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Thread: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

  1. #37

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    I think Frenchie and you and your in-laws have every right to their opinion. I don't agree with it though.

    IMO UL has a right and a responsibility to price it's tickets in line with the market. Right now at the Tigue there is a long line of people who want to buy grandstand tickets for baseball. It has been this way for at least a decade now. So the demand is clearly there. Yet they only sell grandstand tickets for $175/seat. That's only $6.25/game! UL is leaving so much money on the table here! If we ever want to compete with other universities we absolutely cannot do things like take tickets that market would buy for $300-$600 and sell them at a deep discount for $175.

    I'm happy to hear that the new Tigue renovation will have suites and club seating. There are lots of people who would love to pay thousands of dollars for premium seating. I'm glad UL will be able to find a way to take their money and provide that to them.

    Even with the added club seating there will still be plenty of great seats available at the Tigue for really cheap. I have all the respect in the world for guys like Frenchie who have supported the Cajuns through good times and bad for decades. However, I can't say I'll feel sorry for them if they'll end up having to move over a few sections. I don't think UL owes them a lifetime of premium seats for cheap prices.

  2. #38
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Let's see how it plays out before everyone starts throwing a fit.
    If you're policing the fit throwing party... you have your work cut out for you.

    I don't think it's the point you were trying to make as much as it was your delivery. Now be a good guy and apologize to Frenchie for your harsh post.

  3. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    If you're policing the fit throwing party... you have your work cut out for you.

    I don't think it's the point you were trying to make as much as it was your delivery. Now be a good guy and apologize to Frenchie for your harsh post.
    I will when he does...I'm sure the "fat catz" building us a new stadium didn't appreciate it. I'm not trying to police it, trying to not get it started. The biggest problem we have here is a lot of the "fit throwers" have the ear of the people in this administration and athletic department...that's exactly how we end up with the " that's not how we do it here" and the " good ol boy" network and mentality. Progress gets squashed before it ever gets started because people are scared to lose their seat at the table.

  4. #40

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Right now at the Tigue there is a long line of people who want to buy grandstand tickets for baseball. It has been this way for at least a decade now. So the demand is clearly there. Yet they only sell grandstand tickets for $175/seat. That's only $6.25/game! UL is leaving so much money on the table here! If we ever want to compete with other universities we absolutely cannot do things like take tickets that market would buy for $300-$600 and sell them at a deep discount for $175.
    Not sure where you are getting your info. First off tickets are $250.00 for Grandstand and not $175.00 That is in line with other MAJOR college baseball programs. You can certainly find some more expensive but to paint this in a light that the University is giving them away is wrong. I'm sure with the new configuration not all Grandstand seats will get priced the same. Directly behind home plate in a lower box should cost more than the top left field corner.

    Suites and Club level will demand more money obviously and I have no problem with that however I do believe it is wise to keep pricing within the general parameters of your contemporaries and I'm not talking the SBC. I'm talking SEC etc.

    If I remember correctly our softball season tickets are some of the more expensive in the country. Nothing wrong with that just pointing it out.

  5. #41

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    If I remember correctly, there will be six different price tiers for baseball tickets.

  6. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
    Not sure where you are getting your info. First off tickets are $225.00 for Grandstand and not $175.00 That is in line with other MAJOR college baseball programs. You can certainly find some more expensive but to paint this in a light that the University is giving them away is wrong. I'm sure with the new configuration not all Grandstand seats will get priced the same. Directly behind home plate in a lower box should cost more than the top left field corner.

    Suites and Club level will demand more money obviously and I have no problem with that however I do believe it is wise to keep pricing within the general parameters of your contemporaries and I'm not talking the SBC. I'm talking SEC etc.

    If I remember correctly our softball season tickets are some of the more expensive in the country. Nothing wrong with that just pointing it out.
    Actually we're both wrong. Looking at it's $250/yr, which is a little under $9/game.

    My point still stands that UL should price tickets to the market.

    I don't care what any other school prices their tickets at. I don't think that's important. (We obviously can't charge as much as LSU and we can probably charge a more than Rice.) What's important is that UL is not leaving money on the table. If there are lots of people who are willing to pay more than $250 for grandstand seats we should be charging more than $250.

  7. #43
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    I will when he does...I'm sure the "fat catz" building us a new stadium didn't appreciate it. I'm not trying to police it, trying to not get it started. The biggest problem we have here is a lot of the "fit throwers" have the ear of the people in this administration and athletic department...that's exactly how we end up with the " that's not how we do it here" and the " good ol boy" network and mentality. Progress gets squashed before it ever gets started because people are scared to lose their seat at the table.
    I'm personally in alignment with your opinion on seat value and reassignment. I just think you shouldn't punch Frenchie... regardless of what he posted. He isn't calling out a particular "fat cat"... he's just hoping he gets some consideration for long time support.

    Just tell him you're sorry for jumping on him personally about your difference in point of view. You're too smart of a poster not to know why. Just do it.

    NOTE: No fat cats were harmed in the making of this thread.

  8. #44

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Actually we're both wrong. Looking at it's $250/yr, which is a little under $9/game.

    My point still stands that UL should price tickets to the market.

    I don't care what any other school prices their tickets at. I don't think that's important. (We obviously can't charge as much as LSU and we can probably charge a more than Rice.) What's important is that UL is not leaving money on the table. If there are lots of people who are willing to pay more than $250 for grandstand seats we should be charging more than $250.
    Wrong again.... I just logged into my account and my grandstand tickets are $290.00 each. If you think we should be charging more than Arkansas, Ole Miss, & Houston then we will have to agree to disagree. You are painting with a very broad brush here and didn't do your homework. It's obvious some tickets in the new stadium will cost more money but you are out of line implying that we are way out of line with ticket pricing.

  9. #45

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post

    If I remember correctly our softball season tickets are some of the more expensive in the country. Nothing wrong with that just pointing it out.
    Softball tickets are comparable on the season to baseball. I paid $295 each for mine. But then again I'm getting a better seat and product than what is available at The Tigue(just to stir the pot).

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Fais do-do View Post

    Do not apologize. We should all be adults enough to express our opinion without threat of ridicule. Sadly, some people do not see it this way. Some people are super manly behind a keyboard!

    To all,

    My in-laws have had basketball courtside seats for 25 years, rebounds club, 6 football season tickets for years, tailgating spots, etc. and he thinks he will lose his courtside seats after the reassignment. So even people that give are expecting to lose out to a "bigger" fish. That's just the sad, sad truth.
    Aren't court side seats going away in the new configuration?

  11. #47

    Default Re: Renovation Planning Continues for The Tigue

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    Softball tickets are comparable on the season to baseball. I paid $295 each for mine. But then again I'm getting a better seat and product than what is available at The Tigue(just to stir the pot).
    Hey you could get Bama tickets for half that price! ;-)

    Don't have softball season tickets but make the games I can. I have a hard enough time utilizing my football and baseball tickets. Pretty awesome that we can get prime dollar for softball tickets. Gotta love it!

  12. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
    Wrong again.... I just logged into my account and my grandstand tickets are $290.00 each. If you think we should be charging more than Arkansas, Ole Miss, & Houston then we will have to agree to disagree. You are painting with a very broad brush here and didn't do your homework. It's obvious some tickets in the new stadium will cost more money but you are out of line implying that we are way out of line with ticket pricing.
    If I'm reading it right, says $250. If you're saying the website is wrong I don't doubt you and I'm glad to see that they're continuing to raise prices.

    Again, I think we should price our tickets to the local market. If you own an apartment complex in Lafayette you're not going to look at Oxford, MS and Houston, TX to figure out what to charge in rent. You're going to price according to the local market. Your goal is to get 100% occupancy at as high of a price as you can get. It doesn't matter one bit if a similar apartment rents for 1,200 in Houston or 700 in Oxford. That's not what you use to set prices. It's the same thing with tickets. The (crappy) New York Knicks charge $200 for a ticket that will cost around $50 in most other NBA arenas. Why? Becuase that's what the local market will pay for those tickets.

    So anyway, yeah I guess we'll agree to disagree.

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