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Thread: GAMEDAY bump

  1. #13

    Default Re: GAMEDAY bump

    He Just walked in.

  2. #14

    Default Re: GAMEDAY bump

    Buckley just tweeted out starting lineups and has Shawn long starting

  3. #15

    Default Re: GAMEDAY bump

    was part of the rage cage (student area next to band) UL tried to start at the troy game but there were like 10 kids sitting in the front row and the students gave up on it when today there were a bunch of old or random people sitting there....terrible marketing and advertising. Could have been cool

  4. #16

    UL Basketball Re: GAMEDAY bump

  5. #17

    Default Re: GAMEDAY bump

  6. #18

    Default Re: GAMEDAY bump

    funny. But how is that not against the rule? I thought props weren't allowed.

  7. #19

    UL Basketball Re: GAMEDAY bump

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin' Caleb View Post
    was part of the rage cage (student area next to band) UL tried to start at the troy game but there were like 10 kids sitting in the front row and the students gave up on it when today there were a bunch of old or random people sitting there....terrible marketing and advertising. Could have been cool
    I'm not old or random! Lmao.. Been sitting there since 2000 when I was a student! Until the current students get out there and claim their section I will continue to sit on the front row! It is a shame how the current student population doesn't get behind this team and fill that area themselves! We had awesome crowds and always had a blast at the basketball games as students!

  8. #20

    Default Re: GAMEDAY bump

    No offense to you Jason but students dont want to sit next to older people/kids who most likely won't be involved in the game. It is a "student" section. But UL has hardly marketed it and really just done a terrible job educating the students about it. I consider myself to know a lot about what's going on with UL and I had NO idea of it when it started

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