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Thread: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

  1. #49

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    Mark, its interesting you call baseball a slower game. It used to be. But with the new restrictions between innings and the time limit to pitch if no one is on base, that has sped it up some.

    But I find softball to be a much slower game today. Two many conferences allowed, too much time allowed for those conferences, too many people allowed to participate in those conferences.

    And, pitcher's don't throw strikes anymore. They nibble.

    Do they have to go to a full count on EVERY hitter???

    This past season there were many nine inning baseball games that were shorter than seven inning softball games.
    Jay, I will agree that Lotief can sometimes slow a game down with numerous conferences with the pitchers and batters. I believe that you are allowed one pitcher visit per inning and he sometimes takes full advantage of that. Modern pitching has definitely become an art of "hitting your spot" and that many pitches are wasted to the power hitters trying to pitch around their strength. With baseball, it just seems to me that the batter steps out box after every pitch and the pitchers seem to step off the rubber to scratch and spit after every pitch.

    I guess that since I have a daughter that plays softball, I tend to view it with a different perspective than that when I am watching baseball. But with that being said, I will still go watch a Cajun baseball game when the ladies are playing out of town.

  2. #50

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Hemphill View Post
    Jay, I will agree that Lotief can sometimes slow a game down with numerous conferences with the pitchers and batters. I believe that you are allowed one pitcher visit per inning and he sometimes takes full advantage of that. Modern pitching has definitely become an art of "hitting your spot" and that many pitches are wasted to the power hitters trying to pitch around their strength. With baseball, it just seems to me that the batter steps out box after every pitch and the pitchers seem to step off the rubber to scratch and spit after every pitch.

    I guess that since I have a daughter that plays softball, I tend to view it with a different perspective than that when I am watching baseball. But with that being said, I will still go watch a Cajun baseball game when the ladies are playing out of town.
    Yeah, but that isn't on Mike. The rules allow what they allow.

    I have a bigger issue with the length of time the umpires allow. I also have an issue with the coach, the assistant coach, all baserunners, the on deck hitter and the hitter meeting at once. A meeting and a signal would do just as well.

    I think that's more on the umpires than the coaches. I can't fault Mike for using the rule to his advantage.

    I also think umpires use their own conferences when questions arise simply to placate coaches. If an umpire is 100% sure on a call, he needs to say no when a coach says check with your coworkers.

    I'm all in favor of getting it right. But that is some real BS sometimes.

  3. #51

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    What bothers me about softball is the ENTIRE infield meeting at the mound in between batters and doing their handshakes and such. There is no reason for that, just play the game.

    If that's my biggest complaint though, I guess I'm just searching for stuff at that point.

  4. #52

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    A good deal more substitutions in softball than baseball as well. Pinch runners, re-entering players, etc. It all adds up

  5. #53

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    Quote Originally Posted by wcd35 View Post
    A good deal more substitutions in softball than baseball as well. Pinch runners, re-entering players, etc. It all adds up
    Well, that's always been the case. And games still used to be played well under two hours.

  6. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Basketball will never get UL into another conference ranked or unranked. Football drives the bus and always will on a national level.
    Will not argue the importance of football As far as conference realignment goes. However, the national guys don't put much stock into differences between the G5 leagues although what Houston did this year is noteworthy. Where football can get us better recognition is to get a chance to play and beat a P5 program in a bowl game.

  7. #55

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    Will not argue the importance of football As far as conference realignment goes. However, the national guys don't put much stock into differences between the G5 leagues although what Houston did this year is noteworthy. Where football can get us better recognition is to get a chance to play and beat a P5 program in a bowl game.
    Mike, I don't think your chances of raising recognition for your athletic program any greater in the SBC then football. You can have a few Top 25 seasons in MBB, its not going to move you in conference realignment and it certainly won't get you as much national recognition in this conference unless you advance in the NCAA Tournament, because your television exposure is limited in the SBC. Georgia State was 25-10 last year and advanced in the NCAA Tournament, what was their ranking? Little Rock had only two losses on the season prior to this past week, what were they ranked? I see no evidence of MBB in the SBC having any more opportunity to bring national recognition to your athletic program, more so then football. Unless you make it too the Sweet 16 or finishing the season in the Top 25, you aren't getting much national attention.

  8. #56

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    Well, that's always been the case. And games still used to be played well under two hours.
    True, still just another little thing that gets tedious when watching a game

  9. #57
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    1. Game of Thongs
    2. Football
    3. Baseball
    4. Basketball

    Thongs need no explanation... they touch everything near and dear. I hold UL softball up as number one in a parallel universe. Football still creates traffic jams... it's the boss. Baseball is the classier sport and we do it very well. Basketball is the fastest pace and most exciting sport wire to wire... but I'd like more of a payoff in postseason.

  10. #58

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Mike, I don't think your chances of raising recognition for your athletic program any greater in the SBC then football. You can have a few Top 25 seasons in MBB, its not going to move you in conference realignment and it certainly won't get you as much national recognition in this conference unless you advance in the NCAA Tournament, because your television exposure is limited in the SBC. Georgia State was 25-10 last year and advanced in the NCAA Tournament, what was their ranking? Little Rock had only two losses on the season prior to this past week, what were they ranked? I see no evidence of MBB in the SBC having any more opportunity to bring national recognition to your athletic program, more so then football. Unless you make it too the Sweet 16 or finishing the season in the Top 25, you aren't getting much national attention.
    My main point was that getting to the NCAA tournament brings more national recognition than playing in a minor bowl game does. Those are our likely best scenarios now for both sports in the current situation. I agree that football is more important than anything else as far as conference realignment goes. Beating a name team in football would have more impact but we have not done in awhile so I often forget that is possible.

  11. #59

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    My main point was that getting to the NCAA tournament brings more national recognition than playing in a minor bowl game does. Those are our likely best scenarios now for both sports in the current situation. I agree that football is more important than anything else as far as conference realignment goes. Beating a name team in football would have more impact but we have not done in awhile so I often forget that is possible.
    If you advance, then I'm in agreement. If you are a low seed and you are one & done, your exposer is just that one day you play. That really isn't any more different then a minor Football Bowl game. Can you name two or three 14th seeds without looking at last year's brackets? Most people can't even if they filled out brackets.

  12. #60

    Default Re: How many of you identify as "the baseball crowd"?

    I like Basketball, Baseball, and Football in that order.

    But being in Fort Worth now, I really miss those lazy evenings at the Tigue watching baseball and visiting my freinds. Baseball alllows for more social interaction.

    I am going to try and catch the Cajuns at UTA next Thursday night though.

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