of money (installments shall we call it) to keep themselves out of jail.

  12. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    I personally don't believe it.
    This could be so many different things, I'll worry about the possibilities later. O & G biz can be ruthless. People are losing everything and looking for ways out, looking for ways to cut and run, looking for ways to blame other people and looking for ways to balance the P & L statements.

    Who the hell knows..
    Good post.

    Should probably let it play itself out then judge.

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