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Thread: Coach Lotief Speaks to Supporters on the “Tale of Two OWI’s Story

  1. #13

    Default Re: Coach Lotief Speaks to Supporters on the “Tale of Two OWI’s Story

    Mike should never have had to write that.

  2. #14

    Default Re: Coach Lotief Speaks to Supporters on the “Tale of Two OWI’s Story

    Quote Originally Posted by Flcajun View Post
    Mike should never have had to write that.
    ^ This

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  3. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by mxt3999 View Post
    Thought you were Totally in support of Buckley's article Jay? Totally
    MXT3999, why can't you leave well enough alone?

  4. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Now imagine somebody publishing an article on the front page airing all your families challenges and all of your names etc...imagine thousands of people judging you and your family that don't even know you. I have no problem with the message, I think these 2 young people are going through enough without having to be the ambassadors of drinking and driving in lafayette. If they didn't want difference of opinion on this, they shouldn't have published it. I still think the entire article could have been written without naming anyone. The people that are close enough to the program know who were they writing about likely wouldn't judge.
    I agree, I thought the article was not needed.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Coach Lotief Speaks to Supporters on the “Tale of Two OWI’s Story

    Quote Originally Posted by mxt3999 View Post
    ^ This

    Merry Christmas everyone!
    Thanks. I for one am definitely not offended by this.

    Merry Christmas to you and to all on Ragin Pagin!

  6. #18

    Default Re: Coach Lotief Speaks to Supporters on the

    Quote Originally Posted by mxt3999 View Post
    Thought you were Totally in support of Buckley's article Jay? Totally
    I am. That doesn't make Mike any less the bomb. MIke chose to explain himself. He didn't have to. There was no explanation necessary. He stands by his player. I have no problem with that, in fact, I wouldn't respect him if he didn't. Robe stands by his guy, too. They just chose to handle it in different ways.

  7. #19

    Default Re: Coach Lotief Speaks to Supporters on the “Tale of Two OWI’s Story

    We are so blessed to have Mike and Tony.

    Another passage I think of often is:

    John 8:7. “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone" I personally have way too many sins to ever cast any stone.

    I love that we have these coaches that have the personal investment into the university, but even more especially into the kids. Each one is a great coach in their own way, but they are an even better people.

  8. #20

    Default Re: Coach Lotief Speaks to Supporters on the “Tale of Two OWI’s Story

    Quote Originally Posted by ulXrunner View Post
    Love it!

    In 08, I got arrested for an OWI. Worst night of my life. What was worst was calling my Mom who I love as much as any son could. My father and mother have had their fair share of issues. My father drinks every day and has for over 40 years. He is about as good a man as I could ask for especially with his habit. Never raised his voice, never lifted a hand. Just sometimes enough is enough. Imagine calling to tell her I was in jail? Whew! Worst thing is hearing I ain't mad, I'm disappointed!

    I have no prob with the way either coach handled it. Softball/Baseball... Totally different moving parts, people involved. If Rob thinks a year off, I support. If Lotief says let her play...I support! All I know is both care!

  9. #21

    Default Re: Coach Lotief Speaks to Supporters on the “Tale of Two OWI’s Story

    The unfortunate thing about being a college athlete is that if you make a mistake it will get written about in next morning's newspaper and discussed around town. Most of us have made stupid mistakes in our lifetimes. Most of us were able to deal with them in private and move on with our lives.

    I don't have a problem with the article. Buckley reported on events that were a matter of public record. He didn't go fishing for gossip or hearsay, and I think he treated everyone fairly.

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