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Thread: 1420

  1. #49

    Default Re: 1420

    Personally I will listen to RB before Scott any day.

  2. Default Re: 1420

    Quote Originally Posted by TCbacker54 View Post
    Stevie P "The Stinking Genius" Recipe: Look up some obscure minor league ball player called up to the bigs for a couple games or backup NFL quarterback with a zany last name from the late 70's/early 80's, remember one statistic and/or good play from their career and recite it ad nausem 30 years later claiming them to be your favorite player.
    when one discusses play by play they often talk about classic home run calls, I honestly think stevie p has the best. I cant believe it hasn't caught on worldwide yet.

  3. #51

    Default Re: 1420

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    The few times I've accidentally heard a few seconds of their show, there was zero talk of sports. It's basically just two dudes talking to each other.
    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    About themselves mostly..
    When I hear Gary and Shannon Wilkerson, it makes me want to drive down to the 1420 studio, cut my ears off and shove them down their throats.... but ultimately I just change the station because I don't want to be late for work.

  4. #52
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: 1420

    Quote Originally Posted by GreatestStory View Post
    When I hear Gary and Shannon Wilkerson, it makes me want to drive down to the 1420 studio, cut my ears off and shove them down their throats.... but ultimately I just change the station because I don't want to be late for work.
    You could just leave the house a bit earlier. Let me know, I'll tune in!

  5. #53

    Default Re: 1420

    Quote Originally Posted by 31Ragin97 View Post
    when one discusses play by play they often talk about classic home run calls, I honestly think stevie p has the best. I cant believe it hasn't caught on worldwide yet.
    I agree. I like "I don't think there's anyone back there".

    I still think his show's sign off is my favorite. Not verbatim, but "May the good guys and the bad guys get exactly what they deserve".

  6. #54

    Default Re: 1420

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    The few times I've accidentally heard a few seconds of their show, there was zero talk of sports. It's basically just two dudes talking OVER each other.
    I corrected it for you. When two voices come from the same radio speaker at the same time, it's physically impossible to tune one of them out. THAT makes it completely unlistenable. They try to see who can be the loudest talking at the same time.

  7. #55

    Default Re: 1420

    My views on 1420......

    Stevie P is the best thing on the station. Perfect morning show host for the drive to work.

    It's worth checking in every afternoon to see if BOP is talking about something interesting or relevant to Louisiana athletics.

    Sadly, other than that, there really isn't much to keep my attention in the afternoon.

    I'm not interested in the NBA talk or NFL contract talk AT ALL.

    I have Sirius in my truck. Love it.

  8. #56

    Default Re: 1420

    I listen off and on throughout the day. But the guys that call 4 and 5 times a day makes me wonder if they have a job. Guess some people are ate up with it

  9. #57

    Default Re: 1420

    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    I listen off and on throughout the day. But the guys that call 4 and 5 times a day makes me wonder if they have a job. Guess some people are ate up with it
    It makes me smile every time Troy calls in and usually completely derails any topic the host is on. As an example, Stevie P was talking about Will Smith and the shooting last week. Troy calls in and asks about the Colorado Rockies. I couldn't help but laugh.

  10. Default Re: 1420

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginScotsman View Post
    It makes me smile every time Troy calls in and usually completely derails any topic the host is on. As an example, Stevie P was talking about Will Smith and the shooting last week. Troy calls in and asks about the Colorado Rockies. I couldn't help but laugh.
    ---Where is UCON Man??? Damn, I write and record on the radio his song and now he is gone---Best MONO tone voice ever!!! lol

  11. #59

    Default Re: 1420

    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    But the guys that call 4 and 5 times a day makes me wonder if they have a job.
    Boy, you said a mouthful there. Let me tell you about one of those "well known" individuals. He used to do work as a contractor for the company I used to work for. I would sometimes be listening to the radio and he would call in. I knew he was offshore and "supposed" to be working, but yet I'm hearing him on the radio! WTF!!!!

  12. #60

    Default Re: 1420

    Every host from Stevie P. in the morning to RB in the late afternoon has their ups and downs. Not everyone of their topics will appeal to everyone every minute of their shows. I, like most have commented, either turn the knob or just mentally tune out until a topic I'm interested in listening too comes back in play. RB has definitely improved in a short time. I do like his energy and hope he continues to improve with his own unique style.

    Foote and Billy make a great combo with a perfect theme song.

    As for as the weekend shows, the guests are worth listening too (Coach Robe and Mike Detellier) more than the host. Sunday host are pretty good once you get used to them.

    And as for some callers, yeah, Ron and Troy are worse about derailing the show, but that is more about the host of the hour letting them. I have a feeling the host have their hands tied when certain callers call. Boss says these people have free reign. And Keith "Al Bundy" Kishbaugh is another topic all by himself. All I can think of when he calls is "Married with Children".

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