I've noticed the subject was conveniently changed.
I can see that but I still subscribe to the belief that I held years ago when Tipper Gore advocated for record labels. If anything Ozzy Osbourne says has more influence than your parents, your parents arent doing their job.
I felt the same way when my boys school wanted to take Harry Potter books off the shelf because "it might promote witchcraft and black magic". I asked if they believed in witchcraft and black magic. They said no and then retreated with a sheepish look. Same with Davinci Code. If a work of fiction can shake your faith, it wasnt that strong to begin with.
I dont look to HAwking or Dawkins as spiritual advisers so I am pretty uninterested in their take on religion. Just like I dont care about a preachers take on science.
I think there was a mutual agreement that our sides with different. I understand j1m's side but disagree with most, I think he understands my side but disagrees with most. I posted that I hope he is correct. I am not sure anything else can be added to that particular discussion unless you have any more profound statements like "OIL".
The conversation organically moved to the beginnings of modern science in the Renaissance and thats how we have arrived here.
You, on the other hand, seem to have added little but slogans from bumper stickers.
Last edited by Ragin4U; April 13th, 2016 at 08:36 pm. Reason: words
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