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Thread: 2016: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics

  1. Default Re: Many Alden Report suggestions unaddressed

    Mike, people make time and make room in their budgets for the things they really enjoy or can't live without. It's is the responsibility of our leadership/fundraiser team to make this program and it's value so appealing to supporters and alumni that it's a constant line item on the yearly budget.

    I'm not going to rehash Farmer, but it is a matter of fact that Farmer slowed and in some cases crippled our growth as a program. These are facts: the guy mislead donors, mislead his superiors, bred distrust amongst his staff, mishandled money, hindered fundraisers, EMBARRASSED private donors that took him to meet other administrations for relationship building (so inherently embarrassed all of us), alienated coaches, all but destroyed media and exposure for our brand's success, and failed to connect with the donor base in a worthwhile way.

    Yes, he did suggest certain things that made sense. So has anyone that has ever worked in any office, any where in the world. It doesn't take much skill to suggest things, especially when you figure the time will never come when you personally have to drive the bus on said suggestions (Repubkicans and Obamacare anyone?).

    The fact of the matter is, Farmer's time here was linked to the most successful years of FB we've ever seen in Lafayette and that my friends, is why we built a more solid foundation for where we are today. Money and exposure was a direct result of Football's success.

    We are now in good hands, and this new direction will manifest itself in untold success as an athletic program.

  2. #422

    Default Re: Many Alden Report suggestions unaddressed

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Mike, people make time and make room in their budgets for the things they really enjoy or can't live without. It's is the responsibility of our leadership/fundraiser team to make this program and it's value so appealing to supporters and alumni that it's a constant line item on the yearly budget.

    I'm not going to rehash Farmer, but it is a matter of fact that Farmer slowed and in some cases crippled our growth as a program. These are facts: the guy mislead donors, mislead his superiors, bred distrust amongst his staff, mishandled money, hindered fundraisers, EMBARRASSED private donors that took him to meet other administrations for relationship building (so inherently embarrassed all of us), alienated coaches, all but destroyed media and exposure for our brand's success, and failed to connect with the donor base in a worthwhile way.

    Yes, he did suggest certain things that made sense. So has anyone that has ever worked in any office, any where in the world. It doesn't take much skill to suggest things, especially when you figure the time will never come when you personally have to drive the bus on said suggestions (Repubkicans and Obamacare anyone?).

    The fact of the matter is, Farmer's time here was linked to the most successful years of FB we've ever seen in Lafayette and that my friends, is why we built a more solid foundation for where we are today. Money and exposure was a direct result of Football's success.

    We are now in good hands, and this new direction will manifest itself in untold success as an athletic program.
    My post was not meant to address the performance of the previous AD in any way-negative or positive. As others have said, he has moved on to a new role perhaps more suited for his skills and he still supports the teams. What my post was meant to highlight was the tremendous challenge the current administrators have due to the current economic plight of the area. I don't think everyone realizes how poor the economic situation is and the issue cannot be overstated. I have no doubt the guys in charge now are qualified and will be able to address most of these challenges.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    My post was not meant to address the performance of the previous AD in any way-negative or positive. As others have said, he has moved on to a new role perhaps more suited for his skills and he still supports the teams. What my post was meant to highlight was the tremendous challenge the current administrators have due to the current economic plight of the area. I don't think everyone realizes how poor the economic situation is and the issue cannot be overstated. I have no doubt the guys in charge now are qualified and will be able to address most of these challenges.
    Look at the housing market. When real estate starts plummeting, then we have a major economic problem. I'll agree that Lafayette is going through some transformations economically, but I do not believe the overall long term health of Lafayette's economy is in danger. Now, if these state senators continue to be allowed to destroy small business, over tax the working class, scare young demos away and chase big business away, then yes, big problem.

  4. #424


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Look at the housing market. When real estate starts plummeting, then we have a major economic problem. I'll agree that Lafayette is going through some transformations economically, but I do not believe the overall long term health of Lafayette's economy is in danger. Now, if these state senators continue to be allowed to destroy small business, over tax the working class, scare young demos away and chase big business away, then yes, big problem.
    I have a friend who is one of the top real estate agents in town and has been for many years. She says the number of homes she is able to sell is quite low now. She expects people will have to drop prices in order to address the issue.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    I have a friend who is one of the top real estate agents in town and has been for many years. She says the number of homes she is able to sell is quite low now. She expects people will have to drop prices in order to address the issue.
    That was a trend before the O & G bust. Lafayette market is ridiculously over valued. But it's no where close to bottoming out. We're a long way from that.

  6. #426


    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    I have a friend who is one of the top real estate agents in town and has been for many years. She says the number of homes she is able to sell is quite low now. She expects people will have to drop prices in order to address the issue.
    What l hear/see as well. Know ton of people in the industry and have casually been looking at homes lately. If they're under $200k, theyre moving pretty quick. Anything over that, you can more than likely make a good deal.

  7. Default Re: Many Alden Report suggestions unaddressed

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    That was a trend before the O & G bust. Lafayette market is ridiculously over valued. But it's no where close to bottoming out. We're a long way from that.
    I agree but the first thing to go in a slowdown is discretionary spending.

  8. Default Re: Many Alden Report suggestions unaddressed

    To the eunuch coward that posted this comment, I'd love to discuss politics with your bttch azz. I love how much you hate. Show yourself dweeb!

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  9. #429


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    To the little ____ coward that posted this comment, I'd love to discuss politics with your bttch azz. I love how much you hate. Show yourself dweeb!
    First, when did you discuss politics here? I don't see it.
    Secondly, shouldn't it read, yay? And not yeah?

  10. Default Re: Many Alden Report suggestions unaddressed

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunDreDog View Post
    First, when did you discuss politics here? I don't see it.
    Secondly, shouldn't it read, yay? And not yeah?
    Apparently there are still some Farmer a$s jockey hold overs lurking around. They love to hate.

  11. #431

    Default Re: Many Alden Report suggestions unaddressed

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Apparently there are still some Farmer a$s jockey holders lurking around. They love to hate.
    I think so too... The problem is we cant discuss our University's history and the problems we still dealing with today without mention of the errors past. Direct causation. I think everyone has moved on from the train wreck that is Farmer but fact is, we still aching from that crash. Glad Maggard is here period.

  12. #432

    Default Re: Many Alden Report suggestions unaddressed

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Apparently there are still some Farmer a$s jockey hold overs lurking around. They love to hate.
    I haven't had one of those in a while. My summer sabbaticals from RP do me good...but I'm ready to get back to chapping some asses.

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