Rumor has it that Hedgeman indicated that he was leaning towards voting for Hillary. Just a rumor but ...
Rumor has it that Hedgeman indicated that he was leaning towards voting for Hillary. Just a rumor but ...
Yet again proof that the network prefers market to actual quality,eyes and butts. Granted nobody knew GSU would be so weak this year, but GS was not expected to be much. ESPN II for this game in the SBC is nutz. Whoever Lil'Rock is playing should have been moved to Tuesday on ESPN II.
Sounds like I hit a nerve and someone needs to eat a snickers bar.
I was talking to you, but of course you know that already. Many a times you have said that you are close to people in the athletic department and that is how you get your information and formulate your opinions. I don't know if you mean just with the Football team or others, so maybe I assumed that you are connected across the board.
As I said in the post in no way should a player ever publicly disrespect a coach. Same goes with coach. They should never do so in front of the team. Take behind close doors and handle the business like professional. If you truly condone, which it sounds like you do, a player standing up in a team meeting a showing the coach the old one finger salute, then i stand behind what i said. I hope you have no influence in any aspects of the UL program...with your wallet or otherwise.
If you have no knowledge of the situation then how can you assume that there is any more than meets the eye than what was released? What you have some sort of intuition or a funny feeling about it because Marlin has suspended players before? So what, every major coach, school and program across the country suspends player all the time. It doesn't mean there is some deep seated issue involved like you are implying.
You know what I think our issue is, if you don't like a coach or someone in the program you always have an issue with them. issues. issues. Oh my god...they didn't hire Hale...BIG ISSUE. Oh my god the OC left this year, DC left two years ago, coach Saunders put the screws in us, Whit left, the offense sucks...big issue HUD cant coach, T-Joe gave away the farm on the name thing and Farmer should stick to swimming. Hot damn the sky is falling!
Maybe you should heed your own words "Things happen in life, and "fight or flight" is not always the correct or sensible way to address a problem." Maybe some time should be given to HArris to straighten out the RCAF before YOU fry him, maybe HUD should be given some time to work out a bad season before he is roasted. Maybe you should let a coach run is program the way he sees fit since HE is the one with all the information. Otherwise maybe you should get into coaching, work your way up, down and sideways into a position to be make the decisions the coaches, RCAF board and administration make. But of course you wont do that. You will instead condone the practice of openly disrespecting authority figures in the program because they "can benefit from a subordinate telling them where to stick it." You do realize that one of the major issues in the youth of today is exactly what you are condoning. The blatant disrespect of authority figures is rampant in today youth. From football players attacking referees to soccer players murdering a ref because he didn't like a call. Its just sickening! and you want to argue that its ok for a student in a major University to openly disrespect his coach? Hell why doesn't the University allow them to march into their deans office and strong arm them into giving them a passing grade. Imagine going into your high school principles office and raising hell about a grade you got from a teacher and ultimately tell them where to "stick it". I know what would have happened to me! Suspended, after I got a few licks....then I had to go home and really face the music. It wasn't a question of why did the principal suspend me, it was a question of why did I break the rules! So unless you have the aptitude to get into the University rule making business maybe you should Please!
And Zoom your right...20 y/o's make stupid decisions....just as stupid as an "influential" person condoning openly disrespecting a coach. Well maybe not as influential as he thinks....that petition for Hale didn't have much teeth in it.
You know what bruh, you're entitled to your opinion. There's nothing more maddening than a person like you taking what I said and spinning into something that was never said. You were looking for a reaction, and you got one.
Your vitriol is telling on you by the countless shots you're taking at things that took place this year. And that's fine. Go ahead and show me where I claimed influence, knowledge of the situation, connection in anyway, where I "grilled" Harris in anyway, or any of the sort. I backed Hale because I believe he had the resume to change our Atheltics forever. And oh, lo and behold, the guys that T-Joe hired to give us advice on our athletic situation were employed by Hale and so far, have echoed every single damn thing we've been saying here (that came straight from Steve himself) for over a year!
Many, MANY people questioned Hud all season long, because the guy SUCKED in 2015! There is no debate. Recruiting issues over the years bit him in the ___, botched QB situation and lost the locker room. These things actually happened, it is not up for debate. But you're not looking for a debate, are you? You got pssd that someone could suggest insubordination being ok. The idea that someone standing up and saying something to Marlin bothers you so much, you decided to launch a personal attack.
Here's the deal cat, I never condoned a mutiny. What I did say is, it's not the worse thing that could have happened in that locker room, and Jay was saying EXACTLY what a big group on this site is saying. But because he's 20 yrs old and a player, he should be banished from the team? What if he was right in what he said? Many here would agree with what he said, in theory..
I served this country, so don't give the BS rant to me pal. I've seen guys get roasted for standing up to authority, and I've seen those same guys be RIGHT.. So no, IDEALLY, you don't want that to happen. But we have a problem at head coach, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Bring in a new guy, with passion and competitive emotion like Hedgeman, and these things happen.
Now, go back to yelling at the neighborhood kids to get off of your lawn..
its when you say stuff like this that people get upset with.
youve already said you knew hedgeman and the type of guy he was and that morphed into you spoke to him briefly and could tell he was a good guy.
then you say the above, which for all intents and purposes, reads like you know why he was suspended. if you dont know why he was suspended, then you are literally pulling the line you used above out of thin air. if he had conduct detrimental to the team that was not basketball related, how would being passionate and having competitive emotion be a reason for "these things happen"
i think youre making a huge assumption in correlating "conduct detrimental to the team" as a basketball related issue, and thats how you come up with the quoted line above....but you run with it as if it is fact.
For the last damn time, I NEVER said I "knew" Jay Hedgeman. I gave you people my impression of him from the small amount of interaction I've had with the guy. BOP echoed my sentiment.
No one is going to come on RP and say what happened. You can think what you want. Read between the lines or don't.
Like I've said, I advanced this topic for a reason.
People trying to say "SEE, told ya! HE DOESNT KNOW!!" have derailed the reason. And maybe I contributed, but the conversation should not be able me, or even Jay's alleged rebellion. It should be, why the hell do Marlin's teams keep underachieving? Why do players continue to feel the need to question him? What gives with recruiting?
This stuff is all intertwined.
Ummm, the name of this thread is "Jay Hedgemen Suspeded" so i think its appropriate to talk about that topic in this thread. there is a thread about marlin and his recruiting and that discussion is going on in there.
you are the only one alleging this. i havent seen any proof or anyone else say the reason he is gone is because he stood up to coach. you, and only you, came up with the story out of la-la land, and said i can completely see this happening, and in your head (the way you keep posting) it has become fact.
link please.
Who cares!!!! We have a coach who has had a mass exodus. Same coach has run off one of the "glue" guys for this team. Same coach is 102-88 in his tenure here with roughly 15 non D1 opponents.
Only common denominator is Bobby Big Fish. Time to cut the line and find a shark not a Marlin.
I know the title of the thread because I started the thread. Now you're going to try to control the content of said thread?
If you're so confident Im make ____ up, why aren't all the basketball people coming here to take up for Marlin?
Tell ya what smart guy, instead of arguing with me, why don't you go out and ask some questions for yourself..
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