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Thread: 2016: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics

  1. #145

    Default Re: Branding, Media and the Alden Report

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    Been waiting for this post from someone.

    You couldn't be more wrong.

    No company, school or business has all the answers. Hiring outside people to give you a different viewpoint or to affirm what you think you know has been going on for much longer than this state has had a financial crisis.

    When I was a teenager, the place I worked had people who would come in and buy stuff just to see how customer service and other things were handled. That is a consultant.

    That was in 1969.

    No administrator has all the answers. To suggest they should is folly.
    Come on now, Jay. We could have gotten Jerry Luke LeBlanc, Chris Williams, Coach Blanco and their Band of Brothers to produce the same quality study with integrity at half the cost!

  2. #146

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Branding, Media and the Alden Report

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    Been waiting for this post from someone.

    You couldn't be more wrong.

    No company, school or business has all the answers. Hiring outside people to give you a different viewpoint or to affirm what you think you know has been going on for much longer than this state has had a financial crisis.

    When I was a teenager, the place I worked had people who would come in and buy stuff just to see how customer service and other things were handled. That is a consultant.

    That was in 1969.

    No administrator has all the answers. To suggest they should is folly.
    This may be the best post you have ever made, BOP. Now we just need to hope that our administrators can acknowledge that they have been doing it wrong all these years and start doing it the right way. Sometimes that is the biggest part of the battle.

    I know this. I have been both the administrator who did it wrong and the consultant who advised a better way.

  3. Default Re: Branding, Media and the Alden Report

    Quote Originally Posted by jric116 View Post
    As someone who is familiar with organizational development consulting, most companies already know the problems and potential solutions before a consultant is hired. The information is generally received better by the employees/stakeholders when that info in conveyed by an outside source.
    ---I worked for and am familiar with 2 outstanding companies and your post is right on the money

    These outside folks come in the loop and check every facet of the company---an example would be say in sales and your manager telling you what is wrong rather than XYZ company coming in and giving examples of your problems (yes we know there is a problem, but defining it and presenting ways of fixing it is what the worth is)

    Upon reading this, the LSU and state universities will be trying to stop what we put in if it involves in any way state monies

    the me I see, the me you see, and the me I be!!! This is what the consulting agency defines, and a program given for correction and hitting future goals is what hopefully we will get!!!

  4. #148

    Default Re: Branding, Media and the Alden Report

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    Been waiting for this post from someone.

    You couldn't be more wrong.

    No company, school or business has all the answers. Hiring outside people to give you a different viewpoint or to affirm what you think you know has been going on for much longer than this state has had a financial crisis.

    When I was a teenager, the place I worked had people who would come in and buy stuff just to see how customer service and other things were handled. That is a consultant.

    That was in 1969.

    No administrator has all the answers. To suggest they should is folly.

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    This may be the best post you have ever made, BOP. Now we just need to hope that our administrators can acknowledge that they have been doing it wrong all these years and start doing it the right way. Sometimes that is the biggest part of the battle.

    I know this. I have been both the administrator who did it wrong and the consultant who advised a better way.

  5. Default Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics

    Quote Originally Posted by uslol'dog View Post
    Many on this board will agree that if we can't get our name right, if we can't even decide what to call ourselves, how we brand ourselves, then we are screwed from the "get go". I submitted this ideal years ago. We need to get out of the Louisiana name battle and attack from a totally different angle. ULM, LA Tech, LSU, Lafayette,'s all exhausting.

    Are you ready? ACADIANA UNIVERSITY. The Acadiana Ragin' Cajuns.. ARC. No more confusion with Lafayette Leopards. No more "you guys are in Monroe right?" It sets us apart. It will take time but will work. There is no other Acadiana, no other Ragin' Cajuns. Do it.
    Haven't gotten over that name change from SLI to USL eh?

    Love my heritage, area and community. But man, what a step backwards.

  6. #150

    Default Re: Branding, Media and the Alden Report

    If its a current business, its grandfathered in. Any future business or product would pay.

  7. #151

    Default Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    Right, and I noted that. Tuition in and of itself has gone up about $2000 since this PDF was produced.

    I don't think that any additional student fees have been adopted by the students since 2013 (maybe the facility fee?), but from what I'm reading fees are capped at a maximum, so I dont' think they can't be arbitrarily increased, without going back to the students.
    Current tuition and fee schedule.

  8. #152

    Default Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    ----As the number of retired Boomers increases every day---this might be a way to get some cheap experienced retired employees kinda on a volunteer basis---Unlike some with low tech qualifications (ahemmm), we have people that can do it all and wouldn't mind doing some volunteer type stuff for the athletic department---in fact if they liked it, maybe take over their positions!!! lol Seriouly, we have some former athletes and alumni that love their school and are ready to give more than just their money to help the athletics Department!!!
    Guess what Boom, you and I agree on this. Woo hoo. This is something I've considered doing when I reach that point in my life. Not there yet.

  9. #153

    Default Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    I couldn't find anything more recent, the following breakdown of fee charges is updated for Spring 2013 fee schedule as of 12.02.12:.. but I do not see any fees regarding getting into athletic events for free except for the "Auxiliary Operations Fee" and if that is it then I would assume Martin Hall and I would love see the breakdown of how much of that $100 goes towards athletics. (Probably higher in 2016 but still seems low)

    *Board Assessed Fees:

    Tuition/General Registration
    -Up to $ 2,234.28 per semester
    Building Use fee
    -$10.00 per semester
    Building Use Fee-New
    -Up to $48.00 per semester
    Academic Enhancement
    -$25.00 per semester
    Academic Excellence
    -$10.00 per credit hour; $30.00 minimum, $120.00 maximum
    Operational Fee
    -up to $61.20 per semester

    University Assessed Fees:

    Records and Evaluation Fee ($10.00 per semester)
    -Provides funding for maintenance of student academic records; provides students with free copies of University transcripts.
    Auxiliary Operations Fee ($100.00 assessed at 4 or more credit hours)
    -Provides ancillary student support for Auxiliary services which include the Student Union, transit system, operations, recreational sports/activities, the health clinic, and other student related services.

    Energy Fee (up to $60.00 per semester)
    -Provides funding to offset energy costs of the University
    Student Self-Assessed Fees
    Masterplan Advancement Program ($7.50 per credit hour, maximum of 15 credits)
    -Provides funding for campus improvements with input from students
    Student Union (up to $23.00 per semester)
    -Provide funding for construction and maintenance of existing UL Lafayette Student Union
    Student Union ($20.00 per semester for students assessed at 6 or more credit hours.
    -Provides funding for construction and maintenance of a new first-class Student Center
    Student Union ($55.00 per semester for students at 6 or more credit hours
    -Provides funding for construction and maintenance of a new first-class Student Center
    Student Technology Fee ($5.00 per credit hour)
    -Provides funding to enhance student-accessible technology on campus
    ID Photo ($10.00 per semester)
    -Provide for ID photographs and identification cards
    La Louisiane-Alumni ($2.50 per semester)
    -Provides funding for La Louisiane, the alumni magazine
    Debate ($1.00 per semester)
    -Provide funding for travel expenses for the University Debate Team
    Entertainment ($5.50 per semester)
    -Provide funding for University Program Council for events like Lagniappe Week, Ragin Roar, and Homecoming. UPC sponsored events are free to students
    Day Care ($2.25 per semester)
    -Provides for top quality child care at affordable prices for children of full time students.
    Intramurals ($2.00 per semester)
    -Provides for intramural sports for UL Lafayette students
    Band Association (up to $5.00 per semester)
    -Provides funding for the Pride of Acadiana March Band
    Student Loan (.50 per semester)
    -Provides for emergency loan assistance through the short-term loan program.
    Lyceum (up to $1.00 per semester)
    -Provides for academic speakers at the University
    Book (.10 per semester)
    L 'Acadian ($12.00 per Fall semester for students with 12 or more credit hours)
    -Provides a copy of the L 'Acadian Yearbook for each full-time student
    KRVS (.50 per semester)
    -Provides funding for KRVS, the campus radio station
    SGA ($7.50 per semester for 6 or more credit hours)
    -Provides funding for the Student Government Association
    Insurance ($22.00 per semester for students assessed at 7 or more undergraduate credit hours or 6 or more graduate credit hours)
    -Provides students with health care coverage
    Vermilion ($2.00 per semester)
    -Provides funding for the student published newspaper
    SGA Scholarship (.75 per semester)
    -Provides funding for SGA-awarded scholarships
    International Student Council (.35 per semester)
    Club Sports ($3.15 per semester)
    -Provide funding for club sports such as Judo, Bowling, Soccer, Rugby, Tae Kwan Do, Skeet Shooting, and Water Skiing.
    Arts Fee (up to $7.00 per semester)
    -Provides funding for the UL Lafayette Symphony Orchestra and UL Lafayette
    Performing Arts
    Cheerleaders (up to $4.00 per semester)
    -Provides funding for UL Lafayette cheerleaders
    University Police ($1.00 per semester) Provides funding for the University Police Department for scholarships, student officers, Code Blue emergency systems, crime prevention programs, and equipment for officers.
    Art Museum (up to $5.00 per semester)
    -Provides funding for the University Art Museum
    Parking and Transit (up to $25.00 per semester for students assessed at 6 or more credit hours)
    -Provides funding to maintain transit facilities (buses), improve parking facilities, and provide free parking at Cajun Field and Zone 40.
    Recreational-.Facility/Equipment ($20.00 per semester for students assessed at 6 or more
    Credit hours)
    Student Health Service ($20.00 per semester for 6 or more credit hours)
    -Provides health care services to student free of charge
    Student Health Service Support ($5.00 per semester for students assessed at 6 or more credit hours
    -Provides support services for Student Health Services
    Auxiliary Improvement
    -$15.00 per semester for students assessed at 6 or more credit hours
    Initial Enrollment Fee ($7.50 first time freshmen only)
    -Provides enrollment services to first-time stude
    Thanks! The following fee addresses UL intramural sports and has nothing to do with NCAA College athletic tickets or funding. There is no student ticket fee or fee for NCAA sanctioned sports at UL. Also keep in mind, not all the Student Union or facility fees are permanent.

    Auxiliary Operations Fee ($100.00 assessed at 4 or more credit hours)
    -Provides ancillary student support for Auxiliary services which include the Student Union, transit system, operations, recreational sports/activities, the health clinic, and other student related services.

  10. #154


    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Haven't gotten over that name change from SLI to USL eh?

    Love my heritage, area and community. But man, what a step backwards.
    Not a step backwards, we will never be the University of Louisiana. Get over it. May as well go a different direction

  11. #155

    Default Re: Alden Report Released by University of Louisiana Athletics

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Thanks! The following fee addresses UL intramural sports and has nothing to do with NCAA College athletic tickets or funding. There is no student ticket fee or fee for NCAA sanctioned sports at UL. Also keep in mind, not all the Student Union or facility fees are permanent.

    Auxiliary Operations Fee ($100.00 assessed at 4 or more credit hours)
    -Provides ancillary student support for Auxiliary services which include the Student Union, transit system, operations, recreational sports/activities, the health clinic, and other student related services.
    "Intramurals ($2.00 per semester)
    -Provides for intramural sports for UL Lafayette students"

    Wouldn't this one be for intermurals??

  12. #156


    Quote Originally Posted by mxt3999 View Post
    ^This. I was about to ask that question whenever I read the first line of this post. IMO spending any money on consultants is a waste. I mean consultants? really? I'de like to slap whoever placed a job title on the word Consultant. Consultants are a big part of the reason our great state is in such financial trouble right now. President and AD along with their staff should know whats going on within their university. No need to throw money away at a consultant.
    Pretty ingnorant post right here.

    I work for engineering consultants who designed the track/soccer complex, softball indoor facility, the new Tigue, as well as many many other projects associated with the university and this community.

    Nearly every company hires consultants to perform various jobs that they are either incapable of doing or to get an unbiased opinion on their deficiencies. Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the wide array of jobs consultants perform before you go around knocking the profession.

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