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Thread: UL Engineering seniors build discerning robot to win competition

  1. Default UL Engineering seniors build discerning robot to win competition

    A team of University of Louisiana engineering students won a competition by building a robot that can conduct triage and then transport mock victims of a disaster.


  2. #2

    Default Re: UL Engineering seniors build discerning robot to win competition

  3. #3

    Default Re: UL Engineering seniors build discerning robot to win competition

    Wow, uno placed as well. Interesting that a school called "tech" is not in the top two in engineering in our womderful state.

  4. #4

    Default Re: UL Engineering seniors build discerning robot to win competition

    Quote Originally Posted by 31Ragin97 View Post
    Wow, uno placed as well. Interesting that a school called "tech" is not in the top two in engineering in our womderful state.
    Many engineering departments either have won or placed highly in competitive endeavors in recent months I was at an industry engineering meeting on campus today and learned there have been so many of these successes lately that the Dean cannot keep up with all of them. One of the competition's involved Bio Medical situations and our team composed of Mechanical and Chemical Students smoked the competition including the team from up north. I know Petroleum finished fourth in a world wide competition called Petro Bowl and I believe the only US team ahead of them was from Colorado School of Mines.

  5. #5

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  6. #6

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