We are now about 4 months past the opening of the APC. Has the front of the building and any signage been completed? If not, what is the hold-up? Is the T&F/Soccer facility completed? I've seen no pictures of it and no pictures on the APC since Hud complained about it affecting our teams performance. RaginCajuns.com has no pictures or updates on either building under FACILITIES. Shouldn't we be making a big deal about our facility improvements or are we waiting until after football season to do that? Can anyone post any current pictures of both facilities? Seems like these two facility additions should be a huge thing for us, yet now seem to be kept so quiet no one outside of Lafayette is aware they are built.
Is the plan to start the baseball stadium renovations immediately after baseball season? What is the expected completion date?
When is the Cox Building to be torn down? Will it be done in time to have the athletic quadrangle completed by the Boise State game next year? Wouldn't mind seeing a mini-version of the campus Quad with an FDL there to help tie-in to campus.
We should get some national exposure from that Boise State game. We will certainly gain exposure to the MWC. It's only about 10 months away. Will our facilities and athletic complex be prepared for it?
I know we've had various threads on each of these over the past few months. How about a consolidated update on each?