Sensley is back to looking totally lost at the plate.
Joe swings at another first pitch.
1st pitch swinging Robbins.
Pathetic. We don't have a snowballs chance in hell at making a run in the post season
That is how you go out with a whimper
Can we get a cardboard cutout of Farmer in a bikini that Tony can take a piece off each time we win?
There will be a lot to ponder on that long bus ride home. I imagine it will be quiet.
Hopefully this down performance becomes a turning point for our offense this season (much like the midpoint of last season when Shug got everyone fired up on the bus ride home). I hope our offense has officially hit bottom.
This season has taken years off my life. We are almost always one pitch away from disaster because our offense is a joke.
Hitting coach issues? Thurman has fallen off the face of the earth. Trosclair?? Safe to assume he is broken? Sensley has regressed so much from DII. I know there is a learning curve (no pun intended) but Jesus, this kid was drafted last summer. He had 20+ homeruns last year, he has 3 right now??
Robbins has been a much improved but seems to be a terrible slump of late. Clem is solid. Mills is much improved. Conrad status quo I guess.
Well this sucked.. Now lets beat laturds azz
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