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Thread: LCA forward Galen Alexander ruled eligible

  1. Default Re: LCA forward Galen Alexander ruled eligible

    Not having a dog in the hunt, it appears the recruiting of players (alleged of course)in our area has been impacted by the sudden growth of other private schools. In the past it was easy to identify a kid in biddy ball, have parents buddy up with the kid's parents and boom, there's your 6-7 power forward at a private school, headed to the SEC in 4 years, all in the name of "doing the right thing." Now the pool really has not grown all that much and there's more sharks in the water. And the old sharks and those taught by the old sharks, don't like the competition. All a theory of course...


  2. #26

    Default Re: LCA forward Galen Alexander ruled eligible

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Ok, thanks for clarity on it.

    Byron is a nice guy and all, but he's done many questionable things in the way of competive decorum. Not to mention, as was mentioned before, he's directly connected to all the under handed, shady crap going on at LCA. I've lost a lot of respect for him over the years.
    Add me to the list that disagrees with this. Byron is a good man, good leader, and excellent mentor to these young men. I understand your vitriol toward the organization because of your personal experience there, but Byron was no part of that, and his name should not be defamed by a bitter former student.

    As someone suggested in a previous thread, you seem to have a lot of expert opinions.... but on this one, you are flat out wrong.

  3. Default Re: LCA forward Galen Alexander ruled eligible

    Quote Originally Posted by jumboragncajun View Post
    Add me to the list that disagrees with this. Byron is a good man, good leader, and excellent mentor to these young men. I understand your vitriol toward the organization because of your personal experience there, but Byron was no part of that, and his name should not be defamed by a bitter former student.

    As someone suggested in a previous thread, you seem to have a lot of expert opinions.... but on this one, you are flat out wrong.
    ----And so where is the BWK as he could tell the good, bad, ugly, or even great of it!!!

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by jumboragncajun View Post
    Add me to the list that disagrees with this. Byron is a good man, good leader, and excellent mentor to these young men. I understand your vitriol toward the organization because of your personal experience there, but Byron was no part of that, and his name should not be defamed by a bitter former student.

    As someone suggested in a previous thread, you seem to have a lot of expert opinions.... but on this one, you are flat out wrong.
    I would hardly call this an expert opinion. More of a common sensical observation. People crush Hud when his team's behavior is unacceptable but give high school coaches a pass. My opinion on what's occurred under Byron is not an attack on his character. It's simply pointing out the fact that the kind of people that are now suiting up for LCA is a drastic difference than what it used to be, and quite contrary to what it supposedly stands for.

    I am not bitter in the least toward that institution. Im happy my parents had some foresight, and moved our family away from the situation. I have mixed feelings about the experience, but bitterness is not one of them.

    I'd like to know what you're connection is to LCA and/or Byron

  5. #29

    Default Re: LCA forward Galen Alexander ruled eligible

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    I'd like to know what you're connection is to LCA and/or Byron
    I'll use your quote, "my wallet allows me to get to know the people that pull the strings." haha

  6. #30

    Default Re: LCA forward Galen Alexander ruled eligible

    looks like they run the score up on other less fortunate teams. Still pressing up by more than 50 points late in the game.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by jumboragncajun View Post
    I'll use your quote, "my wallet allows me to get to know the people that pull the strings." haha
    jk. sorta.
    That comment came off much differently than I meant for it to. When I went back over it, it felt like "man, what an a--hole". I can assure you I am not a rich man. But the truth of the matter is, you have to pay to play. That's mostly what I was getting at. And definitely, no braggadocio intended. I've been fortunate and not because of just my own hard work.

    The guy that wrote the original comment got extremely personal, so it was more of a "bleep you guy" comment. I know Byron has been (and I'm sure still is) a good man. Which is why it's even more puzzling what has transpired over there. Some of my thoughts are second hand knowledge, but some are direct experience. Regardless of that, where there's smoke, there's fire and there's A LOT of ugly stuff being attached to the school and program right now.

  8. #32

    Default Re: LCA forward Galen Alexander ruled eligible

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    The pastor and his little minion are without question what's wrong with that place, but all you have to do is look at the behavior of the kids he's brought in and the circumstances surrounding them. 10 years ago, students were being suspended from school for attending "secular" concerts, being sent home for using words like "sucks" or "crap". Now that the money is rolling in, I've personally been in the building to see LCA players directing extremely foul language at opposing players. Not to mention the gestures and overall lack of class for a "Christian" school.

    Does that mean Byron is directly to blame? I guess you could say no, but in my view, it at least makes him somewhat culpable.

    As Barisax said, disappointed.
    Wait. High school students using curse words while playing a sport? Scandalous!!!

    When I was in High School I was friends with hundreds of people who attended Catholic and Christian schools and not one of them ever used curse words or said mean things to one another. These LCA players are completely out of control and they're making the rest of us good Christians look bad. How dare Byron allow those players to play basketball with mouths like that.

    It's too bad the LHSAA doesn't have a visionary leader like Karl Benson who would force Byron to issue an apology for all the un-Christian language his players use on the court.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Wait. High school students using curse words while playing a sport? Scandalous!!!

    When I was in High School I was friends with hundreds of people who attended Catholic and Christian schools and not one of them ever used curse words or said mean things to one another. These LCA players are completely out of control and they're making the rest of us good Christians look bad. How dare Byron allow those players to play basketball with mouths like that.

    It's too bad the LHSAA doesn't have a visionary leader like Karl Benson who would force Byron to issue an apology for all the un-Christian language his players use on the court.
    First of all Kratz, what took you so long to join in on the fun?

    I played for the team 15 years ago. The idea that someone would use profanity was completely out of the question. Suggestive gestures and body language and all the other crap they've been doing recently would have never been tolerated by the coach, much less the administration. And that's just the on the court BS. From all accounts, it's much worse off of it.

    You can't claim to be this up standing mega Christian entity, but then have your sports teams respredent the opposite; and then tolerate it. I'm not a moralist, I'm just calling out the hypocrisy.

    Geez, you're not even good at being a smartass. Give it up.

  10. #34

    Default Re: LCA forward Galen Alexander ruled eligible

    The thing that I find funny is that one private school calling out another private school funny. It sounds like someone didn't get their man.

  11. #35

    Default Re: LCA forward Galen Alexander ruled eligible

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    The thing that I find funny is that one private school calling out another private school funny. It sounds like someone didn't get their man.
    Yep, not to mentioned received a butt whipping because he filed the complaint. I guess he thought Starks wouldn't take it personal.

  12. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Yep, not to mentioned received a butt whipping because he filed the complaint. I guess he thought Starks wouldn't take it personal.
    What was their (Starks & Mouton) relationship prior to all this?

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