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Thread: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

  1. #49

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    Demand should dictate prices. Taking a look at how many people are on the waiting lists for bleacher seats, grandstand tickets and boxes should give the athletic department a good idea of demand.

    The price of LSU, McNeese or Yankees baseball tickets should have nothing to do with the price of Cajuns' tickets.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    If I'm reading it right, says $250. If you're saying the website is wrong I don't doubt you and I'm glad to see that they're continuing to raise prices.

    Again, I think we should price our tickets to the local market. If you own an apartment complex in Lafayette you're not going to look at Oxford, MS and Houston, TX to figure out what to charge in rent. You're going to price according to the local market. Your goal is to get 100% occupancy at as high of a price as you can get. It doesn't matter one bit if a similar apartment rents for 1,200 in Houston or 700 in Oxford. That's not what you use to set prices. It's the same thing with tickets. The (crappy) New York Knicks charge $200 for a ticket that will cost around $50 in most other NBA arenas. Why? Becuase that's what the local market will pay for those tickets.

    So anyway, yeah I guess we'll agree to disagree.
    My marketing professor always said pricing should maximize total revenue. That doesn't necessarily mean selling out the facility.

    Selling out and behinds in the stands are important for reasons beyond revenue.

  3. #51

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    If I'm reading it right, says $250. If you're saying the website is wrong I don't doubt you and I'm glad to see that they're continuing to raise prices.

    Again, I think we should price our tickets to the local market. If you own an apartment complex in Lafayette you're not going to look at Oxford, MS and Houston, TX to figure out what to charge in rent. You're going to price according to the local market. Your goal is to get 100% occupancy at as high of a price as you can get. It doesn't matter one bit if a similar apartment rents for 1,200 in Houston or 700 in Oxford. That's not what you use to set prices. It's the same thing with tickets. The (crappy) New York Knicks charge $200 for a ticket that will cost around $50 in most other NBA arenas. Why? Becuase that's what the local market will pay for those tickets.

    So anyway, yeah I guess we'll agree to disagree.
    So what is the local market for college baseball??? You gave bad info to start with and then said 300-600 for season tickets in the Grandstand. We are at $290.00 for all grandstand tickets right now and when the new stadium comes around I have no doubts we will be in that mix which will put us not only where you suggested but probably in the upper reaches of ticket prices for all of NCAA baseball. You were wrong with your initial premise end of story.

    I've been around a long time and seen plenty of screw ups by this University but as of late they seem to be taking heat for things even when they get them right.

  4. #52

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    I do not think the courtside seats (chairs) will exist after the dome is renovated, but all of the seats will be closer to the court.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fais do-do View Post

    Do not apologize. We should all be adults enough to express our opinion without threat of ridicule. Sadly, some people do not see it this way. Some people are super manly behind a keyboard!

    To all,

    My in-laws have had basketball courtside seats for 25 years, rebounds club, 6 football season tickets for years, tailgating spots, etc. and he thinks he will lose his courtside seats after the reassignment. So even people that give are expecting to lose out to a "bigger" fish. That's just the sad, sad truth.

  5. #53

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
    Wrong again.... I just logged into my account and my grandstand tickets are $290.00 each. If you think we should be charging more than Arkansas, Ole Miss, & Houston then we will have to agree to disagree. You are painting with a very broad brush here and didn't do your homework. It's obvious some tickets in the new stadium will cost more money but you are out of line implying that we are way out of line with ticket pricing.
    For reference, I looked up Ole Miss pricing. Keep in mind they average almost 9000 with a capacity of a little over 10,000 and their grandstand would cover more area than our new grandstand plus bleachers.

    2016 Baseball Season Tickets On Sale Now:
    Select Your Seats using an interactive seating chart with virtual 3D Images of Swayze Field. Seating is not guaranteed until the corresponding per seat donation with the Ole Miss Athletics Foundation is met. Not all reserved sections require an additional donation

    Infield Box-Sections 9-27-$150 per ticket - $500 per seat donation,
    Outfield Box-Sections 5-8 & 28-35-$150 per ticket - $250 per seat donation
    Sections 1-4-$150 per ticket - $150 per seat donation
    Grandstand-Sections D-L-$150 per ticket - $100 per seat donation
    Sections A-C & M-O-$150 per ticket - no donation required
    General Admission Left/Right Field Area $100
    General Admission Family Plan 2 Adults and 2 Youth Tickets only $300

  6. #54

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    I paid for my baseball season tickets on Nov. 19.....Two seats in grandstands, top row dirty dozen and 1/2 for $597.50....$230.00 to the UL Foundation and $367.50 to the Cajun Dome. If the stadium is completed for the 2017 season I will expect to pay somewhere around $750+.....but hey, that's what you call pay for what you get. Great baseball and a great seating....

  7. #55

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post

    The poles have arrived for the new lights at The Tigue. #cajunsbaseball #geauxcajuns #ullafayette
    A photo posted by Ragin' Cajuns Athletics (@ulragincajuns) on
    The poles are on site, but they subsurface work looks to have been partially completed as well with some wiring appearing to be in the locations. I'm guessing there will be a pretty large foundation for these poles unless the whole concrete looking sections are to be buried. Looks like Tony will be missing a flower bed. It also gives you an idea of how close to Reinhardt the stadium will be located.

    I understood that these would be LED and it got me to wondering if that meant all the outfield lighting will also be swapped out with LED or will not be needed at all.

  8. #56

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAmos View Post
    For reference, I looked up Ole Miss pricing. Keep in mind they average almost 9000 with a capacity of a little over 10,000 and their grandstand would cover more area than our new grandstand plus bleachers.

    2016 Baseball Season Tickets On Sale Now:
    Select Your Seats using an interactive seating chart with virtual 3D Images of Swayze Field. Seating is not guaranteed until the corresponding per seat donation with the Ole Miss Athletics Foundation is met. Not all reserved sections require an additional donation

    Infield Box-Sections 9-27-$150 per ticket - $500 per seat donation,
    Outfield Box-Sections 5-8 & 28-35-$150 per ticket - $250 per seat donation
    Sections 1-4-$150 per ticket - $150 per seat donation
    Grandstand-Sections D-L-$150 per ticket - $100 per seat donation
    Sections A-C & M-O-$150 per ticket - no donation required
    General Admission Left/Right Field Area $100
    General Admission Family Plan 2 Adults and 2 Youth Tickets only $300
    That is actually one of the schools I checked for my basis. Right now my seats are $45.00 more than the same seats for Ole Miss. Nothing wrong with that but I like the comparison. I think we can justify more than what they charge based on demand I just didn't like the implication that we were getting this great bargain and leaving a huge amount of money on the table.

  9. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    My marketing professor always said pricing should maximize total revenue. That doesn't necessarily mean selling out the facility.

    Selling out and behinds in the stands are important for reasons beyond revenue.
    You're absolutely right.

  10. #58

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    I know the grandstand is sold out, but it always bugs me when I can't attend a game and watch it online and see so many empty seats in the grandstand right behind home plate in the camera view from center field. Just sayin..........

  11. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAmos View Post
    I know the grandstand is sold out, but it always bugs me when I can't attend a game and watch it online and see so many empty seats in the grandstand right behind home plate in the camera view from center field. Just sayin..........
    That means the people who are buying them don't value them, they are too cheap. Raise the price and people will either use them or drop them and people who will use them will buy them.

  12. #60

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    That means the people who are buying them don't value them, they are too cheap. Raise the price and people will either use them or drop them and people who will use them will buy them.
    If they are sold, that means UL has it's money in hand. It's up to UL or that specific program to put a product on the field and a schedule together that will attract as many people to games as possible. Last year was the first year since 2000 that I haven't had tickets in the grandstand. I can assure you I didn't attend a number of games in certain years because of family, a poor opponent or out of town on business. I've given a number of tickets away during that period, but I only purchased 2 tickets per season. Its not like the grandstand has a number of empty seats because they were purchased by a corporation. College sports is indeed sports entertainment, UL should never get in the business of forcing people to show up to games. The bottom line is money, be careful what you ask for because it is sure to eventually come back and bite you in the backside.

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