Poll: Name your Crowd (multi choice)

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Thread: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

  1. #25

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    Softball first, then basketball. I feel the same way about baseball that Jay feels about softball. I don't hate baseball, just too slow. Different perspectives I guess.

  2. #26

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    Basketball then Baseball/Football

  3. #27

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    Sort of apples and oranges between baseball and football...

    Football games are day long events.... start tailgaiting early morning. The build-up and anticipation leads to a great deal of excitement

    Baseball is a relaxing and enjoyable 2-3 hours at the ball park.. Beer and dogs... nostalgia....

    I love them both... if I had to pick one SPORT it would be baseball... one EVENT football....

    Push me for an answer... baseball

  4. #28

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Hemphill View Post
    Softball first, then basketball. I feel the same way about baseball that Jay feels about softball. I don't hate baseball, just too slow. Different perspectives I guess.
    Baseball slow in comparison to softball......the gamesmanship that goes on in softball has hit crazy levels. If one coach comes out for a minute the other coach has to come out for two minutes. Now baseball still tends to take longer to finish because of the additional innings but softball could easily slash 15-30 minutes off every game if they didn't need to talk after every pitch! I still like softball and try to get to games when I can but I gotta agree with Jay on this one.

  5. #29

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    1basketball 2 football baseball and softball tied. I only have season tickets for football right now because my daughter plays high school basketball and to many dates overlap. When she graduates I will get tickets for basketball.

  6. #30

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    Quote Originally Posted by 31Ragin97 View Post
    something to think about could be the level of the sport itself....for example NFL football then NCAA, MLB then college baseball (if not AAA, AA, etc then college- but that would be a different thread), then NBA then NCAA hoops. for this reason I would lean towards Softball as NCAA softball is arguably already at the top rank of its sport. (unless Olympics gets reinstated but then that is only every four years)
    You make a good point... I am a huge Saints fan having Season Tickets longer than my RC tickets.... So it would be NFL then College baseball then close third college football..

    And World Cup Soccer every four years

  7. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Hemphill View Post
    Softball first, then basketball. I feel the same way about baseball that Jay feels about softball. I don't hate baseball, just too slow. Different perspectives I guess.
    I used to feel the same way about baseball. As I get older, I am actually appreciating that aspect of it more and more. 10 years ago my answer would have been different but today I'm

    1) football
    2) baseball (close second)
    3) basketball

  8. #32

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    The roar of football and the charm of baseball are both attractive. Have season tickets for baseball and football. By the time basketball season begins I'm away duck hunting every chance I get through January. Usually listen on radio and catch a couple Sat games later in basketball season. I do agree with what others have stated here that basketball is capable of spring boarding for broad national recognition with NCAA Tourney success and deserves support.

  9. #33

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    I attend every football, baseball, and basketball came I possibly can. I follow softball almost as much as the other 3 but don't attend many games. This is also my first season as a baseball season ticket holder.

  10. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    They say you always remember the first girl you fall in love with.
    Yes. For me it was the Men's Basketball NIT run with Andrew Toney. Ended in Minnesota in the quarerfinals.
    Followed the next year by the Great Alaskan Shootout where they shocked #1 Georgetown and won the tournament.
    I was 10-11 years old and it made me a fan for life.
    Basketball for me.

  11. #35

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    Quote Originally Posted by iedmunds View Post
    Yes. For me it was the Men's Basketball NIT run with Andrew Toney. Ended in Minnesota in the quarerfinals.
    Followed the next year by the Great Alaskan Shootout where they shocked #1 Georgetown and won the tournament.
    I was 10-11 years old and it made me a fan for life.
    Basketball for me.
    I'm baseball crowd, but those are the years I got hooked... Early 80's. I was born in '72... so just around 10 y/o.

    Blackham was something special. Dion Brown. Graylin Warner. Dan Gay. Alonza Allen....

    I LONG for those days in the DOME - and love it when the crowd gets into the game like tonight vs. Arkie State and vs. ULM last Tuesday. FUN FUN FUN! Especially when the good guys win!

    Hoping the renovations after this year will help bring back some of the old glory - making it more of an EVENT and THE place to be in Lafayette.


  12. #36

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    I have 6 season tickets to the 3 majors...

    My ranking...

    1) Baseball
    2) Basketball
    3) Football
    4) No season tix, but next would be softball - too many dates overlap... And many early afternoon game times conflict with work...

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