First of all every comment you made about Begue was a waste of your time and energy obviously my response was directly aimed at the Bellamy comment. Do you think if Bellamy played at a school out side of Acadiana anyone would be suggesting we should offer a kid who only had one offer from Henderson state? I think we all know the answer. That is why I used the word homer because STM is in our home town and that's the only reason anyone suggest we should offer him. I have nothing against the kid but that is a prime example of a kid that is not recruited by anyone and the locals (homers) get mad because the Cajuns didn't offer. It happens all the time here.
The best way to immediately judge a recruiting class is who else offered and or had serious interest in the kid. I don't know of any other offers the kid holds now but Henderson st is not the recutting company we want to keep. Homer.